
时间:2012-01-07 09:29:02

标签: javascript keymapping

function Keymap(bindings) {
    this.map = {};    // Define the key identifier->handler map
    if (bindings) {   // Copy initial bindings into it
        for(name in bindings) this.bind(name, bindings[name]);

// Bind the specified key identifier to the specified handler function
Keymap.prototype.bind = function(key, func) {
    this.map[Keymap.normalize(key)] = func;

// Delete the binding for the specified key identifier
Keymap.prototype.unbind = function(key) {
    delete this.map[Keymap.normalize(key)];

// Install this Keymap on the specified HTML element
Keymap.prototype.install = function(element) {
    // This is the event-handler function
    var keymap = this;
    function handler(event) { return keymap.dispatch(event, element); }

    // Now install it
    if (element.addEventListener)
        element.addEventListener("keydown", handler, false);
    else if (element.attachEvent) 
        element.attachEvent("onkeydown", handler);

// This method dispatches key events based on the keymap bindings.
Keymap.prototype.dispatch = function(event, element) {
    // We start off with no modifiers and no key name
    var modifiers = ""
    var keyname = null;

    // Build the modifier string in canonical lowercase alphabetical order.
    if (event.altKey) modifiers += "alt_";      
    if (event.ctrlKey) modifiers += "ctrl_";
    if (event.metaKey) modifiers += "meta_";
    if (event.shiftKey) modifiers += "shift_";

    // The keyname is easy if the DOM Level 3 key property is implemented:
    if (event.key) keyname = event.key;
    // Use the keyIdentifier on Safari and Chrome for function key names
    else if (event.keyIdentifier && event.keyIdentifier.substring(0,2) !== "U+")
        keyname = event.keyIdentifier;
    // Otherwise, use the keyCode property and the code-to-name map below
    else keyname = Keymap.keyCodeToKeyName[event.keyCode];

    // If we couldn't figure out a key name, just return and ignore the event.
    if (!keyname) return;

    // The canonical key id is modifiers plus lowercase key name
    var keyid = modifiers + keyname.toLowerCase();

    // Now see if the key identifier is bound to anything
    var handler = this.map[keyid];

    if (handler) {  // If there is a handler for this key, handle it
        // Invoke the handler function
        var retval = handler.call(element, event, keyid);

        // If the handler returns false, cancel default and prevent bubbling
        if (retval === false) {
            if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation();  // DOM model
            else event.cancelBubble = true;                      // IE model
            if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault();    // DOM
            else event.returnValue = false;                      // IE

        // Return whatever the handler returned
        return retval;

// Utility function to convert a key identifier to canonical form.
// On non-Macintosh hardware, we could map "meta" to "ctrl" here, so that
// Meta-C would be "Command-C" on the Mac and "Ctrl-C" everywhere else.
Keymap.normalize = function(keyid) {
    keyid = keyid.toLowerCase();           // Everything lowercase
    var words = keyid.split(/\s+|[\-+_]/); // Split modifiers from name
    var keyname = words.pop();             // keyname is the last word
    keyname = Keymap.aliases[keyname] || keyname; // Is it an alias?
    words.sort();                          // Sort remaining modifiers
    words.push(keyname);                   // Add the normalized name back 
    return words.join("_");                // Concatenate them all

Keymap.aliases = {        // Map common key aliases to their "official" 
    "escape":"esc",       // key names used by DOM Level 3 and by 
    "delete":"del",       // the key code to key name map below.
    "return":"enter",     // Both keys and values must be lowercase here.

// The legacy keyCode property of the keydown event object is not standardized
// But the following values seem to work for most browsers and OSes.
Keymap.keyCodeToKeyName = {
    // Keys with words or arrows on them
    8:"Backspace", 9:"Tab", 13:"Enter", 16:"Shift", 17:"Control", 18:"Alt",
    19:"Pause", 20:"CapsLock", 27:"Esc", 32:"Spacebar", 33:"PageUp",  
    34:"PageDown", 35:"End", 36:"Home", 37:"Left", 38:"Up", 39:"Right",
    40:"Down", 45:"Insert", 46:"Del",

    // Number keys on main keyboard (not keypad)

    // Letter keys. Note that we don't distinguish upper and lower case
    65:"A", 66:"B", 67:"C", 68:"D", 69:"E", 70:"F", 71:"G", 72:"H", 73:"I",
    74:"J", 75:"K", 76:"L", 77:"M", 78:"N", 79:"O", 80:"P", 81:"Q", 82:"R",
    83:"S", 84:"T", 85:"U", 86:"V", 87:"W", 88:"X", 89:"Y", 90:"Z",

    // Keypad numbers and punctuation keys. (Opera does not support these.)
    106:"Multiply", 107:"Add", 109:"Subtract", 110:"Decimal", 111:"Divide",

    // Function keys
    112:"F1", 113:"F2", 114:"F3", 115:"F4", 116:"F5", 117:"F6",
    118:"F7", 119:"F8", 120:"F9", 121:"F10", 122:"F11", 123:"F12",
    124:"F13", 125:"F14", 126:"F15", 127:"F16", 128:"F17", 129:"F18",
    130:"F19", 131:"F20", 132:"F21", 133:"F22", 134:"F23", 135:"F24",

    // Punctuation keys that don't require holding down Shift
    // Hyphen is nonportable: FF returns same code as Subtract
    59:";", 61:"=", 186:";", 187:"=", // Firefox and Opera return 59,61 
    188:",", 190:".", 191:"/", 192:"`", 219:"[", 220:"\\", 221:"]", 222:"'"



此模块定义Keymap类。这个类的一个实例代表一个   将键标识符(下面定义)映射到处理函数。键盘映射   可以安装在HTML元素上以处理keydown事件。当这样的   事件发生时,Keymap使用其映射来调用适当的处理程序。

创建Keymap时,可以传递代表的JavaScript对象   Keymap的初始绑定集。此对象的属性名称   是关键标识符,属性值是处理函数。   创建Keymap后,您可以通过传递密钥来添加新的绑定   bind()方法的标识符和处理函数。你可以删除一个   通过将密钥标识符传递给unbind()方法来进行绑定。

要使用Keymap,请调用其install()方法,传递HTML元素,   例如文档对象。 install()添加一个onkeydown事件处理程序   指定的对象。调用此处理程序时,它确定密钥   按下的键的标识符并调用处理函数,如果有的话,   绑定到该密钥标识符。可以在多个上安装单个Keymap   一个HTML元素。


密钥标识符是密钥加的不区分大小写的字符串表示形式   任何同时按下的修改键。关键名称是   通常是键上的(未移位)文本。法定密钥名称包括“A”,“7”,   “F2”,“PageUp”,“Left”,“Backspace”和“Esc”。

请参阅此模块中的Keymap.keyCodeToKeyName对象以获取名称列表。   这些是DOM Level 3标准定义的名称的子集   这个类在实现时将使用事件对象的key属性。

密钥标识符还可以包括修饰符密钥前缀。这些前缀是   Alt,Ctrl,Meta和Shift。它们不区分大小写,必须分开   从密钥名称和彼此与空格或下划线,   连字符,或+。例如:“SHIFT + A”,“Alt_F2”,“meta-v”和“ctrl alt left”。   在Mac上,Meta是Command键,Alt是Option键。一些浏览器   将Windows键映射到Meta修饰符。


处理程序作为文档或文档元素的方法被调用   密钥映射已安装并​​传递两个参数:     1)keydown事件的事件对象     2)按下的键的键标识符   处理程序返回值成为keydown处理程序的返回值。   如果处理函数返回false,则键映射将停止冒泡并且   取消与keydown事件关联的任何默认操作。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


  • 通过KeyMap关键字创建new的新实例 可选地,可以传递包含键映射的对象,以便事先绑定:

      "key-combi1": func1,   //key-combi such as alt+a, ctrl+c, shift+s
      "key-combi2": func2,
      "key-combin": funcn    //<-- Last property should not end with a comma
  • 创建新实例(var keymap = new Keymap();)后,可以使用以下方法(按逻辑时间顺序收听):

    1. bind - 添加其他关键字绑定
      keymap.bind( "key-combi", function );
    2. unbind - 删除键绑定
      keymap.unbind( "key-combi" );
    3. install - 将关键地图附加到元素(绑定到keydown事件)
      keymap.install( element );



var keymap = new Keymap;                       // Create a new instance of Keymap
keymap.bind("ctrl_a", function(event, keyid) { // Bind key combi: ctrl+a
    alert("Key pressed down! KeyId: " + keyid)
keymap.install(document.body);                 // Attach keymap to <body>


var keymap = new Keymap({                      // Create a new instance of Keymap
    "ctrl_a": function(event, keyid) {         // Bind key combi: ctrl+a
        alert("Key pressed down! KeyId: " + keyid)
keymap.install(document.body);                 // Attach keymap to <body>