
时间:2012-02-22 04:58:24

标签: javascript numbers




澄清 -



对于这个问题,我并不是想避免这个问题,而是要理解它。浮点数在设计上本质上是不准确的,但只要注意如何进行构建,则不准确性可以完全可预测和一致。 IEEE-754将此描述为只有标准组织才能达到的详细程度。


  • 与主流浏览器中IEEE号码实现相关的真正兼容性数据。
  • 用于验证浏览器内实现的测试套件,包括验证64位浮点数(53位尾数)的正确内部使用。


7 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:19)




与IEEE实施相关的真实兼容性数据   主流浏览器中的数字。

不存在,就此而言甚至没有任何意义,IEEE只是一个标准组织......?我不确定这个模糊是故意的还是意外的,我会假设你试图说IEEE 754,但是存在谎言...技术上有2个版本的这个标准IEEE 754-2008和{{3 }}。基本上前者更新,并解决了后者的疏忽。任何理智的人都会认为任何维护的JavaScript实现都会更新到最新和最好的标准,但任何理智的人都应该比这更好地了解JavaScript,即使JavaScript并不疯狂,也没有规范说实现有要保持最新状态(IEEE 754-1985,他们甚至不会说话#34;版本")。为了使问题进一步复杂化,IEEE标准754-2008浮点运算支持两个 编码格式:十进制编码格式和二进制编码格式。在您可以来回移动而不丢失数据的意义上,可以预期哪些是相互兼容的,但是假设我们可以访问数字的二进制表示,我们不会# 39; t (没有附加调试器并以旧学校的方式查看商店)

但是,据我所知,似乎通常的做法是"返回"带有旧式Number的JavaScript double,这当然意味着我们受制于用于实际构建浏览器的编译器的支配。但即使在这个领域,即使所有的编译器都使用相同版本的标准(它们都不是),即使所有编译器都实现了这一点,我们也不能并且不应该假设相等。完全是标准(他们不是)。这是check the ECMA spec yourself if you don't believe me的摘录,我认为这是一个有趣的,有价值的,与此对话相关的阅读......


许多程序员喜欢相信他们能够理解这种行为   一个程序,并证明它将无法参考正常工作   编译它的编译器或运行它的计算机。在很多   支持这种信念的方式对于设计师来说是一个有价值的目标   计算机系统和编程语言。不幸的是,当它   来到浮点运算,目标几乎是不可能的   实现。 IEEE标准的作者知道这一点,以及他们   没有尝试实现它。因此,尽管几乎普遍   在整个计算机中符合(大部分)IEEE 754标准   业界,便携式软件的程序员必须继续应对   不可预测的浮点运算。

虽然发现我也发现了this paper(注意:我实际上并没有验证实施的有效性)。



一个测试套件,旨在验证其中的实现   浏览器,包括验证64位的正确内部使用   浮点数(53位尾数)。

由于JavaScript是一个解释平台,你现在应该看到没有办法测试编译编译器+机器的脚本+编译器(VM /引擎)+编译器的集合。从JavaScript的角度来看可靠的方式。因此,除非您想构建一个充当浏览器主机的测试套件,并且实际上是“偷看”#34;进入私人记忆的过程,以确保有效的代表,无论如何,这很可能是无用的,因为这个数字最有可能被支持"通过double,它将与在内置浏览器的C或C ++中一致。没有绝对的方法可以从JavaScript执行此操作,因为我们可以访问的是"对象& #34;甚至当我们在控制台中查看Number时,我们正在查看.toString版本。就此而言,我认为这是唯一重要的形式,因为它将从二进制文件中确定,并且如果对于语句n1 === n2 && n1.toString() !== n2.toString()你只能找到一个n1, n2,它只会成为一个失败点。是相关的...

也就是说,我们可以测试字符串版本,实际上它只要测试二进制文件就好,只要我们记住一些奇怪的东西。特别是因为JavaScript引擎/ VM之外没有任何东西触及二进制版本。然而,这会使你受到一种奇怪的具体,可能非常挑剔和摆脱变化的失败点的摆布。仅供参考,以下是reference implementation done completely in JavaScript的摘录,显示转换的复杂性:

    // The largest finite floating point number is 1.mantissa * 2^(0x7fe-0x3ff).
    // Since 2^N in binary is a one bit followed by N zero bits. 1 * 2^3ff requires
    // at most 1024 characters to the left of a decimal point, in base 2 (1025 if
    // we include a minus sign). For the fraction, a value with an exponent of 0
    // has up to 52 bits to the right of the decimal point. Each decrement of the
    // exponent down to a minimum of -0x3fe adds an additional digit to the length
    // of the fraction. As such the maximum fraction size is 1075 (1076 including
    // a point). We pick a buffer size such that can simply place the point in the
    // center of the buffer, and are guaranteed to have enough space in each direction
    // fo any number of digits an IEEE number may require to represent.
    typedef char RadixBuffer[2180];

    // Mapping from integers 0..35 to digit identifying this value, for radix 2..36.
    static const char* const radixDigits = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";

    static char* toStringWithRadix(RadixBuffer& buffer, double number, unsigned radix)
        ASSERT(radix >= 2 && radix <= 36);

        // Position the decimal point at the center of the string, set
        // the startOfResultString pointer to point at the decimal point.
        char* decimalPoint = buffer + sizeof(buffer) / 2;
        char* startOfResultString = decimalPoint;

        // Extract the sign.
        bool isNegative = number < 0;
        if (signbit(number))
            number = -number;
        double integerPart = floor(number);

        // We use this to test for odd values in odd radix bases.
        // Where the base is even, (e.g. 10), to determine whether a value is even we need only
        // consider the least significant digit. For example, 124 in base 10 is even, because '4'
        // is even. if the radix is odd, then the radix raised to an integer power is also odd.
        // E.g. in base 5, 124 represents (1 * 125 + 2 * 25 + 4 * 5). Since each digit in the value
        // is multiplied by an odd number, the result is even if the sum of all digits is even.
        // For the integer portion of the result, we only need test whether the integer value is
        // even or odd. For each digit of the fraction added, we should invert our idea of whether
        // the number is odd if the new digit is odd.
        // Also initialize digit to this value; for even radix values we only need track whether
        // the last individual digit was odd.
        bool integerPartIsOdd = integerPart <= static_cast<double>(0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFFull) && static_cast<int64_t>(integerPart) & 1;
        ASSERT(integerPartIsOdd == static_cast<bool>(fmod(integerPart, 2)));
        bool isOddInOddRadix = integerPartIsOdd;
        uint32_t digit = integerPartIsOdd;

        // Check if the value has a fractional part to convert.
        double fractionPart = number - integerPart;
        if (fractionPart) {
            // Write the decimal point now.
            *decimalPoint = '.';

            // Higher precision representation of the fractional part.
            Uint16WithFraction fraction(fractionPart);

            bool needsRoundingUp = false;
            char* endOfResultString = decimalPoint + 1;

            // Calculate the delta from the current number to the next & previous possible IEEE numbers.
            double nextNumber = nextafter(number, std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
            double lastNumber = nextafter(number, -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
            ASSERT(isfinite(nextNumber) && !signbit(nextNumber));
            ASSERT(isfinite(lastNumber) && !signbit(lastNumber));
            double deltaNextDouble = nextNumber - number;
            double deltaLastDouble = number - lastNumber;
            ASSERT(isfinite(deltaNextDouble) && !signbit(deltaNextDouble));
            ASSERT(isfinite(deltaLastDouble) && !signbit(deltaLastDouble));

            // We track the delta from the current value to the next, to track how many digits of the
            // fraction we need to write. For example, if the value we are converting is precisely
            // 1.2345, so far we have written the digits "1.23" to a string leaving a remainder of
            // 0.45, and we want to determine whether we can round off, or whether we need to keep
            // appending digits ('4'). We can stop adding digits provided that then next possible
            // lower IEEE value is further from 1.23 than the remainder we'd be rounding off (0.45),
            // which is to say, less than 1.2255. Put another way, the delta between the prior
            // possible value and this number must be more than 2x the remainder we'd be rounding off
            // (or more simply half the delta between numbers must be greater than the remainder).
            // Similarly we need track the delta to the next possible value, to dertermine whether
            // to round up. In almost all cases (other than at exponent boundaries) the deltas to
            // prior and subsequent values are identical, so we don't need track then separately.
            if (deltaNextDouble != deltaLastDouble) {
                // Since the deltas are different track them separately. Pre-multiply by 0.5.
                Uint16WithFraction halfDeltaNext(deltaNextDouble, 1);
                Uint16WithFraction halfDeltaLast(deltaLastDouble, 1);

                while (true) {
                    // examine the remainder to determine whether we should be considering rounding
                    // up or down. If remainder is precisely 0.5 rounding is to even.
                    int dComparePoint5 = fraction.comparePoint5();
                    if (dComparePoint5 > 0 || (!dComparePoint5 && (radix & 1 ? isOddInOddRadix : digit & 1))) {
                        // Check for rounding up; are we closer to the value we'd round off to than
                        // the next IEEE value would be?
                        if (fraction.sumGreaterThanOne(halfDeltaNext)) {
                            needsRoundingUp = true;
                    } else {
                        // Check for rounding down; are we closer to the value we'd round off to than
                        // the prior IEEE value would be?
                        if (fraction < halfDeltaLast)

                    ASSERT(endOfResultString < (buffer + sizeof(buffer) - 1));
                    // Write a digit to the string.
                    fraction *= radix;
                    digit = fraction.floorAndSubtract();
                    *endOfResultString++ = radixDigits[digit];
                    // Keep track whether the portion written is currently even, if the radix is odd.
                    if (digit & 1)
                        isOddInOddRadix = !isOddInOddRadix;

                    // Shift the fractions by radix.
                    halfDeltaNext *= radix;
                    halfDeltaLast *= radix;
            } else {
                // This code is identical to that above, except since deltaNextDouble != deltaLastDouble
                // we don't need to track these two values separately.
                Uint16WithFraction halfDelta(deltaNextDouble, 1);

                while (true) {
                    int dComparePoint5 = fraction.comparePoint5();
                    if (dComparePoint5 > 0 || (!dComparePoint5 && (radix & 1 ? isOddInOddRadix : digit & 1))) {
                        if (fraction.sumGreaterThanOne(halfDelta)) {
                            needsRoundingUp = true;
                    } else if (fraction < halfDelta)

                    ASSERT(endOfResultString < (buffer + sizeof(buffer) - 1));
                    fraction *= radix;
                    digit = fraction.floorAndSubtract();
                    if (digit & 1)
                        isOddInOddRadix = !isOddInOddRadix;
                    *endOfResultString++ = radixDigits[digit];

                    halfDelta *= radix;

            // Check if the fraction needs rounding off (flag set in the loop writing digits, above).
            if (needsRoundingUp) {
                // Whilst the last digit is the maximum in the current radix, remove it.
                // e.g. rounding up the last digit in "12.3999" is the same as rounding up the
                // last digit in "12.3" - both round up to "12.4".
                while (endOfResultString[-1] == radixDigits[radix - 1])

                // Radix digits are sequential in ascii/unicode, except for '9' and 'a'.
                // E.g. the first 'if' case handles rounding 67.89 to 67.8a in base 16.
                // The 'else if' case handles rounding of all other digits.
                if (endOfResultString[-1] == '9')
                    endOfResultString[-1] = 'a';
                else if (endOfResultString[-1] != '.')
                else {
                    // One other possibility - there may be no digits to round up in the fraction
                    // (or all may be been rounded off already), in which case we may need to
                    // round into the integer portion of the number. Remove the decimal point.
                    // In order to get here there must have been a non-zero fraction, in which case
                    // there must be at least one bit of the value's mantissa not in use in the
                    // integer part of the number. As such, adding to the integer part should not
                    // be able to lose precision.
                    ASSERT((integerPart + 1) - integerPart == 1);
            } else {
                // We only need to check for trailing zeros if the value does not get rounded up.
                while (endOfResultString[-1] == '0')

            *endOfResultString = '\0';
            ASSERT(endOfResultString < buffer + sizeof(buffer));
        } else
            *decimalPoint = '\0';

        BigInteger units(integerPart);

        // Always loop at least once, to emit at least '0'.
        do {
            ASSERT(buffer < startOfResultString);

            // Read a single digit and write it to the front of the string.
            // Divide by radix to remove one digit from the value.
            digit = units.divide(radix);
            *--startOfResultString = radixDigits[digit];
        } while (!!units);

        // If the number is negative, prepend '-'.
        if (isNegative)
            *--startOfResultString = '-';
        ASSERT(buffer <= startOfResultString);

        return startOfResultString;


  1. 测试&#34;字符串结果&#34;针对参考字符串结果
  2. 测试他们解析的等价物(忽略任何epsilon,我的意思是确切的!)
  3. 测试一个特殊版本的字符串,仅针对四舍五入进行调整&#34;解释&#34;
  4. 为了实现这一点,我们需要访问一个参考版本,我首先想到的是使用一种本地语言,但我发现生成的数字似乎比JavaScript更高,导致更多的错误。那么我想,如果我刚刚在JavaScript引擎中使用了一个实现,那该怎么办呢? WebKit / JavaScriptCore似乎是一个非常好的选择,但是参考构建和运行也需要做很多工作,因此我选择了.NET的简单性,因为它可以访问&#34; jScript&#34;虽然在初步检查时看起来并不理想,但是比原生对手产生更接近的结果。我并不真的想用jScript编写代码,因为语言几乎全部被弃用了,所以我通过CodeDomProvider选择了C#bootstrapping jScript ....经过一点点的修补后,它产生了什么: webkit's JavaScriptCore's Number Prototype (NumberPrototype.cpp) (最后演示酱!!!! 1!),所以现在你可以在所有浏览器中运行它并编译你自己的数据,经过我的个人检查,似乎字符串舍入解释变化在我试过的每个浏览器中,但我还没有找到一个主要的浏览器来处理幕后的数字(其他字符串化)......


        using System;
        using System.Collections.Generic;
        using System.ComponentModel;
        using System.Data;
        using System.Drawing;
        using System.Linq;
        using System.Text;
        using System.Windows.Forms;
        using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
        using System.Reflection;
        namespace DoubleFloatJs
            public partial class Form1 : Form
                private static string preamble = @"
        var successes = [];
        var failures = [];
        function fpu_test_add(v1, v2) {
            return '' + (v1 + v2);  
        function fpu_test_sub(v1, v2) {
            return '' + (v1 - v2);
        function fpu_test_mul(v1, v2) {
            return '' + (v1 * v2);
        function fpu_test_div(v1, v2) {
            return '' + (v1 / v2);
        function format(name, result1, result2, result3, received, expected) {
            return '<span style=""display:inline-block;width:350px;"">' + name + '</span>' +
                '<span style=""display:inline-block;width:60px;text-align:center;font-weight:bold; color:' + (result1 ? 'green;"">OK' : 'red;"">NO') + '</span>' + 
                '<span style=""display:inline-block;width:60px;text-align:center;font-weight:bold; color:' + (result2 ? 'green;"">OK' : 'red;"">NO') + '</span>' + 
                '<span style=""display:inline-block;width:60px;text-align:center;font-weight:bold; color:' + (result3 ? 'green;"">OK' : 'red;"">NO') + '</span>' + 
                '<span style=""display:inline-block;width:200px;vertical-align:top;"">' + received + '<br />' + expected + '</span>';
        function check_ignore_round(received, expected) {
            return received.length > 8 &&
                received.length == expected.length && 
                received.substr(0, received.length - 1) === expected.substr(0, expected.length - 1);
        function check_parse_parity_no_epsilon(received, expected) {
            return parseFloat(received) === parseFloat(expected);
        function fpu_test_result(v1, v2, textFn, received, expected) {
            var result = expected === received,
                resultNoRound = check_ignore_round(received, expected),
                resultParse = check_parse_parity_no_epsilon(received, expected),
                resDiv = document.createElement('div');
            resDiv.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap';
            resDiv.style.fontFamily = 'Courier New, Courier, monospace';
            resDiv.style.fontSize = '0.74em';
            resDiv.style.background = result ? '#aaffaa' : '#ffaaaa';
            resDiv.style.borderBottom = 'solid 1px #696969';
            resDiv.style.padding = '2px';
            resDiv.innerHTML = format(textFn + '(' + v1 + ', ' + v2 + ')', result, resultNoRound, resultParse, received, expected);
            (result ? successes : failures).push(resDiv);
            return resDiv;
        function fpu_test_run(v1, v2, addRes, subRes, mulRes, divRes) {
            var i, res, 
                fnLst = [fpu_test_add, fpu_test_sub, fpu_test_mul, fpu_test_div],
                fnNam = ['add', 'sub', 'mul', 'div'];
            for (i = 0; i < fnLst.length; i++) {
                res = fnLst[i].call(null, v1, v2);
                fpu_test_result(v1, v2, fnNam[i], res, arguments[i + 2]);
        function setDisplay(s, f) {
            var i;
            for (i = 0; i < successes.length; i++) {
                successes[i].style.display = s;
            for (i = 0; i < failures.length; i++) {
                failures[i].style.display = f;
        var test_header = fpu_test_result('value1', 'value2', 'func', 'received', 'expected'),
            test_header_cols = test_header.getElementsByTagName('span');
        test_header_cols[1].innerHTML = 'string';
        test_header_cols[2].innerHTML = 'rounded';
        test_header_cols[3].innerHTML = 'parsed';
        test_header.style.background = '#aaaaff';
        failures.length = successes.length = 0;
                private static string summation = @"
        var bs = document.createElement('button');
        var bf = document.createElement('button');
        var ba = document.createElement('button');
        bs.innerHTML = 'show successes (' + successes.length + ')';
        bf.innerHTML = 'show failures (' + failures.length + ')';
        ba.innerHTML = 'show all (' + (successes.length + failures.length) + ')';
        ba.style.width = bs.style.width = bf.style.width = '200px';
        ba.style.margin = bs.style.margin = bf.style.margin = '4px';
        ba.style.padding = bs.style.padding = bf.style.padding = '4px';
        bs.onclick = function() { setDisplay('block', 'none'); };
        bf.onclick = function() { setDisplay('none', 'block'); };
        ba.onclick = function() { setDisplay('block', 'block'); };
        document.body.insertBefore(bs, test_header);
        document.body.insertBefore(bf, test_header);
        document.body.insertBefore(ba, test_header);
        document.body.style.minWidth = '700px';
                private void buttonGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                    var numberOfTests = this.numericNumOfTests.Value;
                    var strb = new StringBuilder(preamble);
                    var rand = new Random();
                    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTests; i++)
                        double v1 = rand.NextDouble();
                        double v2 = rand.NextDouble();
                            .Append(", ")
                            .Append(", '")
                            .Append(JsEval("" + v1 + '+' + v2))
                            .Append("', '")
                            .Append(JsEval("" + v1 + '-' + v2))
                            .Append("', '")
                            .Append(JsEval("" + v1 + '*' + v2))
                            .Append("', '")
                            .Append(JsEval("" + v1 + '/' + v2))
                    this.textboxOutput.Text = strb.ToString();
                public Form1()
                    Type evalType = CodeDomProvider
                        .CompileAssemblyFromSource(new CompilerParameters(), "package e{class v{public static function e(e:String):String{return eval(e);}}}")
                    this.JsEval = s => (string)evalType.GetMethod("e").Invoke(null, new[] { s });
                private readonly Func<string, string> JsEval;

    或预编译版本,如果您应该选择:http://jsbin.com/afiqil 这是可执行文件,下载风险自负

    screen shot of test generator application


    ......而且,......我......,...我希望这会帮助你 -

答案 1 :(得分:7)


要验证系统,您可以使用test262中与浮点相关的测试。它们位于http://test262.ecmascript.org/json/ch<2-digit # of spec chapter>.json;测试代码可以用(python 2.6 +)提取:

ch="05";  #substitute chapter #
import urllib,json,base64
for t in tt:
  print >>f
  print >>f,base64.b64decode(t['code'])

另一个机会是IEEE 754 compliance tests in C


"S11": "5.1.A4: T1-T8",
"S15": {
    "7": "3: 2.A1 & 3.A1",
    "8": {
        "1": "1-8: A1",
        "2": {
            "4": "A4 & A5",
            "5": "A: 3,6,7,10-13,15,17-19",
            "7": "A6 & A7",
            "13": "A24",
            "16": "A6 & A7",
            "17": "A6",
            "18": "A6"
"S8": "5.A2: 1 & 2"


答案 2 :(得分:5)





我不会在下面完整地重复我的评论,但简短的回答是没有人能够说100%的设备EVERY IMPLEMENTATION是100%。期。我可以说和其他人会告诉你一样,那是在 当前的主流浏览器 我还没有看到或听说任何涉及浮点数的浏览器特定的有害bug。但是你的问题本身就是一把双刃剑,因为你想“依赖”“不可靠”的结果,或者只是你希望所有的浏览器“始终不一致” - 换句话说,不是试图确保狮子会玩取物,你的时间会更好地寻找一只狗,这意味着:你可以依靠110%的整数数学和所说的数学结果,对于已经向您建议的字符串数学也是如此......

祝你好运 -

答案 3 :(得分:4)


然后答案是否定的。您不能在规范上中继告诉您浏览器正确处理浮动。 Chrome每6周更新一次,因此即使您有规格,Chrome也可能会在下一版本中更改此行为。


答案 4 :(得分:4)


不幸的是答案是否定的。 v8中至少有一个突出的错误,由于双舍入,意味着它可能与32位Linux上的IEEE 754双精度不匹配。


9007199254740994 + 0.99999 === 9007199254740994

我可以在32位Ubuntu上运行的Chrome 26.0.1410.63上验证这是否失败(左侧是9007199254740996)。它在同一系统上传递Firefox 20.0。至少,这个测试应该添加到你的测试套件中,也许是test262。

答案 5 :(得分:3)


答案 6 :(得分:0)


