来自陀螺仪的Delta 0-3,以这种方式计算:
axisX = 0;
axisY = 0;
axisZ = 0;
// This timestep's delta rotation to be multiplied by the
// current rotation
// after computing it from the gyro sample data.
if (timestamp != 0) {
final float dT = (event.timestamp - timestamp) * NS2S;
// Axis of the rotation sample, not normalized yet.
axisX = event.values[0];
axisY = event.values[1];
axisZ = event.values[2];
// Calculate the angular speed of the sample
float omegaMagnitude = FloatMath.sqrt(axisX * axisX + axisY
* axisY + axisZ * axisZ);
// Normalize the rotation vector if it's big enough to get
// the axis (that is, EPSILON should represent your maximum
// allowable margin of error)
if (omegaMagnitude > 0.000000001f) {
axisX /= omegaMagnitude;
axisY /= omegaMagnitude;
axisZ /= omegaMagnitude;
// Integrate around this axis with the angular speed by the
// timestep in order to get a delta rotation from this
// sample over the timestep We will convert this axis-angle
// representation of the delta rotation into a quaternion
// before turning it into the rotation matrix.
float thetaOverTwo = omegaMagnitude * dT / 2.0f;
float sinThetaOverTwo = FloatMath.sin(thetaOverTwo);
float cosThetaOverTwo = FloatMath.cos(thetaOverTwo);
deltaRotationVector[0] = sinThetaOverTwo * axisX;
deltaRotationVector[1] = sinThetaOverTwo * axisY;
deltaRotationVector[2] = sinThetaOverTwo * axisZ;
deltaRotationVector[3] = cosThetaOverTwo;
timestamp = event.timestamp;
float[] deltaRotationMatrix = new float[9];
// Calculation of the orientation through the
// magnetic-field and accelerometer sensors.
if (event.sensor.getType() == Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER)
mGravity = event.values;
if (event.sensor.getType() == Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD)
mGeomagnetic = event.values;
if (mGravity != null && mGeomagnetic != null) {
float R[] = new float[9];
float I[] = new float[9];
boolean success = SensorManager.getRotationMatrix(R, I, mGravity, mGeomagnetic);
if (success) {
float orientation[] = new float[3];
SensorManager.getOrientation(R, orientation);
// get the current orientation
// orientation consist of: azimut, pitch and roll in radians
azimut = orientation[0] * (180 / (float) java.lang.Math.PI);
pitch = orientation[1] * (180 / (float) java.lang.Math.PI);
roll = orientation[2] * (180 / (float) java.lang.Math.PI);
inclination = SensorManager.getInclination(I) * (180 / (float) java.lang.Math.PI);
加速度计的X / Y / Z未写入文件中。
所以我的问题是: 我可以从这些数据中删除噪音吗?
答案 0 :(得分:1)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
由于您没有记录加速计,如果我正确理解您使用的是方向。我建议将欧拉角转换为四元数表示并使用平均来平滑数据,这不是常规平均,见下文。 您可以使用此matlab代码示例通过平均来实现滚动窗口过滤器: https://stackoverflow.com/a/29315869/6589074
一切顺利, 列夫