Django FormWizard动态表单

时间:2013-10-08 04:17:33

标签: django django-formwizard

我正在尝试创建一个FormWizard,以便一次添加模型的多个实例。第二页是动态的,基于要添加的数字,并创建一个“序列号”字段 - 所有实例之间的区别因素。

我正在向导的第一页很好,但第二页 - 动态的 - 正在给我这个验证错误:




class CarrierWizardForm1(forms.Form):
    part_numbers = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=PartNumber.objects.all())
    expiry_date = forms.DateField()
    qty_at_new = forms.IntegerField()
    unit_cost = forms.DecimalField(max_digits=10, min_value=0, decimal_places=3)
    cost_currency = forms.ChoiceField(choices=CURRENCY_CHOICES)

class CarrierWizardForm2(forms.Form):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        qty = kwargs.pop('qty')

        for i in qty:
            self.fields['serial_%s' % i] = forms.CharField(max_length=45)


carrier_wizard_forms = [CarrierWizardForm1, CarrierWizardForm2]
url(r'^carrier/add/$', views.CarrierCreateWizard.as_view(carrier_wizard_forms)),

我的观点相对复杂,但没有什么可以令人发指的。请注意,有些字段不在表单中 - 它们填充了上下文数据(用户,创建日期等)

TEMPLATES = {"0": "inventory/carrier_wizard_form1.html",
             "1": "inventory/carrier_wizard_form2.html"}

class CarrierCreateWizard(SessionWizardView):
    def get_template_names(self):
        return [TEMPLATES[self.steps.current]]

    ''' Get the qty from form 1 to indicate how many fields
        form2 needs for serial numbers
    def get_form_initial(self, step):
        current_step =

        if current_step == 'step1':
            prev_data ='step0')
            return self.initial_dict.get(step, {'qty': qty})

        return self.initial_dict.get(step, {})

    def done(self, form_list, **kwargs):
        details = form_list[0]
        list_of_serial_nos = form_list[1]

        for serial_name, serial in list_of_serial_nos.cleaned_data.items():
            carrier = Carrier()
            carrier.part_numbers = details.cleaned_data['part_numbers']
            carrier.creation_date =
            carrier.expiry_date = details.cleaned_data['expiry_date']
            carrier.qty_at_new = 1
            carrier.qty_current = 1
            carrier.serial = serial
            carrier.unit_cost = details.cleaned_data['unit_cost']
            carrier.cost_currency = details.cleaned_data['cost_currency']
            carrier.user = self.request.user



广告/ carrier_wizard_form2.html

{% extends "base.html" %}

{% block content %}
<p>Step {{ wizard.steps.step1 }} of {{ wizard.steps.count }}</p>
<form action="" method="post">{% csrf_token %}
{# Attempt 3 #}
{{ formset }}

{# Attempt 2 {{ form.management_form }}

{% for f in form %}
    {{ f.as_p }}
{% endfor %}

{# Attempt 1 {{ form }} #}

<input type=submit>
{% endblock %}

修改 * 根据要求,我的两个模板 *

库存/ carrier_wizard_form1.html

{% extends "base.html" %}

{% block content %}
<p>Step {{ wizard.steps.step1 }} of {{ wizard.steps.count }}</p>
<form action="" method="post">{% csrf_token %}
{{ wizard.form.as_p }}
<input type=submit>
{% endblock %}

模板/库存/ carrier_wizard_form2.html

{% extends "base.html" %}

{% block content %}
<p>Step {{ wizard.steps.step1 }} of {{ wizard.steps.count }}</p>
<form action="" method="post">{% csrf_token %}
{{ wizard.form }}

{{ wizard.management_form }}
{% if wizard.form.forms %}..
    {{ wizard.form.management_form }}
    {% for form in wizard.form.forms %}
        {{ form }}
    {% endfor %}
{% else %}
    {{ wizard.form }}.
{% endif %} #}
<input type=submit>
{% endblock %}

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您的模板不正确,请使用{{ wizard.management_form }}添加与向导管理相关的内容,并使用{{ wizard.form }}表单。

reference doc模板就像:

{% extends "base.html" %}

{% block content %}
<p>Step {{ wizard.steps.step1 }} of {{ wizard.steps.count }}</p>
<form action="" method="post">{% csrf_token %}
{{ wizard.management_form }} {#add wizard management data #}
{% if wizard.form.forms %}   {# if form is formset #}
    {{ wizard.form.management_form }}   {#formset's management data #}
    {% for form in wizard.form.forms %}
        {{ form }}
    {% endfor %}
{% else %}
    {{ wizard.form }}  {#for normal form #}
{% endif %}
{% if wizard.steps.prev %} 
<button name="wizard_goto_step" type="submit" value="{{ wizard.steps.first }}">{% trans "first step" %}</button>
<button name="wizard_goto_step" type="submit" value="{{ wizard.steps.prev }}">{% trans "prev step" %}</button>
{% endif %}
<input type="submit" value="{% trans "submit" %}"/>