
时间:2012-10-04 23:55:16

标签: php algorithm combinations



  1. 是的,我很喜欢。
  2. 是的我有,但我不喜欢它。
  3. 不,我没有,但我想尝试一下。
  4. 不,我没有,我不想尝试。
  5. 用户将输入两组数据,然后应用程序将打印包含所有可能的问题和答案组合的卡片。例如,卡1看起来像这样:

    1. 跳伞:是的,我很喜欢。
    2. 水肺潜水:是的我有,但我不喜欢它。
    3. 滑翔伞:不,我没有,但我想尝试一下。
    4. 蹦极:不,我没有,我不想尝试。
    5. 下一张卡片可能如下所示:

      1. 跳伞:是的我有,但我不喜欢它。
      2. 水肺潜水:不,我没有,但我想尝试一下。
      3. 滑翔伞:不,我没有,我不想尝试。
      4. 蹦极:是的,我喜欢它。
      5. 正如您所看到的,有许多不同的可能组合。我们的想法是两个列表的长度相同,以便打印出所有可能性。同样重要的是,在任何卡上不得多次使用任何问题或答案,并且两张卡可以相同。最好的方法是什么?实际的输入和输出不是问题 - 我以前做过类似的事情。我只需要算法来生成组合。


        • 0,1,2,3
        • 0,1,3,2
        • 0,2,1,3
        • 0,2,3,1
        • 0,3,1,2
        • 0,3,2,1
        • 1,0,2,3
        • 1,0,3,2
        • 1,2,0,3
        • 1,2,3,0


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


$activities = array(); // Input all your activities as elements here.
$responses = array(); // Input all your responses as elements here.

foreach ($activities as $activity) {
    foreach ($responses as $response) {
        echo $activities.' '.$response."\n";

答案 1 :(得分:1)



$activities = array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'); // Input all your activities as elements here.
$responses = array(1, 2, 3, 4); // Input all your responses as elements here.

// Recursive function outputCombos accepts both arrays (for eventual output).
// $workingArray is the array of the current branch we're working with.
function outputCombos ($activities, $responses, $workingArray) {
    // Once the working array has been loaded to the maximum amt, print everything out.
    if (count($workingArray) == count($responses)) {
        echo "Combo\n";
        for ($x = 0; $x < count($activities); $x++) {
            echo $activities[$x].'::'.$workingArray[$x]."\n";
    // If the working array isn't full, add an element that isn't currently in the working array, and recursively run the function again.
    } else {
        foreach ($responses as $response) {
            // Iterate through list of all possible responses, add it into a new working array and run the function if the response hasn't been used in this working array.
            if (!in_array($response, $workingArray)) {
                $newArray = $workingArray;
                $newArray[] = $response;
                outputCombos($activities, $responses, $newArray);

foreach ($responses as $response) {
    echo '<pre>';
    // Start each branch of tree with unique response (should be 4 in this case).
    outputCombos($activities, $responses, array($response));
    echo '</pre>';