Iterator(string :: iterator)表现得好像超出了范围?

时间:2012-03-04 21:27:35

标签: c++ string iterator


我开始在其他地方有一个函数,它返回标题号+后面的第一个单词(它将在之前的示例中返回“3.3 Evaluation”并将其他所有内容放在文本下)。此功能扩展了标题。



你可以尝试自己运行代码,因为我已经剥离了所有其他依赖它 - 它运行相同并运行。

字符串temp必须是原因,因为它是while循环范围内唯一的东西 - 但它没有任何意义,因为我将它复制到另一个变量,这是迭代器唯一看到的。另一个变量不会超出范围,为什么迭代器会改变?我想不出一个解释: - (

这不是一个提升的东西,因为std :: string :: iterator无法解释也是这样 - iterator_range类与此行为无关......

#include <string>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string_regex.hpp>
#include <boost/regex.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace boost;

typedef iterator_range<string::iterator> string_range;

int main() {
    string original_text("Mixed Initiative Dialogue Management 2.1 Motivation In naturally occurring human-human dialogues, speakers often adopt different dialogue strategies based on hearer characteristics, dialogue history, etc.For instance, the speaker may provide more guidance if the hearer is hav- ing difficulty making progress toward task completion, while taking a more passive approach when the hearer is an expert in the domain.Our main goal is to enable a spoken dialogue system to simulate such human be- havior by dynamically adapting dialogue strategies dur- ing an interaction based on information that can be au- tomatically detected from the dialogue. Figure 1 shows an excerpt from a dialogue between MIMIC and an ac- tual user where the user is attempting to find the times at which the movie Analyze This playing at theaters in Montclair. S and U indicate system and user utterances, respectively, and the italicized utterances are the output of our automatic speech recognizer.In addition, each system turn is annotated with its task and dialogue ini- tiative holders, where task initiative tracks the lead in the process toward achieving the dialogue participants' do- main goal, while dialogue initiative models the lead in determining the current discourse focus (Chu-Carroll and Brown, 1998). In our information query application do- main, the system has task (and thus dialogue) initiative if its utterances provide helpful guidance toward achieving the user's domain goal, as in utterances (6) and (7) where MIMIC provided valid response choices to its query in- tending to solicit a theater name, while the system has 97 dialogue but not task initiative if its utterances only spec- ify the current discourse goal, as in utterance (4). This dialogue illustrates several features of our adap- tive mixed initiative dialogue manager for dynamic");
    string_range text(original_text.begin(), original_text.end() );
    string first_sentence("Mixed Initiative Dialogue Management 2.1 Motivation In naturally occurring human-human dialogues, speakers often adopt different dialogue strategies based on hearer characteristics, dialogue history, etc.");
    regex capex("((^| )([A-Z][a-z]+|[A-Z]+) )"); // Capitalized word (or fullcapsed word)
    string_range capitalized_word;

    string::iterator unexplainable;
    int count = 0;
    while (find_regex(first_sentence, capex) ) { // Getting the last one
        capitalized_word = find_regex(first_sentence, capex);
        string temp(capitalized_word.end(), first_sentence.end() );
        first_sentence = temp;
        unexplainable = capitalized_word.begin(); // Here is fine
    if (count <= 1) return 0;
    string_range new_text_range(unexplainable, text.end()); // Here it gets full of junk... why??
    string new_string(new_text_range.begin(), new_text_range.end() );
    string_range new_text_range2(capitalized_word.begin(), text.end());
    return 0;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

您的问题是您混合来自不同序列的迭代器并尝试从它们创建新序列。 unexplainable迭代器指向first_sentence字符串中的某个位置,而text.end()指向original_text字符串的末尾。


   00 Hello World!0%&(
   16 %£$!*Bye world!0

现在说unexplainable指向6,即“世界!”并且text.end()指向31,现在如果您创建一个范围(然后是该范围内的字符串),您将获得垃圾,因为您将获得的字符串如下所示:"World!0%&(%£$!*Bye world!" 。这只是一个组成的例子,但我希望你能得到这个想法:不要混合来自不同序列的迭代器!!


  capitalized_word = find_regex(first_sentence, capex);
    // do stuff