Start -> [1];
1 -> [2];
2 -> [3, 4];
3 -> [6];
4 -> [7];
5 -> [3,8];
6 -> [5,8];
7 -> [10];
8 -> [9];
9 -> [End];
10 -> [8].
我找到了所有简单的路径,但是,还有三条路径不重复循环,但是,它们能够通过一个循环一次。我希望能够找到这些,使用Python ??
import networkx as nx
#Build a dummy dictionary to represent a graph, nodes as keys, edges to the node as paired arrays
#Page 1
Demo_Bussines_Process_Diagram = {"Start" : ["1"], "1":["2"], "2":["3","4"],
"3":["6"], "4":["7"], "5":["3","8"], "6":["5","8"],
#Build an empty directed graph
Business_Process = nx.MultiDiGraph()
#place each node into the graph, unconnected
for node in Demo_Bussines_Process_Diagram:
#Build the edges between the nodes of the graph
for source_node in Demo_Bussines_Process_Diagram:
for edge_node in Demo_Bussines_Process_Diagram[source_node]:
#Freeze the diagram, locking down any possible modifications
#Calculate the order (total nodes)
order = Business_Process.order()
print("Total nodes in the graph =", order)
#Find all of the edges in the proces
total_edges = Business_Process.edges()
print("Total conections in the graph =", len(total_edges))
#Find all decisions in the diagram
Decisions = {}
for node in Business_Process:
if Business_Process.out_degree(node)>1:
Decisions[node] = [Business_Process.out_degree(node),Business_Process.out_edges(node)]
print("Total decisions =",len(Decisions))
#Find all cycles
cycles = nx.simple_cycles(Business_Process)
counter = 0
cyclic_decisions = {}
for cycle in cycles:
decision_nodes = []
counter += 1
decimal_cycle = ".".join(cycle)
cyclic_decisions[decimal_cycle] = cycle
print("Cycle", counter,"is",cycle)
decision_node = None
print("Total cyclic decisions =",counter)
#Find all, non-cyclic, paths
paths = nx.all_simple_paths(Business_Process, source="Start", target="End")
counter = 1
for path in paths:
print("Path", counter,"is",path)
counter += 1