早在2003年(当我17岁时),我参加了Battleship AI编码竞赛。即使我输掉了那场锦标赛,我也玩得很开心并从中学到了很多东西。
这是the framework, now hosted on Bitbucket。
获奖者将获得+450声望!比赛将于 2009年11月17日开始。不接受17日零时以外的参赛作品或编辑。 (中央标准时间) 提前提交您的参赛作品,这样您就不会错过机会!
答案 0 :(得分:56)
跟踪具有> 0次点击的船只的所有可能位置。列表永远不会超过~30K,因此它可以保持准确,不像所有船舶的所有可能位置列表(非常大)。
GetShot算法有两个部分,一个生成随机镜头,另一个生成随机镜头 试图完成已击中的船只。如果有可能的位置(从上面的列表中),我们会随机拍摄,其中所有命中的船都沉没。否则,我们会尝试通过选择射击位置来完成沉没,从而消除最可能的位置(加权)。
答案 1 :(得分:35)
这是我的参赛作品! (最天真的解决方案)
namespace Battleship
using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Drawing;
public class RandomOpponent : IBattleshipOpponent
public string Name { get { return "Random"; } }
public Version Version { get { return this.version; } }
Random rand = new Random();
Version version = new Version(1, 1);
Size gameSize;
public void NewGame(Size size, TimeSpan timeSpan)
this.gameSize = size;
public void PlaceShips(ReadOnlyCollection<Ship> ships)
foreach (Ship s in ships)
new Point(
public Point GetShot()
return new Point(
public void NewMatch(string opponent) { }
public void OpponentShot(Point shot) { }
public void ShotHit(Point shot, bool sunk) { }
public void ShotMiss(Point shot) { }
public void GameWon() { }
public void GameLost() { }
public void MatchOver() { }
答案 2 :(得分:22)
an expansion of possible battleship states http://natekohl.net/media/battleship-tree.png
我喜欢这个战舰竞赛的一件事是上面的树几乎小到可以强制这种算法。如果5艘船中每艘船有150个可能的位置,则150 5 = 750亿可能性。而这个数字只会变小,特别是如果你可以消灭整艘船。
答案 3 :(得分:12)
不是一个完全成熟的答案,但似乎没有什么地方使用常见的代码来弥补真正的答案。 因此,我以开源的精神提出了一些扩展/一般类。 如果您使用这些,请更改命名空间或尝试将所有内容编译成一个dll不起作用。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
namespace Battleship.ShuggyCoUk
public enum Compass
class Cell<T>
private readonly BoardView<T> view;
public readonly int X;
public readonly int Y;
public T Data;
public double Bias { get; set; }
public Cell(BoardView<T> view, int x, int y)
this.view = view; this.X = x; this.Y = y; this.Bias = 1.0;
public Point Location
get { return new Point(X, Y); }
public IEnumerable<U> FoldAll<U>(U acc, Func<Cell<T>, U, U> trip)
return new[] { Compass.North, Compass.East, Compass.South, Compass.West }
.Select(x => FoldLine(x, acc, trip));
public U FoldLine<U>(Compass direction, U acc, Func<Cell<T>, U, U> trip)
var cell = this;
while (true)
switch (direction)
case Compass.North:
cell = cell.North; break;
case Compass.East:
cell = cell.East; break;
case Compass.South:
cell = cell.South; break;
case Compass.West:
cell = cell.West; break;
if (cell == null)
return acc;
acc = trip(cell, acc);
public Cell<T> North
get { return view.SafeLookup(X, Y - 1); }
public Cell<T> South
get { return view.SafeLookup(X, Y + 1); }
public Cell<T> East
get { return view.SafeLookup(X+1, Y); }
public Cell<T> West
get { return view.SafeLookup(X-1, Y); }
public IEnumerable<Cell<T>> Neighbours()
if (North != null)
yield return North;
if (South != null)
yield return South;
if (East != null)
yield return East;
if (West != null)
yield return West;
class BoardView<T> : IEnumerable<Cell<T>>
public readonly Size Size;
private readonly int Columns;
private readonly int Rows;
private Cell<T>[] history;
public BoardView(Size size)
this.Size = size;
Columns = size.Width;
Rows = size.Height;
this.history = new Cell<T>[Columns * Rows];
for (int y = 0; y < Rows; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < Rows; x++)
history[x + y * Columns] = new Cell<T>(this, x, y);
public T this[int x, int y]
get { return history[x + y * Columns].Data; }
set { history[x + y * Columns].Data = value; }
public T this[Point p]
get { return history[SafeCalc(p.X, p.Y, true)].Data; }
set { this.history[SafeCalc(p.X, p.Y, true)].Data = value; }
private int SafeCalc(int x, int y, bool throwIfIllegal)
if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= Columns || y >= Rows)
{ if (throwIfIllegal)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("["+x+","+y+"]");
return -1;
return x + y * Columns;
public void Set(T data)
foreach (var cell in this.history)
cell.Data = data;
public Cell<T> SafeLookup(int x, int y)
int index = SafeCalc(x, y, false);
if (index < 0)
return null;
return history[index];
#region IEnumerable<Cell<T>> Members
public IEnumerator<Cell<T>> GetEnumerator()
foreach (var cell in this.history)
yield return cell;
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return this.GetEnumerator();
public BoardView<U> Transform<U>(Func<T, U> transform)
var result = new BoardView<U>(new Size(Columns, Rows));
for (int y = 0; y < Rows; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < Columns; x++)
result[x,y] = transform(this[x, y]);
return result;
public void WriteAsGrid(TextWriter w)
WriteAsGrid(w, "{0}");
public void WriteAsGrid(TextWriter w, string format)
WriteAsGrid(w, x => string.Format(format, x.Data));
public void WriteAsGrid(TextWriter w, Func<Cell<T>,string> perCell)
for (int y = 0; y < Rows; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < Columns; x++)
if (x != 0)
w.Write(perCell(this.SafeLookup(x, y)));
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
namespace Battleship.ShuggyCoUk
public static class Extensions
public static bool IsIn(this Point p, Size size)
return p.X >= 0 && p.Y >= 0 && p.X < size.Width && p.Y < size.Height;
public static bool IsLegal(this Ship ship,
IEnumerable<Ship> ships,
Size board,
Point location,
ShipOrientation direction)
var temp = new Ship(ship.Length);
temp.Place(location, direction);
if (!temp.GetAllLocations().All(p => p.IsIn(board)))
return false;
return ships.Where(s => s.IsPlaced).All(s => !s.ConflictsWith(temp));
public static bool IsTouching(this Point a, Point b)
return (a.X == b.X - 1 || a.X == b.X + 1) &&
(a.Y == b.Y - 1 || a.Y == b.Y + 1);
public static bool IsTouching(this Ship ship,
IEnumerable<Ship> ships,
Point location,
ShipOrientation direction)
var temp = new Ship(ship.Length);
temp.Place(location, direction);
var occupied = new HashSet<Point>(ships
.Where(s => s.IsPlaced)
.SelectMany(s => s.GetAllLocations()));
if (temp.GetAllLocations().Any(p => occupied.Any(b => b.IsTouching(p))))
return true;
return false;
public static ReadOnlyCollection<Ship> MakeShips(params int[] lengths)
return new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<Ship>(
lengths.Select(l => new Ship(l)).ToList());
public static IEnumerable<T> Shuffle<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Rand rand)
T[] elements = source.ToArray();
// Note i > 0 to avoid final pointless iteration
for (int i = elements.Length - 1; i > 0; i--)
// Swap element "i" with a random earlier element it (or itself)
int swapIndex = rand.Next(i + 1);
T tmp = elements[i];
elements[i] = elements[swapIndex];
elements[swapIndex] = tmp;
// Lazily yield (avoiding aliasing issues etc)
foreach (T element in elements)
yield return element;
public static T RandomOrDefault<T>(this IEnumerable<T> things, Rand rand)
int count = things.Count();
if (count == 0)
return default(T);
return things.ElementAt(rand.Next(count));
enum OpponentsBoardState
Unknown = 0,
随机化。 安全但可测试,对测试很有用。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
namespace Battleship.ShuggyCoUk
public class Rand
Random r;
public Rand()
var rand = System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator.Create();
byte[] b = new byte[4];
r = new Random(BitConverter.ToInt32(b, 0));
public int Next(int maxValue)
return r.Next(maxValue);
public double NextDouble(double maxValue)
return r.NextDouble() * maxValue;
public T Pick<T>(IEnumerable<T> things)
return things.ElementAt(Next(things.Count()));
public T PickBias<T>(Func<T, double> bias, IEnumerable<T> things)
double d = NextDouble(things.Sum(x => bias(x)));
foreach (var x in things)
if (d < bias(x))
return x;
d -= bias(x);
throw new InvalidOperationException("fell off the end!");
答案 4 :(得分:10)
x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
P(x) 2 4 6 8 10 10 8 6 4 2
答案 5 :(得分:10)
namespace Battleship
using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public class AgentSmith : IBattleshipOpponent
public string Name { get { return "Agent Smith"; } }
public Version Version { get { return this.version; } }
private Random rand = new Random();
private Version version = new Version(2, 1);
private Size gameSize;
private enum Direction { Up, Down, Left, Right }
private int MissCount;
private Point?[] EndPoints = new Point?[2];
private LinkedList<Point> HitShots = new LinkedList<Point>();
private LinkedList<Point> Shots = new LinkedList<Point>();
private List<Point> PatternShots = new List<Point>();
private Direction ShotDirection = Direction.Up;
private void NullOutTarget()
EndPoints = new Point?[2];
MissCount = 0;
private void SetupPattern()
for (int y = 0; y < gameSize.Height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < gameSize.Width; x++)
if ((x + y) % 2 == 0) PatternShots.Add(new Point(x, y));
private bool InvalidShot(Point p)
bool InvalidShot = (Shots.Where(s => s.X == p.X && s.Y == p.Y).Any());
if (p.X < 0 | p.Y<0) InvalidShot = true;
if (p.X >= gameSize.Width | p.Y >= gameSize.Height) InvalidShot = true;
return InvalidShot;
private Point FireDirectedShot(Direction? direction, Point p)
ShotDirection = (Direction)direction;
switch (ShotDirection)
case Direction.Up: p.Y--; break;
case Direction.Down: p.Y++; break;
case Direction.Left: p.X--; break;
case Direction.Right: p.X++; break;
return p;
private Point FireAroundPoint(Point p)
if (!InvalidShot(FireDirectedShot(ShotDirection,p)))
return FireDirectedShot(ShotDirection, p);
Point testShot = FireDirectedShot(Direction.Left, p);
if (InvalidShot(testShot)) { testShot = FireDirectedShot(Direction.Right, p); }
if (InvalidShot(testShot)) { testShot = FireDirectedShot(Direction.Up, p); }
if (InvalidShot(testShot)) { testShot = FireDirectedShot(Direction.Down, p); }
return testShot;
private Point FireRandomShot()
Point p;
if (PatternShots.Count > 0)
PatternShots.Remove(p = PatternShots[rand.Next(PatternShots.Count)]);
else do
p = FireAroundPoint(HitShots.First());
if (InvalidShot(p)) HitShots.RemoveFirst();
} while (InvalidShot(p) & HitShots.Count > 0);
while (InvalidShot(p));
return p;
private Point FireTargettedShot()
Point p;
p = FireAroundPoint(new Point(EndPoints[1].Value.X, EndPoints[1].Value.Y));
if (InvalidShot(p) & EndPoints[1] != EndPoints[0])
EndPoints[1] = EndPoints[0];
else if (InvalidShot(p)) NullOutTarget();
} while (InvalidShot(p) & EndPoints[1] != null);
if (InvalidShot(p)) p = FireRandomShot();
return p;
private void ResetVars()
MissCount = 0;
public void NewGame(Size size, TimeSpan timeSpan)
gameSize = size;
public void PlaceShips(ReadOnlyCollection<Ship> ships)
foreach (Ship s in ships)
s.Place(new Point(rand.Next(this.gameSize.Width), rand.Next(this.gameSize.Height)), (ShipOrientation)rand.Next(2));
public Point GetShot()
if (EndPoints[1] != null) Shots.AddLast(FireTargettedShot());
else Shots.AddLast(FireRandomShot());
return Shots.Last();
public void ShotHit(Point shot, bool sunk)
MissCount = 0;
EndPoints[1] = shot;
if (EndPoints[0] == null) EndPoints[0] = shot;
if (sunk) NullOutTarget();
public void ShotMiss(Point shot)
if (++MissCount == 6) NullOutTarget();
public void GameWon() { }
public void GameLost() { }
public void NewMatch(string opponent) { }
public void OpponentShot(Point shot) { }
public void MatchOver() { }
答案 6 :(得分:6)
如果IBattleshipOpponent :: NewGame用于游戏前设置并采用棋盘格,它还应该列出船只及其各自的尺寸。在不允许变量船配置的情况下允许可变板尺寸是没有意义的。
我认为没有任何理由为什么船级密封。在其他基本的东西中,我希望Ships有一个名字,所以我可以输出像(“你沉没我的{0}”,ship.Name); 这样的消息。我也有其他扩展,所以我认为Ship应该是可继承的。
虽然1秒的时间限制对比赛规则有意义,但它完全与调试混淆。 BattleshipCompetition应该有一个简单的设置来忽略时间违规,以帮助开发/调试。我还建议调查System.Diagnostics.Process :: UserProcessorTime / Privileged ProcessorTime / TotalProcessorTime,以更准确地查看正在使用的时间。
ShotHit(Point shot, bool sunk);
但不是哪个让你沉没!我认为它是人类战舰规则的一部分,你需要宣布“你沉没我的战舰!” (或驱逐舰,或子等)。
ShotHit(Point shot, Ship ship);
如果 ship 非空,则表示该镜头是一个下沉的镜头,你知道你沉没了哪艘船,以及它有多长。如果镜头是非下沉的镜头,则发货为空,您没有进一步的信息。
答案 7 :(得分:5)
namespace Battleship
using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public class BSKiller4 : OpponentExtended, IBattleshipOpponent
public string Name { get { return "BSKiller4"; } }
public Version Version { get { return this.version; } }
public bool showBoard = false;
Random rand = new Random();
Version version = new Version(0, 4);
Size gameSize;
List<Point> nextShots;
Queue<Point> scanShots;
char[,] board;
private void printBoard()
for (int y = 0; y < this.gameSize.Height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < this.gameSize.Width; x++)
Console.Write(this.board[x, y]);
public void NewGame(Size size, TimeSpan timeSpan)
this.gameSize = size;
board = new char[size.Width, size.Height];
this.nextShots = new List<Point>();
this.scanShots = new Queue<Point>();
private void initializeBoard()
for (int y = 0; y < this.gameSize.Height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < this.gameSize.Width; x++)
this.board[x, y] = 'O';
private void fillScanShots()
int x, y;
int num = gameSize.Width * gameSize.Height;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
for (int i = j; i < num; i += 3)
x = i % gameSize.Width;
y = i / gameSize.Height;
scanShots.Enqueue(new Point(x, y));
public void PlaceShips(ReadOnlyCollection<Ship> ships)
foreach (Ship s in ships)
s.Place(new Point(
public Point GetShot()
if (showBoard) printBoard();
Point shot;
shot = findShotRun();
if (shot.X != -1)
return shot;
if (this.nextShots.Count > 0)
shot = this.nextShots[0];
shot = this.scanShots.Dequeue();
return shot;
public void ShotHit(Point shot, bool sunk)
this.board[shot.X, shot.Y] = 'H';
if (!sunk)
addToNextShots(new Point(shot.X - 1, shot.Y));
addToNextShots(new Point(shot.X, shot.Y + 1));
addToNextShots(new Point(shot.X + 1, shot.Y));
addToNextShots(new Point(shot.X, shot.Y - 1));
private Point findShotRun()
int run_forward_horizontal = 0;
int run_backward_horizontal = 0;
int run_forward_vertical = 0;
int run_backward_vertical = 0;
List<shotPossibilities> possible = new List<shotPossibilities>(5);
// this only works if width = height for the board;
for (int y = 0; y < this.gameSize.Height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < this.gameSize.Width; x++)
// forward horiz
if (this.board[x, y] == 'M')
run_forward_horizontal = 0;
else if (this.board[x, y] == 'O')
if (run_forward_horizontal >= 2)
new shotPossibilities(
new Point(x, y),
run_forward_horizontal = 0;
// forward vertical
if (this.board[y, x] == 'M')
run_forward_vertical = 0;
else if (this.board[y, x] == 'O')
if (run_forward_vertical >= 2)
new shotPossibilities(
new Point(y, x),
run_forward_vertical = 0;
// backward horiz
if (this.board[this.gameSize.Width - x - 1, y] == 'M')
run_backward_horizontal = 0;
else if (this.board[this.gameSize.Width - x - 1, y] == 'O')
if (run_backward_horizontal >= 2)
new shotPossibilities(
new Point(this.gameSize.Width - x - 1, y),
run_backward_horizontal = 0;
// backward vertical
if (this.board[y, this.gameSize.Height - x - 1] == 'M')
run_backward_vertical = 0;
else if (this.board[y, this.gameSize.Height - x - 1] == 'O')
if (run_backward_vertical >= 2)
new shotPossibilities(
new Point(y, this.gameSize.Height - x - 1),
run_backward_vertical = 0;
run_forward_horizontal = 0;
run_backward_horizontal = 0;
run_forward_vertical = 0;
run_backward_vertical = 0;
Point shot;
if (possible.Count > 0)
shotPossibilities shotp = possible.OrderByDescending(a => a.run).First();
shot = shotp.shot;
//if (shotp.isHorizontal)
// this.nextShots.RemoveAll(p => p.X != shot.X);
// this.nextShots.RemoveAll(p => p.Y != shot.Y);
shot = new Point(-1, -1);
return shot;
private void addToNextShots(Point p)
if (!this.nextShots.Contains(p) &&
p.X >= 0 &&
p.X < this.gameSize.Width &&
p.Y >= 0 &&
p.Y < this.gameSize.Height)
if (this.board[p.X, p.Y] == 'O')
public void GameWon()
public void NewMatch(string opponent)
this.rand = new Random(System.Environment.TickCount);
public void OpponentShot(Point shot) { }
public void ShotMiss(Point shot)
this.board[shot.X, shot.Y] = 'M';
public void GameLost()
if (showBoard) Console.WriteLine("-----Game Over-----");
public void MatchOver() { }
public class OpponentExtended
public int GameWins { get; set; }
public int MatchWins { get; set; }
public OpponentExtended() { }
public class shotPossibilities
public shotPossibilities(int r, Point s, bool h)
this.run = r;
this.shot = s;
this.isHorizontal = h;
public int run { get; set; }
public Point shot { get; set; }
public bool isHorizontal { get; set; }
答案 8 :(得分:5)
namespace Battleship
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
public class BP7 : IBattleshipOpponent
public string Name { get { return "BP7"; } }
public Version Version { get { return this.version; } }
Random rand = new Random();
Version version = new Version(0, 7);
Size gameSize;
List<Point> scanShots;
List<NextShot> nextShots;
int wins, losses;
int totalWins = 0;
int totalLosses = 0;
int maxWins = 0;
int maxLosses = 0;
int matchWins = 0;
int matchLosses = 0;
public enum Direction { VERTICAL = -1, UNKNOWN = 0, HORIZONTAL = 1 };
Direction hitDirection, lastShotDirection;
enum ShotResult { UNKNOWN, MISS, HIT };
ShotResult[,] board;
public struct NextShot
public Point point;
public Direction direction;
public NextShot(Point p, Direction d)
point = p;
direction = d;
public struct ScanShot
public Point point;
public int openSpaces;
public ScanShot(Point p, int o)
point = p;
openSpaces = o;
public void NewGame(Size size, TimeSpan timeSpan)
this.gameSize = size;
scanShots = new List<Point>();
nextShots = new List<NextShot>();
hitDirection = Direction.UNKNOWN;
board = new ShotResult[size.Width, size.Height];
private void fillScanShots()
int x;
for (x = 0; x < gameSize.Width - 1; x++)
scanShots.Add(new Point(x, x));
if (gameSize.Width == 10)
for (x = 0; x < 3; x++)
scanShots.Add(new Point(9 - x, x));
scanShots.Add(new Point(x, 9 - x));
public void PlaceShips(System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<Ship> ships)
foreach (Ship s in ships)
new Point(
public Point GetShot()
Point shot;
if (this.nextShots.Count > 0)
if (hitDirection != Direction.UNKNOWN)
if (hitDirection == Direction.HORIZONTAL)
this.nextShots = this.nextShots.OrderByDescending(x => x.direction).ToList();
this.nextShots = this.nextShots.OrderBy(x => x.direction).ToList();
shot = this.nextShots.First().point;
lastShotDirection = this.nextShots.First().direction;
return shot;
List<ScanShot> scanShots = new List<ScanShot>();
for (int x = 0; x < gameSize.Width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < gameSize.Height; y++)
if (board[x, y] == ShotResult.UNKNOWN)
scanShots.Add(new ScanShot(new Point(x, y), OpenSpaces(x, y)));
scanShots = scanShots.OrderByDescending(x => x.openSpaces).ToList();
int maxOpenSpaces = scanShots.FirstOrDefault().openSpaces;
List<ScanShot> scanShots2 = new List<ScanShot>();
scanShots2 = scanShots.Where(x => x.openSpaces == maxOpenSpaces).ToList();
shot = scanShots2[rand.Next(scanShots2.Count())].point;
return shot;
int OpenSpaces(int x, int y)
int ctr = 0;
Point p;
// spaces to the left
p = new Point(x - 1, y);
while (p.X >= 0 && board[p.X, p.Y] == ShotResult.UNKNOWN)
// spaces to the right
p = new Point(x + 1, y);
while (p.X < gameSize.Width && board[p.X, p.Y] == ShotResult.UNKNOWN)
// spaces to the top
p = new Point(x, y - 1);
while (p.Y >= 0 && board[p.X, p.Y] == ShotResult.UNKNOWN)
// spaces to the bottom
p = new Point(x, y + 1);
while (p.Y < gameSize.Height && board[p.X, p.Y] == ShotResult.UNKNOWN)
return ctr;
public void NewMatch(string opponenet)
wins = 0;
losses = 0;
public void OpponentShot(Point shot) { }
public void ShotHit(Point shot, bool sunk)
board[shot.X, shot.Y] = ShotResult.HIT;
if (!sunk)
hitDirection = lastShotDirection;
if (shot.X != 0)
this.nextShots.Add(new NextShot(new Point(shot.X - 1, shot.Y), Direction.HORIZONTAL));
if (shot.Y != 0)
this.nextShots.Add(new NextShot(new Point(shot.X, shot.Y - 1), Direction.VERTICAL));
if (shot.X != this.gameSize.Width - 1)
this.nextShots.Add(new NextShot(new Point(shot.X + 1, shot.Y), Direction.HORIZONTAL));
if (shot.Y != this.gameSize.Height - 1)
this.nextShots.Add(new NextShot(new Point(shot.X, shot.Y + 1), Direction.VERTICAL));
hitDirection = Direction.UNKNOWN;
this.nextShots.Clear(); // so now this works like gangbusters ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
public void ShotMiss(Point shot)
board[shot.X, shot.Y] = ShotResult.MISS;
public void GameWon()
public void GameLost()
public void MatchOver()
if (wins > maxWins)
maxWins = wins;
if (losses > maxLosses)
maxLosses = losses;
totalWins += wins;
totalLosses += losses;
if (wins >= 51)
public void FinalStats()
Console.WriteLine("Games won: " + totalWins.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Games lost: " + totalLosses.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Game winning percentage: " + (totalWins * 1.0 / (totalWins + totalLosses)).ToString("P"));
Console.WriteLine("Game losing percentage: " + (totalLosses * 1.0 / (totalWins + totalLosses)).ToString("P"));
Console.WriteLine("Matches won: " + matchWins.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Matches lost: " + matchLosses.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Match winning percentage: " + (matchWins * 1.0 / (matchWins + matchLosses)).ToString("P"));
Console.WriteLine("Match losing percentage: " + (matchLosses * 1.0 / (matchWins + matchLosses)).ToString("P"));
Console.WriteLine("Match games won high: " + maxWins.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Match games lost high: " + maxLosses.ToString());
这个逻辑是我最接近Dreadnought的胜利,赢得了大约41%的个人比赛。 (实际上它确实以52比49的比分赢得了一场比赛。)奇怪的是,这个级别对于FarnsworthOpponent的表现不如早期版本那么先进。
答案 9 :(得分:5)
CrossFire已更新。 我知道它无法与Farnsworth或Dreadnought竞争,但它比后者快得多,而且如果有人想尝试的话,它很简单。 这取决于我的库的当前状态,包含在这里使其易于使用。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
namespace Battleship.ShuggyCoUk
public class Simple : IBattleshipOpponent
BoardView<OpponentsBoardState> opponentsBoard = new BoardView<OpponentsBoardState>(new Size(10,10));
Rand rand = new Rand();
int gridOddEven;
Size size;
public string Name { get { return "Simple"; } }
public Version Version { get { return new Version(2, 1); }}
public void NewMatch(string opponent) {}
public void NewGame(System.Drawing.Size size, TimeSpan timeSpan)
this.size = size;
this.opponentsBoard = new BoardView<OpponentsBoardState>(size);
this.gridOddEven = rand.Pick(new[] { 0, 1 });
public void PlaceShips(System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<Ship> ships)
BoardView<bool> board = new BoardView<bool>(size);
var AllOrientations = new[] {
ShipOrientation.Vertical };
foreach (var ship in ships)
int avoidTouching = 3;
while (!ship.IsPlaced)
var l = rand.Pick(board.Select(c => c.Location));
var o = rand.Pick(AllOrientations);
if (ship.IsLegal(ships, size, l, o))
if (ship.IsTouching(ships, l, o)&& --avoidTouching > 0)
ship.Place(l, o);
protected virtual Point PickWhenNoTargets()
return rand.PickBias(x => x.Bias,
// nothing 1 in size
.Where(c => (c.Location.X + c.Location.Y) % 2 == gridOddEven)
.Where(c => c.Data == OpponentsBoardState.Unknown))
private int SumLine(Cell<OpponentsBoardState> c, int acc)
if (acc >= 0)
return acc;
if (c.Data == OpponentsBoardState.Hit)
return acc - 1;
return -acc;
public System.Drawing.Point GetShot()
var targets = opponentsBoard
.Where(c => c.Data == OpponentsBoardState.Hit)
.SelectMany(c => c.Neighbours())
.Where(c => c.Data == OpponentsBoardState.Unknown)
if (targets.Count > 1)
var lines = targets.Where(
x => x.FoldAll(-1, SumLine).Select(r => Math.Abs(r) - 1).Max() > 1).ToList();
if (lines.Count > 0)
targets = lines;
var target = targets.RandomOrDefault(rand);
if (target == null)
return PickWhenNoTargets();
return target.Location;
public void OpponentShot(System.Drawing.Point shot)
public void ShotHit(Point shot, bool sunk)
opponentsBoard[shot] = OpponentsBoardState.Hit;
Debug(shot, sunk);
public void ShotMiss(Point shot)
opponentsBoard[shot] = OpponentsBoardState.Miss;
Debug(shot, false);
public const bool DebugEnabled = false;
public void Debug(Point shot, bool sunk)
if (!DebugEnabled)
x =>
string t;
switch (x.Data)
case OpponentsBoardState.Unknown:
return " ";
case OpponentsBoardState.Miss:
t = "m";
case OpponentsBoardState.MustBeEmpty:
t = "/";
case OpponentsBoardState.Hit:
t = "x";
t = "?";
if (x.Location == shot)
t = t.ToUpper();
return t;
if (sunk)
public void GameWon()
public void GameLost()
public void MatchOver()
#region Library code
enum OpponentsBoardState
Unknown = 0,
public enum Compass
North, East, South, West
class Cell<T>
private readonly BoardView<T> view;
public readonly int X;
public readonly int Y;
public T Data;
public double Bias { get; set; }
public Cell(BoardView<T> view, int x, int y)
this.view = view; this.X = x; this.Y = y; this.Bias = 1.0;
public Point Location
get { return new Point(X, Y); }
public IEnumerable<U> FoldAll<U>(U acc, Func<Cell<T>, U, U> trip)
return new[] { Compass.North, Compass.East, Compass.South, Compass.West }
.Select(x => FoldLine(x, acc, trip));
public U FoldLine<U>(Compass direction, U acc, Func<Cell<T>, U, U> trip)
var cell = this;
while (true)
switch (direction)
case Compass.North:
cell = cell.North; break;
case Compass.East:
cell = cell.East; break;
case Compass.South:
cell = cell.South; break;
case Compass.West:
cell = cell.West; break;
if (cell == null)
return acc;
acc = trip(cell, acc);
public Cell<T> North
get { return view.SafeLookup(X, Y - 1); }
public Cell<T> South
get { return view.SafeLookup(X, Y + 1); }
public Cell<T> East
get { return view.SafeLookup(X + 1, Y); }
public Cell<T> West
get { return view.SafeLookup(X - 1, Y); }
public IEnumerable<Cell<T>> Neighbours()
if (North != null)
yield return North;
if (South != null)
yield return South;
if (East != null)
yield return East;
if (West != null)
yield return West;
class BoardView<T> : IEnumerable<Cell<T>>
public readonly Size Size;
private readonly int Columns;
private readonly int Rows;
private Cell<T>[] history;
public BoardView(Size size)
this.Size = size;
Columns = size.Width;
Rows = size.Height;
this.history = new Cell<T>[Columns * Rows];
for (int y = 0; y < Rows; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < Rows; x++)
history[x + y * Columns] = new Cell<T>(this, x, y);
public T this[int x, int y]
get { return history[x + y * Columns].Data; }
set { history[x + y * Columns].Data = value; }
public T this[Point p]
get { return history[SafeCalc(p.X, p.Y, true)].Data; }
set { this.history[SafeCalc(p.X, p.Y, true)].Data = value; }
private int SafeCalc(int x, int y, bool throwIfIllegal)
if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= Columns || y >= Rows)
if (throwIfIllegal)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("[" + x + "," + y + "]");
return -1;
return x + y * Columns;
public void Set(T data)
foreach (var cell in this.history)
cell.Data = data;
public Cell<T> SafeLookup(int x, int y)
int index = SafeCalc(x, y, false);
if (index < 0)
return null;
return history[index];
#region IEnumerable<Cell<T>> Members
public IEnumerator<Cell<T>> GetEnumerator()
foreach (var cell in this.history)
yield return cell;
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return this.GetEnumerator();
public BoardView<U> Transform<U>(Func<T, U> transform)
var result = new BoardView<U>(new Size(Columns, Rows));
for (int y = 0; y < Rows; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < Columns; x++)
result[x, y] = transform(this[x, y]);
return result;
public void WriteAsGrid(TextWriter w)
WriteAsGrid(w, "{0}");
public void WriteAsGrid(TextWriter w, string format)
WriteAsGrid(w, x => string.Format(format, x.Data));
public void WriteAsGrid(TextWriter w, Func<Cell<T>, string> perCell)
for (int y = 0; y < Rows; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < Columns; x++)
if (x != 0)
w.Write(perCell(this.SafeLookup(x, y)));
public class Rand
Random r;
public Rand()
var rand = System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator.Create();
byte[] b = new byte[4];
r = new Random(BitConverter.ToInt32(b, 0));
public int Next(int maxValue)
return r.Next(maxValue);
public double NextDouble(double maxValue)
return r.NextDouble() * maxValue;
public T Pick<T>(IEnumerable<T> things)
return things.ElementAt(Next(things.Count()));
public T PickBias<T>(Func<T, double> bias, IEnumerable<T> things)
double d = NextDouble(things.Sum(x => bias(x)));
foreach (var x in things)
if (d < bias(x))
return x;
d -= bias(x);
throw new InvalidOperationException("fell off the end!");
public static class Extensions
public static bool IsIn(this Point p, Size size)
return p.X >= 0 && p.Y >= 0 && p.X < size.Width && p.Y < size.Height;
public static bool IsLegal(this Ship ship,
IEnumerable<Ship> ships,
Size board,
Point location,
ShipOrientation direction)
var temp = new Ship(ship.Length);
temp.Place(location, direction);
if (!temp.GetAllLocations().All(p => p.IsIn(board)))
return false;
return ships.Where(s => s.IsPlaced).All(s => !s.ConflictsWith(temp));
public static bool IsTouching(this Point a, Point b)
return (a.X == b.X - 1 || a.X == b.X + 1) &&
(a.Y == b.Y - 1 || a.Y == b.Y + 1);
public static bool IsTouching(this Ship ship,
IEnumerable<Ship> ships,
Point location,
ShipOrientation direction)
var temp = new Ship(ship.Length);
temp.Place(location, direction);
var occupied = new HashSet<Point>(ships
.Where(s => s.IsPlaced)
.SelectMany(s => s.GetAllLocations()));
if (temp.GetAllLocations().Any(p => occupied.Any(b => b.IsTouching(p))))
return true;
return false;
public static ReadOnlyCollection<Ship> MakeShips(params int[] lengths)
return new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<Ship>(
lengths.Select(l => new Ship(l)).ToList());
public static IEnumerable<T> Shuffle<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Battleship.ShuggyCoUk.Simple.Rand rand)
T[] elements = source.ToArray();
// Note i > 0 to avoid final pointless iteration
for (int i = elements.Length - 1; i > 0; i--)
// Swap element "i" with a random earlier element it (or itself)
int swapIndex = rand.Next(i + 1);
T tmp = elements[i];
elements[i] = elements[swapIndex];
elements[swapIndex] = tmp;
// Lazily yield (avoiding aliasing issues etc)
foreach (T element in elements)
yield return element;
public static T RandomOrDefault<T>(this IEnumerable<T> things, Battleship.ShuggyCoUk.Simple.Rand rand)
int count = things.Count();
if (count == 0)
return default(T);
return things.ElementAt(rand.Next(count));
答案 10 :(得分:4)
取消class WellBehavedRandomOpponent : IBattleShipOpponent
Rand rand = new Rand();
List<Point> guesses;
int nextGuess = 0;
public void PlaceShips(IEnumerable<Ship> ships)
BoardView<bool> board = new BoardView<bool>(BoardSize);
var AllOrientations = new[] {
ShipOrientation.Vertical };
foreach (var ship in ships)
while (!ship.IsPlaced)
var l = rand.Pick(board.Select(c => c.Location));
var o = rand.Pick(AllOrientations);
if (ship.IsLegal(ships, BoardSize, l, o))
ship.Place(l, o);
public void NewGame(Size size, TimeSpan timeSpan)
var board = new BoardView<bool>(size);
this.guesses = new List<Point>(
board.Select(x => x.Location).Shuffle(rand));
nextGuess = 0;
public System.Drawing.Point GetShot()
return guesses[nextGuess++];
// empty methods left out
答案 11 :(得分:4)
using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Battleship
// The Empire of Japan surrendered on the deck of the USS Missouri on Sept. 2, 1945
public class USSMissouri : IBattleshipOpponent
public String Name { get { return name; } }
public Version Version { get { return ver; } }
#region IBattleship Interface
// IBattleship::NewGame
public void NewGame(Size gameSize, TimeSpan timeSpan)
size = gameSize;
shotBoard = new ShotBoard(size);
attackVector = new Stack<Attack>();
// IBattleship::PlaceShips
public void PlaceShips(ReadOnlyCollection<Ship> ships)
HunterBoard board;
targetBoards = new List<HunterBoard>();
shotBoard = new ShotBoard(size);
foreach (Ship s in ships)
board = new HunterBoard(this, size, s);
// REWRITE: to ensure valid board placement.
new Point(
// IBattleship::GetShot
public Point GetShot()
Point p = new Point();
if (attackVector.Count() > 0)
p = ExtendShot();
return p;
// Contemplate a shot at every-single point, and measure how effective it would be.
Board potential = new Board(size);
for(p.Y=0; p.Y<size.Height; ++p.Y)
for(p.X=0; p.X<size.Width; ++p.X)
if (shotBoard.ShotAt(p))
potential[p] = 0;
foreach(HunterBoard b in targetBoards)
potential[p] += b.GetWeightAt(p);
// Okay, we have the shot potential of the board.
// Lets pick a weighted-random spot.
Point shot;
shot = potential.GetWeightedRandom(rand.NextDouble());
shotBoard[shot] = Shot.Unresolved;
return shot;
public Point ExtendShot()
// Lets consider North, South, East, and West of the current shot.
// and measure the potential of each
Attack attack = attackVector.Peek();
Board potential = new Board(size);
Point[] points = attack.GetNextTargets();
foreach(Point p in points)
if (shotBoard.ShotAt(p))
potential[p] = 0;
foreach(HunterBoard b in targetBoards)
potential[p] += b.GetWeightAt(p);
Point shot = potential.GetBestShot();
shotBoard[shot] = Shot.Unresolved;
return shot;
// IBattleship::NewMatch
public void NewMatch(string opponent)
public void OpponentShot(Point shot)
public void ShotHit(Point shot, bool sunk)
shotBoard[shot] = Shot.Hit;
if (!sunk)
if (attackVector.Count == 0) // This is a first hit, open an attackVector
attackVector.Push(new Attack(this, shot));
attackVector.Peek().AddHit(shot); // Add a hit to our current attack.
// What if it is sunk? Close the top attack, which we've been pursuing.
if (sunk)
if (attackVector.Count > 0)
public void ShotMiss(Point shot)
shotBoard[shot] = Shot.Miss;
foreach(HunterBoard b in targetBoards)
b.ShotMiss(shot); // Update the potential map.
public void GameWon()
Trace.WriteLine ("I won the game!");
public void GameLost()
Trace.WriteLine ("I lost the game!");
public void MatchOver()
Trace.WriteLine("This match is over.");
public ShotBoard theShotBoard
get { return shotBoard; }
public Size theBoardSize
get { return size; }
private Random rand = new Random();
private Version ver = new Version(6, 3); // USS Missouri is BB-63, hence version 6.3
private String name = "USS Missouri (abelenky@alum.mit.edu)";
private Size size;
private List<HunterBoard> targetBoards;
private ShotBoard shotBoard;
private Stack<Attack> attackVector;
// An Attack is the data on the ship we are currently working on sinking.
// It consists of a set of points, horizontal and vertical, from a central point.
// And can be extended in any direction.
public class Attack
public Attack(USSMissouri root, Point p)
Player = root;
hit = p;
horzExtent = new Extent(p.X, p.X);
vertExtent = new Extent(p.Y, p.Y);
public Extent HorizontalExtent
get { return horzExtent; }
public Extent VerticalExtent
get { return vertExtent; }
public Point FirstHit
get { return hit; }
public void AddHit(Point p)
if (hit.X == p.X) // New hit in the vertical direction
vertExtent.Min = Math.Min(vertExtent.Min, p.Y);
vertExtent.Max = Math.Max(vertExtent.Max, p.Y);
else if (hit.Y == p.Y)
horzExtent.Min = Math.Min(horzExtent.Min, p.X);
horzExtent.Max = Math.Max(horzExtent.Max, p.X);
public Point[] GetNextTargets()
List<Point> bors = new List<Point>();
Point p;
p = new Point(hit.X, vertExtent.Min-1);
while (p.Y >= 0 && Player.theShotBoard[p] == Shot.Hit)
if (Player.theShotBoard[p] == Shot.Miss)
break; // Don't add p to the List 'bors.
if (p.Y >= 0 && Player.theShotBoard[p] == Shot.None) // Add next-target only if there is no shot here yet.
p = new Point(hit.X, vertExtent.Max+1);
while (p.Y < Player.theBoardSize.Height && Player.theShotBoard[p] == Shot.Hit)
if (Player.theShotBoard[p] == Shot.Miss)
break; // Don't add p to the List 'bors.
if (p.Y < Player.theBoardSize.Height && Player.theShotBoard[p] == Shot.None)
p = new Point(horzExtent.Min-1, hit.Y);
while (p.X >= 0 && Player.theShotBoard[p] == Shot.Hit)
if (Player.theShotBoard[p] == Shot.Miss)
break; // Don't add p to the List 'bors.
if (p.X >= 0 && Player.theShotBoard[p] == Shot.None)
p = new Point(horzExtent.Max+1, hit.Y);
while (p.X < Player.theBoardSize.Width && Player.theShotBoard[p] == Shot.Hit)
if (Player.theShotBoard[p] == Shot.Miss)
break; // Don't add p to the List 'bors.
if (p.X < Player.theBoardSize.Width && Player.theShotBoard[p] == Shot.None)
return bors.ToArray();
private Point hit;
private Extent horzExtent;
private Extent vertExtent;
private USSMissouri Player;
public struct Extent
public Extent(Int32 min, Int32 max)
Min = min;
Max = max;
public Int32 Min;
public Int32 Max;
public class Board // The potential-Board, which measures the full potential of each square.
// A Board is the status of many things.
public Board(Size boardsize)
size = boardsize;
grid = new int[size.Width , size.Height];
public int this[int c,int r]
get { return grid[c,r]; }
set { grid[c,r] = value; }
public int this[Point p]
get { return grid[p.X, p.Y]; }
set { grid[p.X, p.Y] = value; }
public Point GetWeightedRandom(double r)
Int32 sum = 0;
foreach(Int32 i in grid)
sum += i;
Int32 index = (Int32)(r*sum);
Int32 x=0, y=0;
for(y=0; y<size.Height; ++y)
for(x=0; x<size.Width; ++x)
if (grid[x,y] == 0) continue; // Skip any zero-cells
index -= grid[x,y];
if (index < 0) break;
if (index < 0) break;
if (x == 10 || y == 10)
throw new Exception("WTF");
return new Point(x,y);
public Point GetBestShot()
int max=grid[0,0];
for(int y=0; y<size.Height; ++y)
for (int x=0; x<size.Width; ++x)
max = (grid[x,y] > max)? grid[x,y] : max;
for(int y=0; y<size.Height; ++y)
for (int x=0; x<size.Width; ++x)
if (grid[x,y] == max)
return new Point(x,y);
return new Point(0,0);
public bool IsZero()
foreach(Int32 p in grid)
if (p > 0)
return false;
return true;
public override String ToString()
String output = "";
String horzDiv = " +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+\n";
String disp;
int x,y;
output += " A B C D E F G H I J \n" + horzDiv;
for(y=0; y<size.Height; ++y)
output += String.Format("{0} ", y+1).PadLeft(3);
for(x=0; x<size.Width; ++x)
case (int)Shot.None: disp = ""; break;
case (int)Shot.Hit: disp = "#"; break;
case (int)Shot.Miss: disp = "."; break;
case (int)Shot.Unresolved: disp = "?"; break;
default: disp = "!"; break;
output += String.Format("| {0} ", disp.PadLeft(2));
output += "|\n" + horzDiv;
return output;
protected Int32[,] grid;
protected Size size;
public class HunterBoard
public HunterBoard(USSMissouri root, Size boardsize, Ship target)
size = boardsize;
grid = new int[size.Width , size.Height];
Player = root;
Target = target;
public void Initialize()
int x, y, i;
for(y=0; y<size.Height; ++y)
for(x=0; x<size.Width - Target.Length+1; ++x)
for(i=0; i<Target.Length; ++i)
for(y=0; y<size.Height-Target.Length+1; ++y)
for(x=0; x<size.Width; ++x)
for(i=0; i<Target.Length; ++i)
public int this[int c,int r]
get { return grid[c,r]; }
set { grid[c,r] = value; }
public int this[Point p]
get { return grid[p.X, p.Y]; }
set { grid[p.X, p.Y] = value; }
public void ShotMiss(Point p)
int x,y;
int min, max;
min = Math.Max(p.X-Target.Length+1, 0);
max = Math.Min(p.X, size.Width-Target.Length);
for(x=min; x<=max; ++x)
DecrementRow(p.Y, x, x+Target.Length-1);
min = Math.Max(p.Y-Target.Length+1, 0);
max = Math.Min(p.Y, size.Height-Target.Length);
for(y=min; y<=max; ++y)
DecrementColumn(p.X, y, y+Target.Length-1);
grid[p.X, p.Y] = 0;
public void ShotHit(Point p)
public override String ToString()
String output = String.Format("Target size is {0}\n", Target.Length);
String horzDiv = " +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+\n";
int x,y;
output += " A B C D E F G H I J \n" + horzDiv;
for(y=0; y<size.Height; ++y)
output += String.Format("{0} ", y+1).PadLeft(3);
for(x=0; x<size.Width; ++x)
output += String.Format("| {0} ", grid[x,y].ToString().PadLeft(2));
output += "|\n" + horzDiv;
return output;
// If we shoot at point P, how does that affect the potential of the board?
public Int32 GetWeightAt(Point p)
int x,y;
int potential = 0;
int min, max;
min = Math.Max(p.X-Target.Length+1, 0);
max = Math.Min(p.X, size.Width-Target.Length);
for(x=min; x<=max; ++x)
if (Player.theShotBoard.isMissInRow(p.Y, x, x+Target.Length-1) == false)
min = Math.Max(p.Y-Target.Length+1, 0);
max = Math.Min(p.Y, size.Height-Target.Length);
for(y=min; y<=max; ++y)
if (Player.theShotBoard.isMissInColumn(p.X, y, y+Target.Length-1) == false)
return potential;
public void DecrementRow(int row, int rangeA, int rangeB)
int x;
for(x=rangeA; x<=rangeB; ++x)
grid[x,row] = (grid[x,row]==0)? 0 : grid[x,row]-1;
public void DecrementColumn(int col, int rangeA, int rangeB)
int y;
for(y=rangeA; y<=rangeB; ++y)
grid[col,y] = (grid[col,y]==0)? 0 : grid[col,y]-1;
private Ship Target = null;
private USSMissouri Player;
private Int32[,] grid;
private Size size;
public enum Shot
None = 0,
Hit = 1,
Miss = 2,
Unresolved = 3
public class ShotBoard
public ShotBoard(Size boardsize)
size = boardsize;
grid = new Shot[size.Width , size.Height];
for(int y=0; y<size.Height; ++y)
for(int x=0; x<size.Width; ++x)
grid[x,y] = Shot.None;
public Shot this[int c,int r]
get { return grid[c,r]; }
set { grid[c,r] = value; }
public Shot this[Point p]
get { return grid[p.X, p.Y]; }
set { grid[p.X, p.Y] = value; }
public override String ToString()
String output = "";
String horzDiv = " +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+\n";
String disp;
int x,y;
output += " A B C D E F G H I J \n" + horzDiv;
for(y=0; y<size.Height; ++y)
output += String.Format("{0} ", y+1).PadLeft(3);
for(x=0; x<size.Width; ++x)
case Shot.None: disp = ""; break;
case Shot.Hit: disp = "#"; break;
case Shot.Miss: disp = "."; break;
case Shot.Unresolved: disp = "?"; break;
default: disp = "!"; break;
output += String.Format("| {0} ", disp.PadLeft(2));
output += "|\n" + horzDiv;
return output;
// Functions to find shots on the board, at a specific point, or in a row or column, within a range
public bool ShotAt(Point p)
return !(this[p]==Shot.None);
public bool isMissInColumn(int col, int rangeA, int rangeB)
for(int y=rangeA; y<=rangeB; ++y)
if (grid[col,y] == Shot.Miss)
return true;
return false;
public bool isMissInRow(int row, int rangeA, int rangeB)
for(int x=rangeA; x<=rangeB; ++x)
if (grid[x,row] == Shot.Miss)
return true;
return false;
protected Shot[,] grid;
protected Size size;
答案 12 :(得分:4)
首先,当我发现撞击时,我不会立即追踪船的其余部分 - 我建造了一张船位置表,并确定我是否在开始完全沉没之前至少击中了所有五个。 (请注意,对于多重镜头变体,这是一个糟糕的政策 - 请参阅评论)
A)“中心”是董事会的随机起点。这消除了该算法的主要缺点。 B)虽然描述表明从一开始就立即绘制对角线,但理想情况下,算法仅在沿着那些对角线的“随机”位置处拍摄。这有助于防止竞争对手计算他们的船只受到可预测模式击中的时间。
这描述了一种“完美”的算法,因为它可以在(9x9)/ 2 + 10次射击中获得所有船只。
识别游戏中的各个阶段并采取相应措施。该算法可能在游戏中的某个点上很好,但是其他算法可以作为最终游戏的一部分产生更好的效果。此外,如果另一个玩家非常接近击败你,另一个算法可能会更好地工作 - 例如高风险算法可能会更频繁地失败,但是当它工作时它很快就会工作,你可能会击败比你更接近胜利的对手
确定竞争对手的游戏风格 - 它可能会为您提供有关他们如何计划船舶布局的线索(即,他们自己的算法最快可以确定他们如何放置自己的船只的机会很好 - 如果您拥有的唯一工具是锤子,一切看起来像钉子)
- 亚当
答案 13 :(得分:2)
萨里大学的James Heather博士代表英国计算机协会举办了类似的比赛。
限制资源 - 即每回合最大处理器时间,移动之间不能存储任何状态,强加最大堆大小。为了限制时间,AI可以在时间段内的任何时间点提交移动,并在转弯终止时被要求移动。
非常有趣 - 请参阅:http://www.bcsstudentcontest.com/
答案 14 :(得分:2)
实际上,解决方案在ubuntu 9.10 linux中的monodevelop中打开并运行时没有修改
答案 15 :(得分:2)
答案 16 :(得分:2)
编辑:我取消了我的初始观点,因为我没有仔细阅读比赛规则。答案 17 :(得分:2)
答案 18 :(得分:1)
一秒总游戏时间是特定于机器的。与锦标赛机器相比,我的机器上的第二次CPU操作会有所不同。如果我优化Battle Ship算法以在1秒内利用最多的CPU时间,那么它将在可能较慢的锦标赛机器上运行,它将永远丢失。
一个想法是做本次比赛http://www.bcsstudentcontest.com /
答案 19 :(得分:1)
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答案 20 :(得分:1)
我在这里没有把实际的代码放在这里 - 但是我会冒一些普遍的观察:
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答案 22 :(得分:1)
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另外 - 为了简化,我建议您:
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(寻找战舰 - 它就在那里,在游戏和谜题下)