
时间:2014-11-22 23:34:33

标签: c++ file input


void deleteBook(){

ifstream fin;
ofstream fout;

int fileLength = 0;
bool bookExist, looper = false, looper2 = false;
string isbn, author, title, checkOutDate, dueDate, answer, fileLine, isbnCurrent;

while (looper == false){      //Loop to ensure user inputs a valid book

  cout << endl << "Enter the Isbn of the book you would like to delete: ";      //isbn determines book
     cin >> isbn;

  bookExist = isBookExist(isbn);

  if (bookExist == true){
     looper = true;
     cout << endl << "The book you have entered does not exist in the system, please try again" << endl;

getBookInfo(isbn, author, title, checkOutDate, dueDate);    //Retrieves data about book and displays

cout << endl << "The isbn of the book is: " << isbn;
cout << endl << "The author of the book is: " << author;
cout << endl << "The title of the book is: " << title;
cout << endl << "The check out date of the book is: " << checkOutDate;
cout << endl << "The due date of the book is: " << dueDate;

while (true){

cout << endl << "Are you sure you would like to delete this book? (Enter 'yes' or 'no'): ";
  cin >> answer;

  if (cin.fail()){     //This most likely wont come up under any circumstances, but is here for completion
     cout << "Your answer was not valid, please try again." << endl;

  if ((answer.compare("yes") == 0) || (answer.compare("Yes") == 0)){

     fin.open(booksFile);       //open books file and a temporary

     while (getline(fin, fileLine))   //Check how long file is

     fin.close();         //reset book file

     while (looper2 == false){

        for (int i = 0; i < fileLength; i += 5){

           getline(fin, isbnCurrent);             //Go through file and look for book in question

           if (isbn == isbnCurrent){

              fout << " " << endl << " " << endl << " " << endl << " " << endl << " ";
              looper = true;    //If book is found, set all fields to empty


           getline(fin, author);      //If not, continue through file
           getline(fin, title);
           getline(fin, checkOutDate);
           getline(fin, dueDate);

           fout << isbn << endl << title << endl << author << endl << checkOutDate << endl << dueDate << endl;
           //Outputs data back onto file


     remove("books.txt");    //sets book file to the temp
     rename("tempBook.txt", "books.txt");
  } else if ((answer.compare("no") == 0) || (answer.compare("No") == 0)){
     break;      //Leave function if user decides not to delete
     cout << "Input invalid, please enter either 'yes' or 'no' " << endl;

该程序似乎一直工作到yes / no部分。此时输入没有按预期工作,但输入yes无效,程序只是静止不动。我不完全确定问题出在哪里,尽管booksFile的格式如下:

ISBN 标题 作者 入住日期 退房日期


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


while (looper2 == false) { ... }



while (true)
    cout << endl << "Enter the Isbn of the book you would like to delete: ";determines book
    cin >> isbn;

    if (isBookExist(isbn))

    cout << endl << "The book you have entered does not exist in the system, please try again" << endl;