我有一个XSLT文档可以完成这项工作,但我想翻译成xQuery! 我想寻找第一对堂兄和第二对堂兄。我想我只需要在xquery中转换xsl函数,但我完全是新手,有人可以帮我解决 任何帮助都会非常感激!
<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
xmlns:my="my:my" exclude-result-prefixes="my xs">
<xsl:output method="text"/>
<xsl:key name="kChildren" match="Child"
<xsl:key name="kChildren" match="Child"
<xsl:key name="kGrandParent" match="HusbFath | WifeMoth"
<xsl:variable name="vDoc" select="/"/>
<xsl:template match="/*">
First Cousins:
<xsl:sequence select=
"for $first in 1 to count(/*/FamilyRec/Child),
$second in $first+1 to count(/*/FamilyRec/Child),
$pers1 in (/*/FamilyRec/Child)[$first],
$pers2 in (/*/FamilyRec/Child)[$second]
if(my:areFirststCousins($pers1, $pers2))
then concat('[', $pers1/*/@Ref, ',', $pers2/*/@Ref, '] ')
else ()
Second Cousins:
<xsl:sequence select=
"for $first in 1 to count(/*/FamilyRec/Child),
$second in $first+1 to count(/*/FamilyRec/Child),
$pers1 in (/*/FamilyRec/Child)[$first],
$pers2 in (/*/FamilyRec/Child)[$second]
if(my:areSecondCousins($pers1, $pers2))
then concat('[', $pers1/*/@Ref, ',', $pers2/*/@Ref, '] ')
else ()
<xsl:function name="my:GrandChildren">
<xsl:param name="pRef" as="xs:string?"/>
<xsl:sequence select=
key('kChildren', $pRef, $vDoc)/Link/@Ref,
<xsl:function name="my:areFirststCousins" as="xs:boolean">
<xsl:param name="pPers1" as="element()"/>
<xsl:param name="pPers2" as="element()"/>
<xsl:sequence select=
"key('kGrandParent', $pPers1/*/@Ref, $vDoc)[1]
key('kGrandParent', $pPers2/*/@Ref, $vDoc)[1]
not($pPers1/.. is $pPers2/..)
<xsl:function name="my:areSecondCousins" as="xs:boolean">
<xsl:param name="pPers1" as="element()"/>
<xsl:param name="pPers2" as="element()"/>
<xsl:sequence select=
<FileCreation Date=""></FileCreation>
<Link Target="" Ref="FM001"/>
<FamilyRec Id="FM001">
<Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN001"/>
<Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN002"/>
<Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN004"/>
<Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN007"/>
<FamilyRec Id="FM002">
<Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN004"/>
<Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN005"/>
<Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN006"/>
<FamilyRec Id="FM003">
<Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN007"/>
<Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN008"/>
<Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN009"/>
<IndividualRec Id="IN001">
<IndivName>Fathers name</IndivName>
<!-- This tag used for father of c1 or husband of w1 -->
<Link Target="" Ref="IN002"/>
<IndividualRec Id="IN002">
<!-- This tag used for mother of c1 or wife of h1 -->
<IndivName>Mother s name</IndivName>
<Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN001"/>
<IndividualRec Id="IN003">
<!-- This tag used for a child to h1 or w1 or grand son to gm1 or gf1 -->
<IndivName>Child 1 name</IndivName>
<Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN001"/>
<Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN002"/>
<IndividualRec Id="IN005">
<!-- This tag used for grand mother -->
<IndivName>Grand mother's name</IndivName>
<Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN004"/>
<IndividualRec Id="IN004">
<!-- This tag used for grand father -->
<IndivName>Grand father's name</IndivName>
<Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN005"/>
<Association>Grand Father's Wife</Association>
<IndividualRec Id="IN006">
<!-- This tag used for a child to h1 or w1 or grand son to gm1 or gf1 -->
<IndivName>Child 1 name</IndivName>
<Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN004"/>
<Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN005"/>
<IndividualRec Id="IN007">
<!-- This tag used for grand mother -->
<IndivName>Grand mother's name</IndivName>
<Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN008"/>
<IndividualRec Id="IN008">
<!-- This tag used for grand father -->
<IndivName>Grand father's name</IndivName>
<Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN007"/>
<Association>Grand Father's Wife</Association>
<IndividualRec Id="IN009">
<!-- This tag used for a child to h1 or w1 or grand son to gm1 or gf1 -->
<IndivName>Child 1 name</IndivName>
<Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN007"/>
<Link Target="IndividualRec" Ref="IN008"/>