
时间:2013-07-31 07:01:28

标签: matlab image-processing point-cloud-library point-clouds


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


  1. 创建500个随机间隔的点(x,y),并计算我选择sinc函数的相应值z(表面的高度)
  2. 使用TriScatteredInterp函数重新取样随机点 - 这允许我在均匀采样的网格上获得与初始表面“大致对应”的点
  3. 计算该网格上“某些点”的法线(因为有480x640点,在每个点计算法线只会创建一个不可思议的密集“矢量森林”;通过采样“每10点”你可以实际看到你在做什么
  4. 我使用的代码如下:

    randomX = rand(1,500);
    randomY = rand(1,500);
    r = 5*sqrt(randomX.^2 + randomY.^2);
    randomZ = sin(r) ./ r;
    % resample the data:
    [xx yy] = meshgrid(linspace(0,1,640), linspace(0,1,480));
    F = TriScatteredInterp(randomX(:), randomY(:), randomZ(:));
    zz = F(xx, yy);
    %% at each point, the normal is cross product of vectors to neighbors
    xyz=reshape([xx yy zz],[size(xx) 3]);
    xv = 10:30:479; yv = 10:30:639; % points at which to compute normals
    dx = xyz(xv, yv+1, :) - xyz(xv, yv, :);
    dy = xyz(xv+1, yv, :) - xyz(xv, yv, :);
    normVecs = cross(dx, dy); % here we compute the normals.
    normVecs = normVecs ./ repmat(sqrt(sum(normVecs.^2, 3)), [1 1 3]);
    quiver3(xx(xv, yv), yy(xv, yv), zz(xv, yv), ...
        normVecs(:,:,1), normVecs(:,:,2), normVecs(:,:,3));
    axis equal
    view([56 22]);


    enter image description here