
时间:2012-12-08 20:48:15

标签: xml xslt xpath xquery




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE GEDCOM SYSTEM "file:/Users/indiwarafernando/Downloads/family.dtd">
        <FileCreation Date=""></FileCreation>
            <Link Target="" Ref="FM001"/> 
    <FamilyRec Id="FM001">
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN001"/>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN002"/>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN004"/>

            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN007"/>


    <FamilyRec Id="FM002">
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN004"/>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN005"/>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN006"/>


    <FamilyRec Id="FM003">
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN007"/>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN008"/>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN009"/>


    <IndividualRec Id="IN001">
        <IndivName>Fathers name</IndivName>                 <!-- This tag used for father of c1 or husband of w1 -->
            <Link Target="" Ref="IN002"/>

    <IndividualRec Id="IN002">                                 <!-- This tag used for mother of c1 or wife of h1 -->
        <IndivName>Mother s name</IndivName>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN001"/>

    <IndividualRec Id="IN003">                                  <!-- This tag used for a child to h1 or w1 or grand son to gm1 or gf1 -->
        <IndivName>Child 1 name</IndivName>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN001"/>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN002"/>

    <IndividualRec Id="IN005">                                 <!-- This tag used for grand mother -->
        <IndivName>Grand mother's name</IndivName>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN004"/>

    <IndividualRec Id="IN004">                                  <!-- This tag used for grand father -->
        <IndivName>Grand father's name</IndivName>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN005"/>
            <Association>Grand Father's Wife</Association>

    <IndividualRec Id="IN006">                                  <!-- This tag used for a child to h1 or w1 or grand son to gm1 or gf1 -->
        <IndivName>Child 1 name</IndivName>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN004"/>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN005"/>

    <IndividualRec Id="IN007">                                 <!-- This tag used for grand mother -->
        <IndivName>Grand mother's name</IndivName>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN008"/>

    <IndividualRec Id="IN008">                                  <!-- This tag used for grand father -->
        <IndivName>Grand father's name</IndivName>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN007"/>
            <Association>Grand Father's Wife</Association>

    <IndividualRec Id="IN009">                                  <!-- This tag used for a child to h1 or w1 or grand son to gm1 or gf1 -->
        <IndivName>Child 1 name</IndivName>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN007"/>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN008"/>


* 示例输出:* 一对第一堂兄的示例输出是 IN006和IN009

此致 法里德

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

<强>予。这个XSLT 2.0转换(可以很容易地重写到XSLT 1.0中)产生所有第一代表兄弟:

<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
 xmlns:my="my:my" exclude-result-prefixes="my xs">
 <xsl:output method="text"/>

 <xsl:key name="kChildren" match="Child"

 <xsl:key name="kChildren" match="Child"

 <xsl:variable name="vDoc" select="/"/>

 <xsl:template match="FamilyRec">
  <xsl:variable name="vGrandChildren" select=
   <xsl:sequence select=
    "for $first in 1 to count($vGrandChildren),
         $second in $first+1 to count($vGrandChildren),
         $grand1 in $vGrandChildren[$first],
         $grand2 in $vGrandChildren[$second]
         if(not($grand1/.. is $grand2/..))
           then (concat('[', $grand1/*/@Ref, ',', $grand2/*/@Ref, '] '))
           else ()

 <xsl:template match="text()"/>

 <xsl:function name="my:GrandChildren">
  <xsl:param name="pRef" as="xs:string?"/>

   <xsl:sequence select=
        key('kChildren', $pRef, $vDoc)/Link/@Ref,


        <FileCreation Date=""></FileCreation>
            <Link Target="" Ref="FM001"/>
    <FamilyRec Id="FM001">
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN001"/>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN002"/>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN004"/>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN007"/>
    <FamilyRec Id="FM002">
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN004"/>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN005"/>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN006"/>
    <FamilyRec Id="FM003">
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN007"/>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN008"/>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN009"/>
    <IndividualRec Id="IN001">
        <IndivName>Fathers name</IndivName>
        <!-- This tag used for father of c1 or husband of w1 -->
            <Link Target="" Ref="IN002"/>
    <IndividualRec Id="IN002">
        <!-- This tag used for mother of c1 or wife of h1 -->
        <IndivName>Mother s name</IndivName>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN001"/>
    <IndividualRec Id="IN003">
        <!-- This tag used for a child to h1 or w1 or grand son to gm1 or gf1 -->
        <IndivName>Child 1 name</IndivName>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN001"/>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN002"/>
    <IndividualRec Id="IN005">
        <!-- This tag used for grand mother -->
        <IndivName>Grand mother's name</IndivName>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN004"/>
    <IndividualRec Id="IN004">
        <!-- This tag used for grand father -->
        <IndivName>Grand father's name</IndivName>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN005"/>
            <Association>Grand Father's Wife</Association>
    <IndividualRec Id="IN006">
        <!-- This tag used for a child to h1 or w1 or grand son to gm1 or gf1 -->
        <IndivName>Child 1 name</IndivName>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN004"/>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN005"/>
    <IndividualRec Id="IN007">
        <!-- This tag used for grand mother -->
        <IndivName>Grand mother's name</IndivName>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN008"/>
    <IndividualRec Id="IN008">
        <!-- This tag used for grand father -->
        <IndivName>Grand father's name</IndivName>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN007"/>
            <Association>Grand Father's Wife</Association>
    <IndividualRec Id="IN009">
        <!-- This tag used for a child to h1 or w1 or grand son to gm1 or gf1 -->
        <IndivName>Child 1 name</IndivName>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN007"/>
            <Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN008"/>



<强> II。要测试两个Child元素是否为第二个堂兄弟,请添加上面的(并添加必要的代码以测试每对Child,无论它们是第二个表兄弟:

 <xsl:key name="kGrandParent" match="HusbFath | WifeMoth"

 <xsl:function name="my:areFirststCousins" as="xs:boolean">
  <xsl:param name="pPers1" as="element()"/>
  <xsl:param name="pPers2" as="element()"/>

  <xsl:sequence select=
  "key('kGrandParent', $pPers1/*/@Ref, $vDoc)[1]
   key('kGrandParent', $pPers2/*/@Ref, $vDoc)[1]
   not($pPers1/.. is $pPers2/..)

 <xsl:function name="my:areSecondCousins" as="xs:boolean">
  <xsl:param name="pPers1" as="element()"/>
  <xsl:param name="pPers2" as="element()"/>

  <xsl:sequence select=

<强> III。完整的解决方案:

<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
 xmlns:my="my:my" exclude-result-prefixes="my xs">
 <xsl:output method="text"/>

 <xsl:key name="kChildren" match="Child"

 <xsl:key name="kChildren" match="Child"

 <xsl:key name="kGrandParent" match="HusbFath | WifeMoth"

 <xsl:variable name="vDoc" select="/"/>

 <xsl:template match="/*">
  First Cousins:
  <xsl:sequence select=
  "for $first in 1 to count(/*/FamilyRec/Child),
       $second in $first+1 to count(/*/FamilyRec/Child),
       $pers1 in (/*/FamilyRec/Child)[$first],
       $pers2 in (/*/FamilyRec/Child)[$second]
       if(my:areFirststCousins($pers1, $pers2))
         then concat('[', $pers1/*/@Ref, ',', $pers2/*/@Ref, '] ')
         else ()

  Second Cousins:
  <xsl:sequence select=
  "for $first in 1 to count(/*/FamilyRec/Child),
       $second in $first+1 to count(/*/FamilyRec/Child),
       $pers1 in (/*/FamilyRec/Child)[$first],
       $pers2 in (/*/FamilyRec/Child)[$second]
       if(my:areSecondCousins($pers1, $pers2))
         then concat('[', $pers1/*/@Ref, ',', $pers2/*/@Ref, '] ')
         else ()

 <xsl:function name="my:GrandChildren">
  <xsl:param name="pRef" as="xs:string?"/>

   <xsl:sequence select=
        key('kChildren', $pRef, $vDoc)/Link/@Ref,

 <xsl:function name="my:areFirststCousins" as="xs:boolean">
  <xsl:param name="pPers1" as="element()"/>
  <xsl:param name="pPers2" as="element()"/>

  <xsl:sequence select=
  "key('kGrandParent', $pPers1/*/@Ref, $vDoc)[1]
   key('kGrandParent', $pPers2/*/@Ref, $vDoc)[1]
   not($pPers1/.. is $pPers2/..)

 <xsl:function name="my:areSecondCousins" as="xs:boolean">
  <xsl:param name="pPers1" as="element()"/>
  <xsl:param name="pPers2" as="element()"/>

  <xsl:sequence select=


  First Cousins:

  Second Cousins: