Common Lisp中线性代数的高效向量运算,特别是SBCL?

时间:2011-12-02 12:43:17

标签: performance common-lisp sbcl

以下程序似乎非常低效。它需要多达28.980 GC时间,相比之下6.361秒非GC时间,SBCL为1.0.53。

(deftype vec3 () '(simple-array double-float (3)))

(declaim (inline make-vec3 vec3-zero
             vec3-x vec3-y vec3-z

(defun make-vec3 (x y z)
  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
  (make-array 3 :element-type 'double-float
                :initial-contents (list x y z)))

(defun vec3-zero ()
  (make-vec3 0.0d0 0.0d0 0.0d0))

(defun vec3-x (x)
  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
  (declare (type (simple-array double-float (3)) x))
  (aref x 0))

(defun vec3-y (x)
  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
  (declare (type (simple-array double-float (3)) x))
  (aref x 1))

(defun vec3-z (x)
  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
  (declare (type (simple-array double-float (3)) x))
  (aref x 2))

(defun vec3-+ (a b)
  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
  (make-vec3 (+ (vec3-x a) (vec3-x b))
             (+ (vec3-y a) (vec3-y b))
             (+ (vec3-z a) (vec3-z b))))

;; main

(defun image (x y)
  (make-array (* x y) :element-type 'vec3 :initial-element (vec3-zero)))

(defun add (to from val)
  (declare (type (simple-array vec3 (*)) to from)
           (type vec3 val)
           (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
  (let ((size (array-dimension to 0)))
    (dotimes (i size)
      (setf (aref to i) (vec3-+ (aref from i) val)))))

(defun main ()
  (let ((to (image 800 800))
        (x (make-vec3 1.0d0 1.0d0 1.0d0)))
    (time (dotimes (i 200)
            (add to to x)))
    (print (aref to 0))))


* (main)
Evaluation took:
  39.530 seconds of real time
  35.340237 seconds of total run time (25.945526 user, 9.394711 system)
  [ Run times consist of 28.980 seconds GC time, and 6.361 seconds non-GC time. ]
  89.40% CPU
  83,778,297,762 processor cycles
  46 page faults
  6,144,014,656 bytes consed

#(200.0d0 200.0d0 200.0d0) 
#(200.0d0 200.0d0 200.0d0)


例如,使用宏实现Worker / Wrapper转换可以消除vec3的意思。



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

我认为在这些情况下,使用宏可能是一个好主意。接下来,我总是犹豫宣布(安全0),它会带来非常轻微的性能提升,并且如果只有defun中的代码,而且所有调用defun的代码都不是绝对正确的话,可能会导致奇怪的行为。< / p>

我认为重要的是不要在make-vec3中创建一个新的列表对象。我附上了一些快速而肮脏的代码优化。在我的机器上原始代码 在

; cpu time (non-gc) 27.487818 sec user, 0.008999 sec system
; cpu time (gc)     17.334368 sec user, 0.001999 sec system
; cpu time (total)  44.822186 sec user, 0.010998 sec system
; real time  44.839858 sec
; space allocation:
;  0 cons cells, 45,056,000,000 other bytes, 0 static bytes


; cpu time (non-gc) 4.075385 sec user, 0.001000 sec system
; cpu time (gc)     2.162666 sec user, 0.000000 sec system
; cpu time (total)  6.238051 sec user, 0.001000 sec system
; real time  6.240055 sec
; space allocation:
;  8 cons cells, 8,192,030,976 other bytes, 0 static bytes

这是使用Allegro。 YMMV在其他lisps上。你提到了vec3数组的汇集/内存,我认为重用这些对象,即破坏性地修改它们,当你有机会这样做时是个好主意。在我的lisp上,vec3需要64个字节,这是相当多的...另一个有用的事情当然是调用探查器来查看花费的时间。此外,在这些数学上很重要的问题中,重要的是尽可能地对数组引用和算术进行开放编码。大多数lisp可以(反汇编'my-function),如果这些操作确实是开放编码的,或者是否调用了运行时,这会给出一个好主意。

(deftype vec3 () '(simple-array double-float (3)))

(declaim (optimize (speed 3) (debug 0) (safety 1)))

(defmacro make-vec3 (x y z)
  `(let ((vec3 
     (make-array 3 :element-type 'double-float :initial-element 0.0d0)))
   (setf (aref vec3 0) ,x
         (aref vec3 1) ,y
         (aref vec3 2) ,z)

(defun vec3-zero ()
  (make-vec3 0.0d0 0.0d0 0.0d0))

(defmacro vec3-x (x)
  `(aref ,x 0))

(defmacro vec3-y (x)
  `(aref ,x 1))

(defmacro vec3-z (x)
  `(aref ,x 2))

(defun vec3-+ (a b)
  (declare (type vec3 a b))
  (make-vec3 (+ (vec3-x a) (vec3-x b))
             (+ (vec3-y a) (vec3-y b))
             (+ (vec3-z a) (vec3-z b))))

(defun image (x y)
  (make-array (* x y) :element-type 'vec3 :initial-element (vec3-zero)))

(defun add (to from val)
  (declare (type (simple-array vec3 (*)) to from)
           (type vec3 val))
  (let ((size (array-dimension to 0)))
    (dotimes (i size)
      (setf (aref to i) (vec3-+ (aref from i) val)))))

(defun main ()
  (let ((to (image 800 800))
        (x (make-vec3 1.0d0 1.0d0 1.0d0)))
    (time (dotimes (i 200)
            (add to to x)))
    (print (aref to 0))))