
时间:2013-03-14 14:23:01

标签: input sum vhdl





architecture Behavioral of inputCounter is

signal totalBitWidth     : integer := 6;

-- This signal is specified by the user to determine the majority value
-- for the output.
signal majorityValue     : integer := 4;
signal Sum : integer := 0;

process(clk, input)
    variable clkCount     : integer := 0;
    if input = '1' then
        Sum <= Sum + 1;
        Sum <= Sum + 0;
    end if;

    clkCount := clkCount + 1;

    if clkCount >= (totalBitWidth) then
    -- Determine if the majoritySum variable has met the
    -- threshold for a 1 value
    if Sum >= majorityValue then
    output <= '1';
    output <= '0';
    end if;

    if Sum = totalBitWidth Or Sum = 0 then
    countError <= '0';
    countError <= '1';
    end if;

    -- Reset the clock counter, sum value and majority vector
    clkCount := 0;
    Sum <= 0;

    -- Set the bit counter high to alert other midules that a new bit
    -- has been received
    bitReady <= '1';
end process;
end behavioral;

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更新:我正在弄乱整数和我在过程中将其更改为变量而不是体系结构中的整体信号。 这似乎有效。但由于我使用的是ISim和ISE Project导航器,因此我无法跟踪该过程中的变量。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



    architecture Behavioral of inputCounter is

signal totalBitWidth     : integer := 6;

signal majorityValue     : integer := 4;
-- This signal is to trace the variable sum
signal SumS              : integer := 0;


-- Process for recognizing a single input value from a 6 clock cycle
-- wide input signal
majority_proc: process(clk, input)
    variable clkCount     : integer := 0;
    variable Sum  : integer := 0;


        if rising_edge(clk) And enable = '1' then
            -- Reset bitReady after one clock cycle
            bitReady <= '0';

            -- Check the input value and add it to the Sum variable
            if input = '1' then
                Sum := Sum + 1;
                Sum := Sum + 0;
            end if;

            -- Increment the clock counter variable
            clkCount := clkCount + 1;

            -- Check if the clock count has reached the specified number of cycles
            if clkCount >= totalBitWidth then
                -- Determine if the Sum variable has met the threshold for
                -- value of 1, set the output accordingly
                if Sum >= majorityValue then
                    output <= '1';
                    output <= '0';
                end if;

                -- This checks if the value for all clock cycles was the same and
                -- sets an error flag if not
                if Sum = totalBitWidth Or Sum = 0 then
                    countError <= '0';
                    countError <= '1';
                end if;

                -- Reset the clock counter and sum value
                clkCount := 0;
                Sum := 0;

                -- Set the bit counter high to alert other midules that a new bit
                -- has been received
                bitReady <= '1';
            end if;
        end if;

        -- Assign the variable Sum to the signal SumS
        SumS <= Sum;
end process;

end Behavioral;

答案 1 :(得分:1)


process (clk)
  if rising_edge(clk) and enable='1' then
    accumulator <= sum;
    if sum >= majorityValue then
      output <= '1';
      output <= '0';
    end if;
  end if;
end process;

sum <= accumulator + 1 when input='1' else accumulator;