
时间:2011-12-25 13:22:49

标签: haskell types typeclass



module Queue (
) where

class Queue q where
    empty :: q a
    isEmpty :: q a -> Bool
    push :: a -> q a -> q a
    pop :: q a -> (a, q a)
    top :: q a -> a

data Stack a = Stack [a] deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Queue Stack where
    empty = Stack []
    isEmpty (Stack xs) = null xs
    push x (Stack xs) = Stack (x:xs)
    pop (Stack xs) = (head xs, Stack (tail xs))
    top (Stack xs) = head xs

data FifoQueue a = FifoQueue [a] deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Queue FifoQueue where
    empty = FifoQueue []
    isEmpty (FifoQueue xs) = null xs
    push x (FifoQueue xs) = FifoQueue (xs ++ [x])
    pop (FifoQueue xs) = (head xs, FifoQueue (tail xs))
    top (FifoQueue xs) = head xs

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)



import Control.Arrow

class Queue q where
    empty :: q a
    empty = fromList []
    isEmpty :: q a -> Bool
    isEmpty = null . toList
    push :: a -> q a -> q a
    push a b = fromList (a : toList b)
    pop :: q a -> (a, q a)
    pop qs = (head . toList $ qs,fromList . tail . toList $ qs)
    top :: q a -> a
    top = head . toList
    toList :: q a -> [a]
    toList queue = if isEmpty queue then [] 
                   else uncurry (:) . second toList . pop $ queue
    fromList :: [a] -> q a
    fromList = foldr push empty

如您所见,任何队列实现都必须提供toListfromList或 其他函数,因此两个队列的实现如下:

data Stack a = Stack [a] deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Queue Stack where
    toList (Stack a) = a
    fromList a = Stack a

data FifoQueue a = FifoQueue [a] deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Queue FifoQueue where
    toList (FifoQueue a) = a
    fromList a = FifoQueue a
    push x (FifoQueue xs) = FifoQueue (xs ++ [x])

答案 1 :(得分:3)


top = fst . pop


答案 2 :(得分:3)


instance Queue Stack where
    empty = Stack []
    isEmpty (Stack xs) = null xs

instance Queue FifoQueue where
    empty = FifoQueue []
    isEmpty (FifoQueue xs) = null xs


data Queue a = Stack { lst :: [a] }
             | FifoQueue { lst :: [a] }
             deriving (Eq, Show)

-- "empty" obviously cannot be preserved as it was
-- you need to specify whether you want an empty Stack or empty FifoQueue
emptyS = Stack []
emptyQ = FifoQueue []

-- but some functions are the same either way
isEmpty = null . lst
top queue = head . lst

-- other functions behave *mostly* the same for both cases...
pop queue = (top queue, liftQ tail queue)

-- ...they just need a little helper to abstract over the slight difference
liftQ :: ([a] -> [b]) -> Queue a -> Queue b
liftQ f (Stack xs) = Stack (f xs)
liftQ f (FifoQueue xs) = FifoQueue (f xs)

-- then for functions where the implementation is completely different,
-- you just pattern match
push x (Stack xs) = Stack (x:xs)
push x (FifoQueue xs) = FifoQueue (xs ++ [x]) -- this is slow, by the way



data QueueImpl q a = QueueImpl { _empty :: q a
                               , _isEmpty :: q a -> Bool
                               , _top :: q a -> a
                               , _pop :: q a -> (a, q a)
                               , _push :: a -> q a -> q a

-- partially applied constructor!
shared :: (a -> [a] -> [a]) -> QueueImpl [] a
shared = QueueImpl empty' isEmpty' top' pop'
  where empty' = []
        isEmpty' = null
        top' = head
        pop' (x:xs) = (x, xs)

stack :: QueueImpl [] a
stack = shared push'
  where push' = (:)

fifoQueue :: QueueImpl [] a
fifoQueue = shared push'
  where push' x = (++[x])

通过将类型类转换为数据类型,我们可以部分应用构造函数,从而共享大多数方法的实现。问题是我们无法以与以前相同的方式访问多态函数。要访问我们需要执行的方法top stacktop fifoQueue。这导致在设计“多态”函数时发生了一些有趣的变化:由于我们对类型类进行了规范,我们需要将一个实现明确地传递给任何复合函数:

-- if you haven't figured out by now, "impl" is short for "implementation"
_push3 :: QueueImpl [] a -> a -> [a] -> [a]
_push3 impl x = push x . push x . push x
  where push = _push impl

-- _push3 as implemented by a stack:
sPush3 :: a -> [a] -> [a]
sPush3 = _push3 stack

请注意,我们在这里失去了一些类型的安全性; Stack和FifoQueue的表示形式作为原始列表公开。可能会有一些新类型的hackery可以使这更安全。外卖的信息是:每种方法都有自己的优点和缺点。类型类型是一个很好的主意,但不要混淆它们的银色子弹;请注意其他选项,例如这些。