
时间:2013-08-03 02:47:17

标签: algorithm sorting mergesort



38 27 43 3 9 82 10
38 27 43 3 <-split
<---first subroutine/recursion
38 27 <-split
<---second subroutine/recursion
38 <---only 1 element left so we return the value back to the first subroutine that called

然后在我们的第二个子程序中,我们转到下一行:right = merge_sort(right),它再次调用自己来分割子数组并存储最右边的一行:

38 27 <-split
<---second subroutine/recursion
<---only 1 element left so we return the value back to the first subroutine that called

然后在我们的第二个子例程中,我们转到下一行:result = merge(left,right),它调用merge函数来对我们的左右数组进行排序,这些数组只有38和27. merge函数对我们的两个值进行排序基于哪个更小,然后它将第一个添加到数组虽然我不确定哪个数组。(我需要对此进行规范;我们不应该每次合并时都有一个新数组两个先前的数组?)然后merge函数将“result”返回到我们的merge sort函数中的另一个结果变量,从而调用了merge函数。我假设这个结果是新的数组有38和27按顺序排序。然后看起来我们将结果再次返回到任何称为合并排序函数但是我很困惑,因为这不会结束一切?第一个暂停左侧递归的子程序怎么样?我不确定会发生什么:

38 27 43 3
      43 3
      43 3


 function merge_sort(m)
    if length(m) ≤ 1
        return m
    var list left, right, result

    var integer middle = length(m) / 2
    for each x in m up to middle
         add x to left
    for each x in m after middle
         add x to right
    left = merge_sort(left)
    right = merge_sort(right)
    result = merge(left, right)
    return result

在编写merge_sort函数之后,需要合并上面创建的左侧和右侧列表。 merge()函数有几种变体;一种可能性是:

function merge(left,right)
    var list result
    while length(left) > 0 or length(right) > 0
        if length(left) > 0 and length(right) > 0
            if first(left) ≤ first(right)
                append first(left) to result
                left = rest(left)
                append first(right) to result
                right = rest(right)
        else if length(left) > 0
            append first(left) to result
            left = rest(left)             
        else if length(right) > 0
            append first(right) to result
            right = rest(right)
    end while
    return result


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


while length(left) > 0 and length(right) > 0
    if first(left) ≤ first(right)
        append first(left) to result
        left = rest(left)
        append first(right) to result
        right = rest(right)
end while

# You know that one of left and right is empty
# Copy the rest of the data from the other
while length(left) > 0
    append first(left) to result
    left = rest(left)             
end while
while length(right) > 0
    append first(right) to result
    right = rest(right)
end while





  1. 文档进入和退出功能
  2. 创建一个诊断打印功能(此处为dump_array(),其中一个参数为'tag'(用于标识正在使用的调用)以及要打印的数据结构的其他参数。
  3. 在适当的位置调用诊断打印功能。
  4. 可以轻松启用或禁用诊断。
  5. 对于生产质量代码,我的诊断打印函数也采用FILE *fp参数并写入给定文件;我在这里作弊并使用了stdout。额外的一般性意味着该函数可用于写入stderr或日志文件以及代替stdout


    merge_sort()代码将完整的输入数组复制到两个较小的数组(leftright)中,然后对较小的数组(递归)进行排序,并将已排序的较小数组合并到输入中阵列。这发生在每个log N递归级别。一些实证测试表明,使用的空间大约是2N项 - 它是O(N)空间使用。





    我的另一个问题是代码中的哪些过程允许我们在递归之前返回到我们拆分数组左侧的位置,这样我们可以在右侧工作得到43 a 3以便合并它们

    拆分过程会创建输入数组的副本(因此原始数据中的信息暂时是多余的)。合并过程将(现已排序的)拆分数组复制回原始数组。 (很重复自己。


    #include <stddef.h>
    extern void merge_sort(int *array, size_t arrlen);
    /* Debug */
    #ifdef DEBUG
    static void dump_array(const char *tag, int *array, size_t len);
    static void enter_func(const char *func);
    static void exit_func(const char *func);
    #define dump_array(t, a, l) ((void)0)
    #define enter_func(f)       ((void)0)
    #define exit_func(f)        ((void)0)
    function merge(left, right)
       var list result
        while length(left) > 0 and length(right) > 0
            if first(left) ≤ first(right)
                append first(left) to result
                left = rest(left)
                append first(right) to result
                right = rest(right)
        end while
        # You know that one of left and right is empty
        # Copy the rest of the data from the other
        while length(left) > 0
            append first(left) to result
            left = rest(left)             
        end while
        while length(right) > 0
            append first(right) to result
            right = rest(right)
        end while
        return result
    end function
    static void merge(int *left, size_t l_len, int *right, size_t r_len, int *output)
        size_t r_pos = 0;
        size_t l_pos = 0;
        size_t o_pos = 0;
        dump_array("Left:", left, l_len);
        dump_array("Right:", right, r_len);
        while (r_pos < r_len && l_pos < l_len)
            if (right[r_pos] < left[l_pos])
                output[o_pos++] = right[r_pos++];
                output[o_pos++] = left[l_pos++];
        while (r_pos < r_len)
            output[o_pos++] = right[r_pos++];
        while (l_pos < l_len)
            output[o_pos++] = left[l_pos++];
        dump_array("Output:", output, r_len + l_len);
    function merge_sort(m)
        if length(m) ≤ 1
            return m
        var list left, right, result
        var integer middle = length(m) / 2
        for each x in m up to middle
            add x to left
        for each x in m after middle
            add x to right
        left = merge_sort(left)
        right = merge_sort(right)
        result = merge(left, right)
        return result
    void merge_sort(int *array, size_t len)
        if (len <= 1)
        int left[(len+1)/2];
        int l_pos = 0;
        int right[(len+1)/2];
        int r_pos = 0;
        size_t mid = len / 2;
        dump_array("Input:", array, len);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < mid; i++)
            left[l_pos++] = array[i];
        for (size_t i = mid; i < len; i++)
            right[r_pos++] = array[i];
        dump_array("Left:", left, l_pos);
        dump_array("Right:", right, r_pos);
        merge_sort(left, l_pos);
        merge_sort(right, r_pos);
        merge(left, l_pos, right, r_pos, array);
        dump_array("Result:", array, len);
    /* Test code */
    #include <stdio.h>
    #ifdef DEBUG
    static void enter_func(const char *func)
        printf("-->> %s\n", func);
    static void exit_func(const char *func)
        printf("<<-- %s\n", func);
    /* dump_array is always used */
    #undef dump_array
    static void dump_array(const char *tag, int *array, size_t len)
        printf("%-8s", tag);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
            printf(" %2d", array[i]);
    int main(void)
        int array[] = { 38, 27, 43, 3, 9, 82, 10 };
        size_t arrlen = sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]);
        dump_array("Before:", array, arrlen);
        merge_sort(array, arrlen);
        dump_array("After:", array, arrlen);
        return 0;



    Before:  38 27 43  3  9 82 10
    After:    3  9 10 27 38 43 82


    Before:  38 27 43  3  9 82 10
    -->> merge_sort
    Input:   38 27 43  3  9 82 10
    Left:    38 27 43
    Right:    3  9 82 10
    -->> merge_sort
    Input:   38 27 43
    Left:    38
    Right:   27 43
    -->> merge_sort
    Input:   27 43
    Left:    27
    Right:   43
    -->> merge
    Left:    27
    Right:   43
    Output:  27 43
    <<-- merge
    Result:  27 43
    <<-- merge_sort
    -->> merge
    Left:    38
    Right:   27 43
    Output:  27 38 43
    <<-- merge
    Result:  27 38 43
    <<-- merge_sort
    -->> merge_sort
    Input:    3  9 82 10
    Left:     3  9
    Right:   82 10
    -->> merge_sort
    Input:    3  9
    Left:     3
    Right:    9
    -->> merge
    Left:     3
    Right:    9
    Output:   3  9
    <<-- merge
    Result:   3  9
    <<-- merge_sort
    -->> merge_sort
    Input:   82 10
    Left:    82
    Right:   10
    -->> merge
    Left:    82
    Right:   10
    Output:  10 82
    <<-- merge
    Result:  10 82
    <<-- merge_sort
    -->> merge
    Left:     3  9
    Right:   10 82
    Output:   3  9 10 82
    <<-- merge
    Result:   3  9 10 82
    <<-- merge_sort
    -->> merge
    Left:    27 38 43
    Right:    3  9 10 82
    Output:   3  9 10 27 38 43 82
    <<-- merge
    Result:   3  9 10 27 38 43 82
    <<-- merge_sort
    After:    3  9 10 27 38 43 82