
时间:2012-01-07 23:12:38

标签: python django jekyll hyde




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:10)


例如,如果您想要一个包含此网址的博文: http://localhost:8080/blog/2012/01/05/a-new-post


  1. 在您的内容文件夹
  2. 下创建目录blog/2010/01/05
  3. 使用文字编辑器创建帖子
  4. 将文件保存在您在步骤1中创建的目录中
  5. 执行hyde genhyde serve时,您会看到该文件显示在该网址中

答案 1 :(得分:3)


我认为,例如,如果某些vim用户或想要进行邮件管理而不是org-mode发布但可能是markdown或其他东西的人(现在它的硬编码只是打开emacs) - 如果这些人想要帮助使这更加通用,那就太好了。

Ghorg: Org for Hyde

    dlacewell@scarf$ ghorg -h
    usage: ghorg [-h] [-b] [-p] [-s SITE] [--config CONFIG] [-l] [-n [N]] [-P]
                 [-U] [-e] [-t TEMPLATE] [-D]
                 [title [title ...]]

    Manage your Ghorg blog.

    positional arguments:
      title                 all arguments will be joined with hyphen for filename
                            `ghorg post title' => `2012-01-12-post-title.org'

    optional arguments:
       h, --help            show this help message and exit
       b, --build           Perform configured Hyde build step.
       p, --publish         Perform configured Hyde publishing step. (implies -b/--        build)
       s SITE, --site SITE  Path to the root of the Hyde site.
       config CONFIG        Filename of Hyde configuration for building.
       l, --list            List previous posts (-n to change count).
       n [N]                Change number of posts listed (default:5).
       P                    Set post as published.
       U                    Set post as unpublished.
       e                    Mix with -P/-U to edit while changing publishing
       t TEMPLATE           Location of template for new posts.
       D                    Delete existing post.