
时间:2012-12-10 04:19:10

标签: algorithm shortest-path

任何人都可以告诉我Dijkstra'sPrim's算法之间的区别吗?我知道每个算法的作用。但他们看起来和我一样。 Dijkstra算法存储最小成本边的总和,而Prim算法存储最多一个最小成本边。这不一样吗?

6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:45)

Dijsktra的算法找到从节点i到所有节点的最小距离 (您指定i)。因此,作为回报,您将从节点i获得最小距离树。


因此,使用Dijkstra 您可以从选定的节点转到任何其他节点,您不会使用Prim的

答案 1 :(得分:28)





答案 2 :(得分:19)


  G: Graph
  s: Starting vertex (any for Prim, source for Dijkstra)
  f: a function that takes vertices u and v, returns a number

Generic(G, s, f)
    Q = Enqueue all V with key = infinity, parent = null
    s.key = 0
    While Q is not empty
        u = dequeue Q
        For each v in adj(u)
            if v is in Q and v.key > f(u,v)
                v.key = f(u,v)
                v.parent = u

对于Prim,传递f = w(u, v)并为Dijkstra传递f = u.key + w(u, v)

另一个有趣的事情是,Generic上面也可以实现广度优先搜索(BFS),虽然它会过度,因为实际上不需要昂贵的优先级队列。要将通用算法转换为BFS,请传递f = u.key + 1,这与强制执行所有权重相同(即BFS给出从A点到B遍历所需的最小边数)。







独立于所有这些,在1956年,Dijkstra需要编写一个程序来展示他所研究所开发的新计算机的功能。他认为让电脑找到在荷兰两个城市之间旅行的连接会很酷。他在20分钟内设计了算法。他创建了一个64个城市的图表,其中有一些简化(因为他的计算机是6位),并为这台1956年的计算机编写了代码。然而他没有发表他的算法,因为主要是没有计算机科学期刊,他认为这可能不是很重要。第二年,他了解了连接新计算机终端的问题,使得电线长度最小化。他想到了这个问题并重新发现了Jarník/ Prim的算法,该算法再次使用了与他前一年发现的最短路径算法相同的技术。他mentioned他的两种算法都是在不使用笔或纸的情况下设计的。 1959年,他用paper发布了两个算法,长度只有2.5页。

答案 3 :(得分:2)



  1. 贪心算法讲义:http://jeffe.cs.illinois.edu/teaching/algorithms/notes/07-greedy.pdf
  2. 最小生成树:http://jeffe.cs.illinois.edu/teaching/algorithms/notes/20-mst.pdf
  3. 单一来源最短路径:http://jeffe.cs.illinois.edu/teaching/algorithms/notes/21-sssp.pdf

答案 4 :(得分:1)

I was bothered with the same question lately, and I think I might share my understanding...

I think the key difference between these two algorithms (Dijkstra and Prim) roots in the problem they are designed to solve, namely, shortest path between two nodes and minimal spanning tree (MST). The formal is to find the shortest path between say, node s and t, and a rational requirement is to visit each edge of the graph at most once. However, it does NOT require us to visit all the node. The latter (MST) is to get us visit ALL the node (at most once), and with the same rational requirement of visiting each edge at most once too.

That being said, Dijkstra allows us to "take shortcut" so long I can get from s to t, without worrying the consequence - once I get to t, I am done! Although there is also a path from s to t in the MST, but this s-t path is created with considerations of all the rest nodes, therefore, this path can be longer than the s-t path found by the Dijstra's algorithm. Below is a quick example with 3 nodes:

                                  2       2  
                          (s) o ----- o ----- o (t)     
                              |               |

Let's say each of the top edges has the cost of 2, and the bottom edge has cost of 3, then Dijktra will tell us to the take the bottom path, since we don't care about the middle node. On the other hand, Prim will return us a MST with the top 2 edges, discarding the bottom edge.

Such difference is also reflected from the subtle difference in the implementations: in Dijkstra's algorithm, one needs to have a book keeping step (for every node) to update the shortest path from s, after absorbing a new node, whereas in Prim's algorithm, there is no such need.

答案 5 :(得分:0)
