
时间:2013-09-27 22:40:34

标签: matlab mapping

我有一个问题,我一直试图解决,我无法想出答案。我在Matlab中编写了一个函数,给定两个lat / lon点和两个轴承,将返回两个很大的圆交点。


现在,我意识到我可以用很多条件语句来处理不同的情况,但我认为必须有一种方法来处理它我的所有交叉产品的顺序(下面给出的功能代码) ),但我根本无法想出正确的解决方案!我还要提一下,这个函数将用于大型计算密集型模型,所以我认为这个问题的解决方案需要相当优雅/快速。任何人都可以帮我解决这个问题吗?


 %Given inputs of lat1,lon1,Bearing1,lat2,lon2,Bearing2:
%Calculate arbitrary secondary point along same initial bearing from first
dAngle = 45;
lat3 = asind( sind(lat1)*cosd(dAngle) + cosd(lat1)*sind(dAngle)*cosd(Bearing1));
lon3 = lon1 + atan2( sind(Bearing1)*sind(dAngle)*cosd(lat1), cosd(dAngle)-sind(lat1)*sind(lat3) )*180/pi;
lat4 = asind( sind(lat2)*cosd(dAngle) + cosd(lat2)*sind(dAngle)*cosd(Bearing2));
lon4 = lon2 + atan2( sind(Bearing2)*sind(dAngle)*cosd(lat2), cosd(dAngle)-sind(lat2)*sind(lat4) )*180/pi;

%% Calculate unit vectors
% We now have two points defining each of the two great circles.  We need
% to calculate unit vectors from the center of the Earth to each of these
% points
[Uvec1(1),Uvec1(2),Uvec1(3)] = sph2cart(lon1*pi/180,lat1*pi/180,1);
[Uvec2(1),Uvec2(2),Uvec2(3)] = sph2cart(lon2*pi/180,lat2*pi/180,1);
[Uvec3(1),Uvec3(2),Uvec3(3)] = sph2cart(lon3*pi/180,lat3*pi/180,1);
[Uvec4(1),Uvec4(2),Uvec4(3)] = sph2cart(lon4*pi/180,lat4*pi/180,1);

%% Cross product
%Need to calculate the the "plane normals" for each of the two great
N1 = cross(Uvec1,Uvec3);
N2 = cross(Uvec2,Uvec4);

%% Plane of intersecting line
%With two plane normals, the cross prodcut defines their intersecting line
L = cross(N1,N2);
L = L./norm(L);
L2 = -L;
L2 = L2./norm(L2);

%% Convert normalized intersection line to geodetic coordinates
lonDeg = lonRad*180/pi;
latDeg = latRad*180/pi;
lonDeg2 = lonRad*180/pi;
latDeg2 = latRad*180/pi;





1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

据推测,你有一个飞机方向的速度矢量(你想要寻找你的第一个交叉点的方向 - “地球表面上的方位矢量”)。你没有实际指定这个。我们称之为v

您还有两个点的笛卡尔坐标P1P2,以及平面的初始位置P0。假设每个都已经在单位球上(长度= 1)。

现在我们想要知道哪个是更短的距离 - 到P1或P2 - 所以我们需要知道角度“从法向量的方向看”。为此,我们需要sincos - 然后我们可以使用atan2找到角度。我们从交叉积中获得sin(记住所有向量都已归一化),并从点积中获得cos。为了从正确的方向看到sin“,我们采用带正常向量的点积。

这是一段将所有内容放在一起的代码 - 我使用非常简单的点和方向向量坐标,所以我可以在脑海中确认这给出了正确的答案:

% sample points of P0...P2 and v
P0 = [1 0 0];
P1 = [0 1 0];
P2 = [0 -1 0];
v = [0 1 0];
% compute the "start direction normal":
n0 = cross(P0, v);
n0 = n0 / norm( n0 );  % unit vector 

% compute cross and dot products:
cr01 = cross(P0, P1);
cr02 = cross(P0, P2);
cos01 = dot(P0, P1);
cos02 = dot(P0, P2);

% to get sin with correct sign, take dot product with direction normal:
sin01 = dot(cr01, n0);
sin02 = dot(cr02, n0);
% note - since P0 P1 and P2 are all in the same plane
% cr02 and cr02 are either pointing in the same direction as n0
% or the opposite direction. In the latter case we get a sign flip for the sin
% in the former case this does nothing

% Now get the angle, mapped from 0 to 2 pi:
ang1 = mod(atan2(sin01, cos01), 2*pi);
ang2 = mod(atan2(sin02, cos02), 2*pi);

if( ang1 < ang2 ) 
  fprintf(1,'point 1 is reached first\n');
  % point 1 is the first one reached
  fprintf(1,'point 2 is reached first\n');
  % point 2 is the first

