有没有办法将非常大的二进制,十进制和十六进制数转换成彼此? 我必须使用它来模拟高达256位的寻址过程。
非常大的二进制数 - >非常大的十进制数
非常大的二进制数 - >非常大的十六进制数
非常大的十进制数 - >非常大的二进制数
非常大的十进制数 - >非常大的十六进制数
非常大的十六进制数 - >非常大的二进制数
非常大的十六进制数 - >非常大的十进制数
非常大的二进制数 - >串
非常大的十进制数 - >串
非常大的十六进制数 - >串
分割和连接非常大的二进制数的可能性非常重要。 如果可能的话,我会使用类支持的解决方案,并使用byte []类型避免从一个数字库到另一个数字库的手动转换。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Andrew Jonkers的解决方案:
//Convert number in string representation from base:from to base:to.
//Return result as a string
public static String Convert(int from, int to, String s)
//Return error if input is empty
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
return ("Error: Nothing in Input String");
//only allow uppercase input characters in string
s = s.ToUpper();
//only do base 2 to base 36 (digit represented by characters 0-Z)"
if (from < 2 || from > 36 || to < 2 || to > 36)
{ return ("Base requested outside range"); }
//convert string to an array of integer digits representing number in base:from
int il = s.Length;
int[] fs = new int[il];
int k = 0;
for (int i = s.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (s[i] >= '0' && s[i] <= '9') { fs[k++] = (int)(s[i] - '0'); }
if (s[i] >= 'A' && s[i] <= 'Z') { fs[k++] = 10 + (int)(s[i] - 'A'); }
{ return ("Error: Input string must only contain any of 0-9 or A-Z"); } //only allow 0-9 A-Z characters
//check the input for digits that exceed the allowable for base:from
foreach(int i in fs)
if (i >= from) { return ("Error: Not a valid number for this input base"); }
//find how many digits the output needs
int ol = il * (from / to+1);
int[] ts = new int[ol+10]; //assign accumulation array
int[] cums = new int[ol+10]; //assign the result array
ts[0] = 1; //initialize array with number 1
//evaluate the output
for (int i = 0; i < il; i++) //for each input digit
for (int j = 0; j < ol; j++) //add the input digit
// times (base:to from^i) to the output cumulator
cums[j] += ts[j] * fs[i];
int temp = cums[j];
int rem = 0;
int ip = j;
do // fix up any remainders in base:to
rem = temp / to;
cums[ip] = temp-rem*to; ip++;
cums[ip] += rem;
temp = cums[ip];
while (temp >=to);
//calculate the next power from^i) in base:to format
for (int j = 0; j < ol; j++)
ts[j] = ts[j] * from;
for(int j=0;j<ol;j++) //check for any remainders
int temp = ts[j];
int rem = 0;
int ip = j;
do //fix up any remainders
rem = temp / to;
ts[ip] = temp - rem * to; ip++;
ts[ip] += rem;
temp = ts[ip];
while (temp >= to);
//convert the output to string format (digits 0,to-1 converted to 0-Z characters)
String sout = String.Empty; //initialize output string
bool first = false; //leading zero flag
for (int i = ol ; i >= 0; i--)
if (cums[i] != 0) { first = true; }
if (!first) { continue; }
if (cums[i] < 10) { sout += (char)(cums[i] + '0'); }
else { sout += (char)(cums[i] + 'A'-10); }
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sout)) { return "0"; } //input was zero, return 0
//return the converted string
return sout;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
private int[] ConvertDecimalCharArrayToBinaryCharArray(int[] decimalValues)
List<int> result = new List<int>();
bool end = false;
while (end == false)
result.Add(decimalValues[decimalValues.Length - 1] % 2);
int previous = 0;
bool allzeros = true;
for (int i = 0; i < decimalValues.Length; i++)
var x = decimalValues[i];
if (x != 0)
allzeros = false;
if (allzeros && i == decimalValues.Length - 1)
end = true;
var a = (x + previous) / 2;
if ((x + previous) % 2== 1)
previous = 10;
previous = 0;
decimalValues[i] = a;
result.RemoveAt(result.Count - 1);
return result.ToArray();