
时间:2020-02-23 03:38:53

标签: c++ algorithm


给出一个整数num,找到绝对差值中最接近的两个整数,其乘积等于num + 1或num + 2。



vector<int> closestDivisors(int num) {
    if(num == 1)
        return {1,2};
    int first = num + 1, second = num + 2;
    std::vector<int> result(2);        
    auto vec1 = properDivisors(first);
    auto vec2 = properDivisors(second);
    std::map<int, std::pair<int,int>> m;
    int min_k1 = INT_MAX;
    for(auto it1 : vec1)
        for(auto it2 : vec1)
            if (it1 * it2 == first)
                min_k1 = abs(it1-it2);
                m[min_k1] = {it1, it2};
    int min_k2 = INT_MAX;
    for(auto it1 : vec2)
        for(auto it2 : vec2)
            if (it1 * it2 == second)
                min_k2 = abs(it1-it2);
                m[min_k2] = {it1, it2};

    for(auto it : m)
        result[0] = it.second.first;
        result[1] = it.second.second;
        if(result.size() == 2)

    return result;

std::vector<long long> properDivisors(int number) {
   std::vector<long long> divisors ;
   for ( int i = 1 ; i < number / 2 + 1 ; i++ )
      if ( number % i == 0 )
     divisors.push_back( i ) ;
   return divisors ;


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


lo设置为1,将hi设置为num + 1。这是获得两个整数的起点,两个整数相乘成所需的值之一(与1num + 2比较接近,因此您可以忽略这种可能性)。


唯一棘手的问题是数字之间的相互关系,但这比您想象的要简单。如果乘积小于num + 1,则减小hi意味着它会进一步偏离期望值,因此在这种情况下,您需要增大lo。< / p>

另一方面,乘积大于num + 2表示您应减少hi(增加lo会使乘积升高,从而远离期望值)。 / p>

如果等于num + 1num + 2,则可以选择其中一个。没关系的原因是因为lo + 1hi之间的绝对差异与lohi -1之间的绝对差异相同(a)


num = int(input("Number: "))
lo = 1
hi = num + 1
found = None
while lo <= hi: # Make this '<' if numbers must be different.
    prod = lo * hi
    if prod == num + 1 or prod == num + 2:
        found = (lo, hi)
        mark = ' *'
        mark = ""
    print(f"Low = {lo}, high = {hi}, product = {prod}{mark}")
    if prod < num + 1:
        lo += 1
        hi -= 1


Number: 3
Low = 1, high = 4, product = 4 *
Low = 1, high = 3, product = 3
Low = 2, high = 3, product = 6
Low = 2, high = 2, product = 4 *
(2, 2)

Number: 10
Low = 1, high = 11, product = 11 *
Low = 1, high = 10, product = 10
Low = 2, high = 10, product = 20
Low = 2, high = 9, product = 18
Low = 2, high = 8, product = 16
Low = 2, high = 7, product = 14
Low = 2, high = 6, product = 12 *
Low = 2, high = 5, product = 10
Low = 3, high = 5, product = 15
Low = 3, high = 4, product = 12 *
Low = 3, high = 3, product = 9
(3, 4)

Number: 100
Low = 1, high = 101, product = 101 *
Low = 1, high = 100, product = 100
Low = 2, high = 100, product = 200
Low = 2, high = 99, product = 198
: : : (lots of stuff irrelevant to final result)
Low = 6, high = 18, product = 108
Low = 6, high = 17, product = 102 *
Low = 6, high = 16, product = 96
Low = 7, high = 16, product = 112
Low = 7, high = 15, product = 105
Low = 7, high = 14, product = 98
Low = 8, high = 14, product = 112
Low = 8, high = 13, product = 104
Low = 8, high = 12, product = 96
Low = 9, high = 12, product = 108
Low = 9, high = 11, product = 99
Low = 10, high = 11, product = 110
Low = 10, high = 10, product = 100
(6, 17)


lo = 1
hi = num + 1


lo = -num - 1
hi = num + 1
if lo > hi:
    (lo, hi) = (hi, lo)



答案 1 :(得分:0)

这是c ++中的代码。

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
void print_vector(vector<auto> v){
   cout << "[";
   for(int i = 0; i<v.size(); i++){
       if(v.size() - i == 1) {
           cout << v[i];
       } else {
          cout << v[i] << ", ";
   cout << "]"<<endl;
class Solution {
   vector <int> getDiv(int x){
      int diff = INT_MAX;
      vector <int> ret(2);
      for(int i = 1; i * i <= x; i++){
         if(x % i == 0){
            int a = i;
            int b = x / i;
            int newDiff = abs(a - b);
            if(newDiff < diff){
               diff = newDiff;
               ret[0] = a;
               ret[1] = b;
      return ret;
   vector<int> closestDivisors(int num) {
      vector <int> op1 = getDiv(num + 1);
      vector <int> op2 = getDiv(num + 2);
      return abs(op1[0] - op1[1]) <= abs(op2[0] - op2[1]) ? op1 : op2;
   Solution ob;

// Output [3,3]

You can run the above code here



let num = 8; //Input

function getFactors(num) {
  let factors = [1];
  for (let i = 2; i <= Math.sqrt(num); i++) {
    if (num % i === 0) {
      factors.push(num / i);
  return factors;

(function getSmallAbsDiff() {
  const factorsNplusOne = getFactors(num + 1).sort((a, b) => a - b);
  const factorsNplusTwo = getFactors(num + 2).sort((a, b) => a - b);

  const minOne = factorsNplusOne[factorsNplusOne.length / 2 - 1];
  const maxOne = factorsNplusOne[factorsNplusOne.length / 2];
  const minTwo = factorsNplusTwo[factorsNplusTwo.length / 2 - 1];
  const maxTwo = factorsNplusTwo[factorsNplusTwo.length / 2];

  maxOne - minOne < maxTwo - minTwo ? console.log(`[${maxOne}, ${minOne}]`) : console.log(`[${maxTwo}, ${minTwo}]`); // Output
