typedef long long intt;
const int max_num=100000,max_tree=4*max_num;
intt A[max_num],ST[max_tree];
void initialize(int node, int be, int en) {
if(be==en) {
} else {
void upg(int node, int be, int en, int i, intt k) {
if(be>i || en<i || be>en) return;
if(be==en) {
upg(2*node+1, be, (be+en)/2, i, k);
upg(2*node+2, (be+en)/2+1, en, i, k);
ST[node] = ST[2*node+1]+ST[2*node+2];
intt query(int node, int be, int en, int i, int j) {
if(be>j || en<i) return -1;
if(be>=i && en<=j) return ST[node];
intt q1=query(2*node+1, be, (be+en)/2, i, j);
intt q2=query(2*node+2, (be+en)/2+1, en, i, j);
if(q1==-1) return q2;
else if(q2==-1) return q1;
else return q1+q2;
查询功能非常快,其复杂度为O(lg N),其中N为j-i。更新函数在平均情况下也很快,但是当j-i很大时,更新的复杂性是O(N lg N),这根本不快。
我搜索了一下这个主题,我发现如果我用延迟传播实现段树,查询和更新的复杂度就是O(lg N),它比O(N lg N)渐近快。
我还找到了另一个问题的链接,该问题有一个非常好的段树实现,它使用指针:How to implement segment trees with lazy propagation?。所以,这是我的问题:是否有更简单的方法来实现延迟传播,不使用指针,但使用数组索引,并且没有segment_tree
答案 0 :(得分:3)
是暂时的 - 它只是一个包装器,在数组的偏移量周围有一些预先计算的值。我存储了一个指向数组开头的指针,但每个block_ptr
对于调试,我有一些简洁的Assert()和Debug()宏,以及递归求和函数调用的跟踪函数(我用它来跟踪调用它的总数)。再一次,不必要地复杂以避免全球状态。 :)
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
// note that you need more than 2^30 space to fit this
enum {max_tier = 30};
typedef long long intt;
#define Assert(x) (!(x)?(std::cout << "ASSERT FAILED: (" << #x << ")\n"):(void*)0)
#define DEBUG(x)
template<size_t tier, size_t count=0>
struct block_ptr
enum {array_size = 1+block_ptr<tier-1>::array_size * 2};
enum {range_size = block_ptr<tier-1>::range_size * 2};
intt* root;
size_t offset;
size_t logical_offset;
explicit block_ptr( intt* start, size_t index, size_t logical_loc=0 ):root(start),offset(index), logical_offset(logical_loc) {}
intt& operator()() const
return root[offset];
block_ptr<tier-1> left() const
return block_ptr<tier-1>(root, offset+1, logical_offset);
block_ptr<tier-1> right() const
return block_ptr<tier-1>(root, offset+1+block_ptr<tier-1>::array_size, logical_offset+block_ptr<tier-1>::range_size);
enum {is_leaf=false};
struct block_ptr<0>
enum {array_size = 1};
enum {range_size = 1};
enum {is_leaf=true};
intt* root;
size_t offset;
size_t logical_offset;
explicit block_ptr( intt* start, size_t index, size_t logical_loc=0 ):root(start),offset(index), logical_offset(logical_loc)
intt& operator()() const
return root[offset];
// exists only to make some of the below code easier:
block_ptr<0> left() const { Assert(false); return *this; }
block_ptr<0> right() const { Assert(false); return *this; }
template<size_t tier>
void propogate_carry( block_ptr<tier> values, block_ptr<tier> carry )
if (carry() != 0)
values() += carry() * block_ptr<tier>::range_size;
if (!block_ptr<tier>::is_leaf)
carry.left()() += carry();
carry.right()() += carry();
carry() = 0;
// sums the values from begin to end, but not including end!
// ie, the half-open interval [begin, end) in the tree
// if increase is non-zero, increases those values by that much
// before returning it
template<size_t tier, typename trace>
intt query_or_modify( block_ptr<tier> values, block_ptr<tier> carry, int begin, int end, int increase=0, trace const& tr = [](){} )
std::cout << begin << " " << end << " " << increase << "\n";
if (increase)
std::cout << "Increasing " << end-begin << " elements by " << increase << " starting at " << begin+values.offset << "\n";
std::cout << "Totaling " << end-begin << " elements starting at " << begin+values.logical_offset << "\n";
if (end <= begin)
return 0;
size_t mid = block_ptr<tier>::range_size / 2;
DEBUG( std::cout << "[" << values.logical_offset << ";" << values.logical_offset+mid << ";" << values.logical_offset+block_ptr<tier>::range_size << "]\n"; )
// exatch math first:
bool bExact = (begin == 0 && end >= block_ptr<tier>::range_size);
if (block_ptr<tier>::is_leaf)
bExact = bExact || block_ptr<tier>::is_leaf; // leaves are always exact
if (bExact)
intt retval = (values()+carry()*block_ptr<tier>::range_size);
DEBUG( std::cout << "Exact sum is " << retval << "\n"; )
return retval;
// we don't have an exact match. Apply the carry and pass it down to children:
propogate_carry(values, carry);
values() += increase * end-begin;
// Now delegate to children:
if (begin >= mid)
DEBUG( std::cout << "Right:"; )
intt retval = query_or_modify( values.right(), carry.right(), begin-mid, end-mid, increase, tr );
DEBUG( std::cout << "Right sum is " << retval << "\n"; )
return retval;
else if (end <= mid)
DEBUG( std::cout << "Left:"; )
intt retval = query_or_modify( values.left(), carry.left(), begin, end, increase, tr );
DEBUG( std::cout << "Left sum is " << retval << "\n"; )
return retval;
DEBUG( std::cout << "Left:"; )
intt left = query_or_modify( values.left(), carry.left(), begin, mid, increase, tr );
DEBUG( std::cout << "Right:"; )
intt right = query_or_modify( values.right(), carry.right(), 0, end-mid, increase, tr );
DEBUG( std::cout << "Right sum is " << left << " and left sum is " << right << "\n"; )
return left+right;
template<size_t tier>
struct segment_tree
typedef block_ptr<tier> full_block_ptr;
intt block[full_block_ptr::range_size];
full_block_ptr root() { return full_block_ptr(&block[0],0); }
void init()
std::fill_n( &block[0], size_t(full_block_ptr::range_size), 0 );
template<size_t entries, size_t starting=0>
struct required_tier
enum{ tier =
block_ptr<starting>::array_size >= entries
:required_tier<entries, starting+1>::tier
enum{ error =
block_ptr<starting>::array_size >= entries
:required_tier<entries, starting+1>::error
// max 2^30, to limit template generation.
template<size_t entries>
struct required_tier<entries, size_t(max_tier)>
enum{ tier = 0 };
enum{ error = true };
// really, these just exist to create an array of the correct size
typedef required_tier< 1000000 > how_big;
enum {tier = how_big::tier};
int main()
segment_tree<tier> values;
segment_tree<tier> increments;
Assert(!how_big::error); // can be a static assert -- fails if the enum of max tier is too small for the number of entries you want
auto value_root = values.root();
auto carry_root = increments.root();
size_t count = 0;
auto tracer = [&count](){count++;};
intt zero = query_or_modify( value_root, carry_root, 0, 100000, 0, tracer );
std::cout << "zero is " << zero << " in " << count << " steps\n";
count = 0;
Assert( zero == 0 );
intt test2 = query_or_modify( value_root, carry_root, 0, 100, 10, tracer ); // increase everything from 0 to 100 by 10
Assert(test2 == 1000);
std::cout << "test2 is " << test2 << " in " << count << " steps \n";
count = 0;
intt test3 = query_or_modify( value_root, carry_root, 1, 1000, 0, tracer );
Assert(test3 == 990);
std::cout << "test3 is " << test3 << " in " << count << " steps\n";
count = 0;
intt test4 = query_or_modify( value_root, carry_root, 50, 5000, 87, tracer );
Assert(test4 == 10*(100-50) + 87*(5000-50) );
std::cout << "test4 is " << test4 << " in " << count << " steps\n";
count = 0;
使用C ++ 0x编译器在Ideone.com上测试和编译代码。
答案 1 :(得分:-1)
0 1 100000
0 1 100000
0 1 100000 ...重复Q次(其中Q = 99999),第100000次查询将
1 1 100000
使用延迟传播,您只需要翻转节点[0,100000] 99999次并设置/取消设置其子项将要更新的标志。当询问实际查询本身时,您开始遍历其子项并开始翻转它们,将标志向下推并取消设置父标志。
哦,并确保你正在使用正确的I / O例程(scanf和printf而不是cin和cout,如果它的c ++)希望这能让你了解延迟传播的含义。更多信息:http://www.spoj.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=8296