
时间:2012-08-24 23:21:22

标签: matlab computer-vision camera-calibration matlab-cvst


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:14)



function I = undistort(Idistorted, params)
fx = params.fx;
fy = params.fy;
cx = params.cx;
cy = params.cy;
k1 = params.k1;
k2 = params.k2;
k3 = params.k3;
p1 = params.p1;
p2 = params.p2;

K = [fx 0 cx; 0 fy cy; 0 0 1];

I = zeros(size(Idistorted));
[i j] = find(~isnan(I));

% Xp = the xyz vals of points on the z plane
Xp = inv(K)*[j i ones(length(i),1)]';

% Now we calculate how those points distort i.e forward map them through the distortion
r2 = Xp(1,:).^2+Xp(2,:).^2;
x = Xp(1,:);
y = Xp(2,:);

x = x.*(1+k1*r2 + k2*r2.^2) + 2*p1.*x.*y + p2*(r2 + 2*x.^2);
y = y.*(1+k1*r2 + k2*r2.^2) + 2*p2.*x.*y + p1*(r2 + 2*y.^2);

% u and v are now the distorted cooridnates
u = reshape(fx*x + cx,size(I));
v = reshape(fy*y + cy,size(I));

% Now we perform a backward mapping in order to undistort the warped image coordinates
I = interp2(Idistorted, u, v);

要使用它,需要知道正在使用的相机的相机参数。 我目前正在使用PMD CamboardNano,根据Cayim.com论坛有这里使用的参数:

params = struct('fx',104.119, 'fy', 103.588, 'cx', 81.9494, 'cy', 59.4392, 'k1', -0.222609, 'k2', 0.063022, 'k3', 0, 'p1', 0.002865, 'p2', -0.001446);

I = undistort(Idistorted, params);

subplot(121); imagesc(Idistorted);
subplot(122); imagesc(I);

以下是Camboard Nano的输出示例。注意:我人为地添加边界线以查看靠近边缘的扭曲效果(更明显): enter image description here

答案 1 :(得分:2)

您现在可以使用计算机视觉系统工具箱在R2013B版本中执行此操作。有一个名为Camera Calibrator的GUI应用程序和一个函数undistortImage