
时间:2013-08-25 10:25:45

标签: r debugging syntax statistics-bootstrap

我需要引导我的混合模型二进制逻辑回归。该模型本身工作正常(并由专家朋友批准和纠正),但引导版本是错误的。引导版本以前是由另一位专家朋友批准的(在CrossValidated中,但后来的mod删除了我的帖子,说它不属于CrossValidated)。但是相同的代码碰巧适用于简单的固定效应多逻辑回归(尽管在这种情况下也有很多类似于此处警告的警告[除了这个用于lmer()函数的单一警告:“在mer_finalize中( ans):false convergence(8)“)。





mixedGLM <- function(formula, data, indices) {
        d <- data[indices, ]
        (fit <- lmer(DV ~ (Demo1 +Demo2+Demo3 +Demo4 +Trt)^2 
                     + (1 | PatientID) + (0 + Trt | PatientID)
                     , family=binomial(logit), d))

results <- boot(data=MixedModelData4 , statistic = mixedGLM, R= 2, formula= DV~Demo1 +Demo2 +Demo3 +Demo4 +Trt)

。 。 。 我的错误是:

Error in t.star[r, ] <- res[[r]] : 
  incorrect number of subscripts on matrix
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In mer_finalize(ans) : false convergence (8)
2: glm.fit: algorithm did not converge 
3: glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred 
4: glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred 
5: In mer_finalize(ans) : false convergence (8) 

。 。 。 还有,请你告诉我如何使boot()函数也给P值?它只提供beta和SE以及偏差和CI,但我也需要P值。


----------------------------------------------- ----开发故事-------------------------------------------- ---------


Fitting 17 lmer() models:
Error: pwrssUpdate did not converge in 30 iterations
In addition: Warning message:
In mixed(DV ~ (Demo1 + Demo2 + Demo3 + Demo4 + Trt)^2 + (1 | PatientID) +  :
  Due to missing values, reduced number of observations to 90
> (results2 <- mixed(DV ~ (Demo1 +Demo2+Demo3 +Demo4 +Trt)^2
+ results3 <- mixed(DV ~ (Demo1 +Demo2+Demo3 +Demo4 +Trt)^2 


results3 <- mixed(DV ~ (Demo1 +Demo2+Demo3 +Demo4 +Trt)^2 
                 + (0 + Trt | PatientID),
                 family=binomial(logit), data = MixedModelData4,
                 method = "PB", args.test = list(nsim = 2))


Fitting 17 lmer() models:
Obtaining 16 p-values:
Error: pwrssUpdate did not converge in 30 iterations
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In mixed(DV ~ (Demo1 + Demo2 + Demo3 + Demo4 + Trt)^2 + (0 + Trt |  :
  Due to missing values, reduced number of observations to 90
2: In (function (fn, par, lower = rep.int(-Inf, n), upper = rep.int(Inf,  :
  failure to converge in 10000 evaluations
3: In (function (fn, par, lower = rep.int(-Inf, n), upper = rep.int(Inf,  :
  failure to converge in 10000 evaluations
4: In (function (fn, par, lower = rep.int(-Inf, n), upper = rep.int(Inf,  :
  failure to converge in 10000 evaluations
5: In (function (fn, par, lower = rep.int(-Inf, n), upper = rep.int(Inf,  :
  failure to converge in 10000 evaluations
6: In (function (fn, par, lower = rep.int(-Inf, n), upper = rep.int(Inf,  :
  failure to converge in 10000 evaluations

我不知道如何调试它,或者问题是我的数据集?我应该补充一点,我的数据集完全以中心为中心(所有变量)。 DV只是被否定了(因为平均居中不允许R工作,而否定会对二元结果做同样的事情。)

----------------------------------------------- -----------更新-------------------------------------- -----------------------


> results4 <- mixed(DV ~ (Demo1 +Demo2+Demo3 +Demo4 +Trt)^2 
+                   + (0 + Trt | PatientID),
+                   family=binomial(logit), data = MixedModelData4,
+                   method = "LRT", args.test = list(nsim = 2))
Fitting 17 lmer() models:
Warning message:
In mixed(DV ~ (Demo1 + Demo2 + Demo3 + Demo4 + Trt)^2 + (0 + Trt |  :
  Due to missing values, reduced number of observations to 90


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


results <- mixed(DV ~ (Demo1 +Demo2+Demo3 +Demo4 +Trt)^2 
                     + (1 | PatientID) + (0 + Trt | PatientID),
                     family=binomial(logit), data = d,
                     method = "PB", args.test = list(nsim = 1000))


cl <- makeCluster(rep("localhost", 4))
results <- mixed(DV ~ (Demo1 +Demo2+Demo3 +Demo4 +Trt)^2 
                     + (1 | PatientID) + (0 + Trt | PatientID),
                     family=binomial(logit), data = d,
                     method = "PB", args.test = list(nsim = 1000, cl = cl))

安装所有三个软件包的开发版本可能是最好的(因为pbkrtest的当前版本是为lme4 1.0而设计的,但尚未开发):