
时间:2009-10-14 07:59:06

标签: wpf state-machine

当用户在表单上单击“下一步”按钮时,我想实现可能切换tabItems(TabItem1,TabItem2,TabItem3)的功能。因此我想使用State Machine Pattern。


public abstract class State
        #region Constructros
           public State()

        public State(State state)
            this.CurrentState = state.CurrentState;
            this.PreviousState = state.PreviousState;
            this.NextState = state.NextState;

        public State(Machine machine,string strCurrentState,string strPreviousState,string strNextState)
            this.CurrentState = strCurrentState;
            this.PreviousState = strPreviousState;
            this.NextState = strNextState;

        public const string WELCOME             = "WELCOME";
        public const string EMR_CONFIGURATION   = "EMR_CONFIGURATION";
        public const string MIGRATION           = "MIGRATION";
        public const string END_OF_STATES       = "END_OF_STATES";

        private Machine machine;
        private string currentState;
        private string previousState;
        private string nextState;
        private string nameState;

        public virtual void SetParams() { }
        public virtual void ChangeState(Machine m, State s)

        //Get The name of State
        public Machine Machine
            get { return this.machine; }
            set { this.machine = value; }

        //Current State
        public string CurrentState
            get { return this.currentState; }
            set { this.currentState = value; }
        //Previous State
        public string PreviousState
            get { return this.previousState; }
            set { this.previousState = value; }
        //Next State
        public string NextState
            get { return this.nextState; }
            set { this.nextState = value; }

        public string NameState
            get { return this.nameState; }
            set { this.nameState = value; }


 public class Machine
        public State currentState;

        public Machine (string strCurrentState,string strPreviousState,string strNextState)
            currentState = new WelcomeState(this, strCurrentState, strPreviousState, strNextState);

        public void ChangeState(State setState)
            currentState = setState; 

        public void  SetCurrentState (string state)
            currentState.CurrentState = state;

 class Transition
        public State state;
        private static Transition getInstance;
        protected Transition(){}

        public static Transition GetInstance()
            if (getInstance == null)
                getInstance = new Transition();
            return getInstance;

        public void Transform(State state)
            if (state == null)

            // Get the type of state.
            string stateType = state.GetType().Name;

            // WELCOME TabItem 
            if (state.CurrentState == State.WELCOME)
                state.ChangeState(state.Machine, new WelcomeState(state)); 

            //EMR_CONFIGURATION TabItem
            if (state.CurrentState == State.EMR_CONFIGURATION)
                state.ChangeState(state.Machine, new EMRConfigurationState(state)); 

            //MIGRATION TabItem 
            if (state.CurrentState == State.EMR_CONFIGURATION)
                state.ChangeState(state.Machine, new MigrationState(state));


  public class WelcomeState : State
        public WelcomeState(State state) : base(state)

        public WelcomeState (Machine machine, string strCurrentState,string strPreviousState,string strNextState):
            base(machine, strCurrentState, strPreviousState, strNextState)

        public override void SetParams()
            this.CurrentState  = State.WELCOME;
            this.PreviousState = State.WELCOME;
            this.NextState     = State.EMR_CONFIGURATION;

 public class EMRConfigurationState : State
        public EMRConfigurationState(State state) : base(state)

        public EMRConfigurationState(Machine machine, string strCurrentState, string strPreviousState, string strNextState) :
            base(machine, strCurrentState, strPreviousState, strNextState)

        public override void SetParams()
            this.CurrentState  = State.EMR_CONFIGURATION;
            this.PreviousState = State.WELCOME;
            this.NextState     = State.MIGRATION;  

 public class MigrationState: State
        public MigrationState(State state) : base(state)

        public MigrationState(Machine machine, string strCurrentState, string strPreviousState, string strNextState) :
            base(machine, strCurrentState, strPreviousState, strNextState)

        public override void SetParams()
            this.CurrentState  = State.MIGRATION;
            this.PreviousState = State.EMR_CONFIGURATION;
            this.NextState     = State.END_OF_STATES;

 public partial class Window1 : Window
        private WizardPresenter wizPresenterWelcome = null;
        public List<WizardPresenter> stateList;
        public Window1()

            stateList = new List<WizardPresenter>
                                            new WizardPresenter(StatePresenter.WELCOME,

                                            new WizardPresenter(StatePresenter.EMR_CONFIGURATION,

                                            new WizardPresenter(StatePresenter.MIGRATION,

            tabControl.ItemsSource = stateList;

        private WizardPresenter GetWizardPresenter(string strState)
            foreach (WizardPresenter presenter in stateList)
                if (presenter.currentStatePresenter.CurrentStatePresenter == strState)
                    return presenter;
            return null;

        private void button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (this.wizPresenterWelcome == null)
                        WizardPresenter wp = (WizardPresenter)tabControl.SelectedItem;
                        string nextState = wp.currentStatePresenter.NextStatePresenter;

                        tabControl.SelectedIndex = stateList.IndexOf(GetWizardPresenter(nextState));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show("Error:" + ex.Message + "Error");

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


答案 1 :(得分:0)


  1. 当您重新提问时,请编辑原始帖子并在那里添加说明。
  2. 您可以创建一个上下文类,其中包含所有相关状态以及当前,上一个和下一个状态。每个州都可以处理每个变更并根据以下内容决定下一个州:

    • 上下文变量的运行时值。
    • 上下文的先前状态。