
时间:2012-03-08 11:36:15

标签: macos shell url applescript finder

我尝试一起使用Keyboard Maestro快捷方式来为我提供文件的URL(就像Path Finder输出的那样)。


tell application "Finder"
    set sel to the selection as text
    set the clipboard to POSIX path of sel
end tell





使用AppleScript或Shell脚本的解决方案会很棒,因为我能够合并它。我也试过set the clipboard to URL of the first item of (get the selection),但这对我没用 - 也许我做错了。

另一种选择是编写特殊字符的脚本 - 我也可以使用它,但我不确定要转换成什么 - 否则我会寻找它。

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

这几乎逐字逐句地从this answer解除,即在将file://localhost添加到字符串的开头之前,利用python的urllib正确引用字符串

on path2url(thepath)
    return do shell script "python -c \"import urllib, sys; print (urllib.quote(sys.argv[1]))\" " & quoted form of thepath
end path2url

tell application "Finder"
    set sel to the selection as text
    set the clipboard to "file://localhost" & my path2url(POSIX path of sel)
end tell

我在打印周围添加了括号,以使python脚本在python 2.x和python 3之间兼容。

答案 1 :(得分:4)

这是一个简单的AppleScript,它将遍历Finder选择并将文件URL放在剪贴板上,并以返回分隔的字符串形式显示。它使用mklement的“2行”代码,可与Keyboard Maestro一起使用:

set theOutput to ""

-- Obtain Finder selection and store it in variable "sel".
tell application "Finder" to set sel to get selection as alias list

repeat with x in sel

-- Convert to alias, then determine its file URL and store that in variable "myFileUrl"
tell application "System Events" to set myFileUrl to URL of x

if theOutput = "" then
    set theOutput to myFileUrl
    set theOutput to theOutput & return & myFileUrl
end if

end repeat

set the clipboard to theOutput

答案 2 :(得分:2)

有一个更强大和方便的解决方案(在10.7.4上测试 - 不知道何时可用):

-- Obtain Finder selection and store it in variable "sel".
set sel to selection of application "Finder"
-- Convert to alias, then determine its file URL and store that in variable "myFileUrl"
tell application "System Events" to set myFileUrl to URL of (sel as alias)


  • 示例仅在Finder选择恰好包含1个项目时有效。
  • tell application "System Events"部分是必不可少的,因为只有系统事件字典包含具有URL属性的别名类的类型
  • 为简洁起见,这两个陈述可以合并为一个。

现在,假设您要创建一个OS X服务,将当前在Finder中选择的文件和/或文件夹的文件URL复制到剪贴板:

  • 运行Automator,选择文件>新的,并选择创建新服务。
  • 在“服务接收已选中”下,选择“文件或文件夹”,然后选择“输入”,选择“Finder.app”
  • 添加“运行AppleScript”操作。
  • 粘贴以下AppleScript代码:
-- Receives the select files/folders from the Finder and copies their file URLs to the clipboard.
-- If the selection comprises more than 1 item, the URLs copied are separated by LF characters.
on run {input, parameters}
    set allUrls to ""
    tell application "System Events"
        repeat with f in input
            -- Convert input file/folder to a "System Events" alias...
            set a to f as alias
            -- and determine the value of the "URL" property, which is the file URL.
            set thisUrl to URL of a
            -- Add the file URL to the overall result.
            if length of allUrls is 0 then
                set allUrls to thisUrl
                set allUrls to allUrls & linefeed & thisUrl
            end if
        end repeat
    end tell
    -- Finally, copy the file URL(s) to the clipboard.
    set the clipboard to allUrls
end run
  • 使用描述性名称保存新服务;例如,“将文件URL复制到剪贴板”



答案 3 :(得分:1)

好的,如果您使用 Finder 进行选择,您就不需要(" python"或"系统事件")来获取网址


tell application "Finder" to URL of item 1 of (get selection)
set the clipboard to the result

答案 4 :(得分:0)


脚本编辑器通过WebKit JavaScriptCore框架提供encodeURI()和decodeUIR()。 encodeURI()和decodeUIR()极大地简化了Finder URL的解码和编码。


var appFinder = Application('Finder')

var url = appFinder.insertionLocation().url()
console.log("encoded : " + url)
console.log("decoded : " + decodeURI(url))

var urlList = appFinder.selection();
for (idx in urlList) {
  console.log("encoded : " + urlList[idx].url())
  console.log("decoded : " + decodeURI(urlList[idx].url()))

/*  encoded : file:///Volumes/Some%20HD/%E2%80%A2UnicodeName/file.ext */
/*  decoded : file:///Volumes/Some HD/•UnicodeName/file.ext */

注意:自动化JavaScript(JXA)首次推出10.10 OS X Yosemite。