答案 0 :(得分:1)
您可以在SMT 2.0中声明交叉产品功能。
但是,任何非平凡的财产都需要通过入职证明。 Z3目前不支持感应证明。因此,它只能证明非常简单的事实。
顺便说一句,通过列表的交叉产品,我假设您想要一个给定列表[a, b]
和[c, d]
的函数返回列表或对[(a, c), (a, d), (b, c), (b, d)]
该脚本还演示了SMT 2.0语言的一些限制。例如,SMT 2.0不支持参数公理或函数的定义。所以,我使用未解释的排序来“模拟”那个。我还必须定义辅助函数append
该示例还证明了以下微不足道的事实:如果l = product([a], [b])
;; List is a builtin datatype in Z3
;; It has the constructors insert and nil
;; Declaring Pair type using algebraic datatypes
(declare-datatypes (T1 T2) ((Pair (mk-pair (first T1) (second T2)))))
;; SMT 2.0 does not support parametric function definitions.
;; So, I'm using two uninterpreted sorts.
(declare-sort T1)
(declare-sort T2)
;; Remark: We can "instantiate" these sorts to interpreted sorts (Int, Real) by replacing the declarations above
;; with the definitions
;; (define-sort T1 () Int)
;; (define-sort T2 () Real)
(declare-fun append ((List (Pair T1 T2)) (List (Pair T1 T2))) (List (Pair T1 T2)))
;; Remark: I'm using (as nil (Pair T1 T2)) because nil is overloaded. So, I must tell which one I want.
(assert (forall ((l (List (Pair T1 T2))))
(= (append (as nil (List (Pair T1 T2))) l) l)))
(assert (forall ((h (Pair T1 T2)) (t (List (Pair T1 T2))) (l (List (Pair T1 T2))))
(= (append (insert h t) l) (insert h (append t l)))))
;; Auxiliary definition
;; Given [a, b, c], d returns [(a, d), (b, d), (c, d)]
(declare-fun product-aux ((List T1) T2) (List (Pair T1 T2)))
(assert (forall ((v T2))
(= (product-aux (as nil (List T1)) v)
(as nil (List (Pair T1 T2))))))
(assert (forall ((h T1) (t (List T1)) (v T2))
(= (product-aux (insert h t) v)
(insert (mk-pair h v) (product-aux t v)))))
(declare-fun product ((List T1) (List T2)) (List (Pair T1 T2)))
(assert (forall ((l (List T1)))
(= (product l (as nil (List T2))) (as nil (List (Pair T1 T2))))))
(assert (forall ((l (List T1)) (h T2) (t (List T2)))
(= (product l (insert h t))
(append (product-aux l h) (product l t)))))
(declare-const a T1)
(declare-const b T2)
(declare-const l (List (Pair T1 T2)))
(assert (= (product (insert a (as nil (List T1))) (insert b (as nil (List T2))))
(assert (not (= (first (head l)) a)))
答案 1 :(得分:0)
smt-lib格式没有#include指令。 Z3提供了其他几种提供输入的方法。 Python输入格式利用了所有Python,因此自然支持导入文件。 在http://rise4fun.com/z3py