
时间:2013-09-16 16:18:11

标签: php algorithm language-agnostic

我有一个对象: 起始位置:(X0,Y0) 和速度:(Vx,Vy)



即: 物体有速度:(1,3) 现在它击中了盒子的顶部 现在它的速度将是:(1,-3) 现在让我们说它击中了盒子的右侧 它的速度将是:(-1,-3)




class Point {

protected $x0;
protected $y0;

protected $vx;
protected $vy;

protected $currentX;
protected $currentY;

protected $blockWide;
protected $blockHeight;

public function __construct($x0, $y0, $vx, $vy, $blockHeight, $blockWide) {
    $this->x0 = $x0;
    $this->y0 = $y0;
    $this->vx = $vx;
    $this->vy = $vy;

    $this->blockHeight = $blockHeight;
    $this->blockWide = $blockWide;

    $this->currentX = $x0;
    $this->currentY = $y0;

public function getLoc($time) {
    $this->currentX = $this->getLocX($time);
    $this->currentY = $this->getLocY($time);

protected function getLocX($time) {
    $direction = 1;
    $flips = 0;
    $distance = $this->vx * $time;

    if ( $this->blockWide - $this->x0)

    return 1;

protected function getLocY($time) {
    return 0;

public function printAsPoint() {
    echo '(',$this->currentX,',',$this->currentY,')';




protected function getLocX($time) {

    $corPos = $this->x0 + $time * $this->vx;
    $modulo = $corPos%(2*$this->blockWide);

    if($modulo > $this->blockWide)
            $corPos = 2*$this->blockWide - $modulo;
    if($modulo < $this->blockWide)
            $corPos = $modulo;
    if($modulo == $this->blockWide)
            $corPos = $modulo;
    return $corPos;

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

Consider your problem as looking for the X and then for the Y, 
considering X0 the initial position, VX the walking step 
(i assume this doesn't change in absolute) , 
WX the width of your object and boxWidth the width of the box

- you can consider your object to be 0 width in a box of (boxWidth-WX)
- you can consider your object running at the speed of 1 
  in a box of (boxWidth-WX)/VX width
- Since your object changes direction each time it hits a border, we can consider it 
  runs in same direction into a twice bigger box (boxWidth-WX)*2/VX
- finally, the new position after n moves shall be calculated on the base of :
   (X0+n) mod (boxWidth-WX)*2/VX which gives you the position in a twice as big box, 
   and checking if the position is bigger than boxWidth the real position 
   will be boxWidth-foundPosition

答案 1 :(得分:0)




xFinal = xInitial + Vx * t.

如果xFinal > boxWidth || xFinal < 0,则表示有反弹并相应地继续。


答案 2 :(得分:0)

假装没有边界,那么想象有!!/ / p>

d = s * t

无国界:actual d = d

有边框:actual d =

If moving to the right:
    1. Subtract the distance to the right border from d.
    2. Divide result by box-width. If the quotient is odd, the remainder
       indicates how far you bounced back from the left border; if the quotient 
       is even, the remainder shows how far you bounced back from the right 
       border. (or something like that...perhaps you or others can correct me.)

If moving to the left:
    Reverse the ideas from 1.


Let us say s is -1 unit/sec (that is, moving to the left), 
           t is 6 seconds, 
           the object is 1 unit from the left border, 
           and the box width is 2 units.

Total distance then is 1 * 6 = 6. We subtract 1 unit to get to the left border 
and have 5 units left. 

How many times do we bounce back and forth? We divide 5 by the box width: 
the quotient is 2, which means the ball went once all the way to the right, then 
back again to the left border. Since the quotient is even, we know we are back 
to the left border (if the quotient was odd we would be at the right border). 

Any remainder indicates the last distance bouncing back, in this case from the 
left border, but not bouncing as far as the right border. Our remainder in this 
case is 1, meaning we bounced back from the left border 1 unit, and that's our 
current location!