我最近在我的SBS 2008 SP2服务器上安装了Powershell 2.0,并且相信它运行良好。登录到服务器后, Windows Powershell(x86)和 Windows Powershell 程序都将 Get-ExecutionPolicy 设置为 RemoteSigned 。 Poweshell的 Get-Host 将版本显示为 2.0 。
脚本保存在服务器的C:\ Script \ Powershell \中,称为TaskScheduler_Get_SFTP_Files.ps1
如果我在C:\命令Powershell C:\ Script \ Powershell \ TaskScheduler_Get_SFTP_Files.ps1 中从 cmd.exe 运行,则Powershell将使用以下命令连接到FTP帐户从 PuTTY 下载的各种命令,重命名下载的文件,然后将其保存到其位置。在我的scipt中,我有各种 Write-Output 命令,当我手动运行脚本时,我可以看到cmd shell发生了什么。这可以很好地从cmd.exe调用,我可以看到包含下载文件的最终目录。
<Principal id="Author">
<Actions Context="Author">
<Arguments>-NoProfile -File C:\Script\Powershell\TaskScheduler_Get_SFTP_Files.ps1</Arguments>
查看任务的历史记录时,其中一项是 EventID 201 ,其中常规评论为“任务计划程序成功完成任务”\ XXX \ YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY“,实例”{23dee164- ea4b-4ed5-ba48-19f07bb83f3e}“,action”C:\ Windows \ System32 \ WindowsPowerShell \ v1.0 \ Powershell.EXE“,返回码0 。”
答案 0 :(得分:1)
@nimizen解决方案可以使用,但在PowerShell 2.0中,有一种更简单的方法来启动脚本文件:
-NoLogo -File C:\Script\Powershell\TaskScheduler_Get_SFTP_Files.ps1
答案 1 :(得分:1)
这是一个奇怪的,我还没有到底。感谢所有受访者的贡献。我已经修改了任务计划程序中的参数来显示-NoLogo -NoProfile -File ...
唯一的问题是我的Powershell sricpt不会执行创建新目录的有用段,下载FTP文件并重命名它们。在脚本的开头,我有一个目录&gt; C:\ Temp \ Dir.txt命令将执行(这只是为了查看任务调度程序是否确实启动了任务),但是对我来说是intetest的实际部分(从FTP下载并处理信息的位)没用。
在任务计划程序中,我必须将安全选项更改为“仅在用户登录时运行”,并且用户是SBS 2008的管理员。如果我尝试将任务保持为“运行是否用户是登录或不登记“并勾选复选框”以最高的privelages运行“,只运行目录副本的部分。
谢谢大家。 (很抱歉发布我可怕的代码,但是对于某些人来说,为什么除了dir&gt; C:\ Scripts \ Powershell \ dir.txt之外的部分在任务调度程序“运行是否用户登录时”不运行时可能是显而易见的并且它可以帮助那些使用非常基本的inelegenat和不安全的SFTP脚本来下载文件的人?)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
dir > C:\Scripts\Powershell\dir.txt
$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
# Do not change the MM to mm as it will NOT return the month!
[string]$TodayDate = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd"
[string]$DayName = Get-Date -Format "dddd"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define the environment variables
$ScriptPath = 'W:\IT\Utilities\PuTTY\'
$DestFolder = 'W:\BBBB\Statements\'
$BBBB_acc = 'myAccount@BBBB.com:outgoing/*.*'
$BBBB_pwd = 'myPassword'
$DoDelete = $false
$Ext = @(".csv", ".pdf")
$ExpectedFileNames = @("marginreport", "XXX14444", "XXX1cash", "XXX1money", "XXX1opnpos", "XXX1trades", "XXX1_an", "XXX1_ds", "XXX1_ep", "XXX1_ms")
$ReplacedFileNames = @("Margin_MAC", "Call_Interest", "XXX_Cash", "XXX_Money", "XXX_Open", "XXX_Trades", "Margin_Analysis", "FFO", "XXX_EP", "Margin_Summary")
$DoDownload = $true
IF ($DayName -eq "Saturday") {$DoDownload = $false}
IF ($DayName -eq "Sunday") {$DoDownload = $false}
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($DoDownload) {
# Make sure the destination directories exist
IF (!(Test-Path $DestFolder)){
New-Item -type directory -path $DestFolder
# Write-Output ('Created target directory: ' + $DestFolder)
$TodaysDestFolder = $DestFolder + $TodayDate
IF (!(Test-Path $TodaysDestFolder)){
New-Item -type directory -path $TodaysDestFolder
# Write-Output ('Created todays target directory: ' + $TodaysDestFolder)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# SFTP todays Files
# Old method of calling calling a batch file .\Download_BBBB_Outgoing.bat
& ($ScriptPath + '\pscp.exe') -sftp -P 22 -pw $BBBB_pwd $BBBB_acc $DestFolder
# Write-Output ("Finished Downloading Files")
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create the FTP Delete Script, Rename and Move the Files
# The PuTTY batch files need to be ASCII, Powershell by default may write in UNICODE
# Write-Output ('Creating Script File for FTP')
$BBBB_Pattern = '\.(csv|pdf)'
$BBBB_Script_FileName = "SFTP_BBBB_Delete_Files.txt"
$BBBB_Script_FullFileName = $DestFolder + "\" + $BBBB_Script_FileName
# Get-ChildItem $DestFolder -Recurse seems to traverse all subdirectories
$Count = 0
"cd outgoing" | Out-File $BBBB_Script_FullFileName -encoding ASCII -force
Get-ChildItem $DestFolder | Foreach-Object {
if ($_.Name -match $BBBB_Pattern) {
# Append the instruction to delete the file to the FTP script
"del " + $_ | Out-File $BBBB_Script_FullFileName -encoding ASCII -append
# Find the extension of the file
$i = 0
while ((($_.name).ToLower()).IndexOf($Ext[$i]) -eq -1){
# See if there is a replacement name for the file
$j = 0
while ((($_.name).ToLower()).IndexOf($ExpectedFileNames[$j]) -eq -1){
# Construct FileName
$FTPDateStamp = ($_.name).substring(($_.name).length - 14, 14)
$FTPDateStamp = $FTPDateStamp -replace("\.","")
$IdxExt = (($_.Name).tolower()).IndexOf($Ext[$i])
if ($j -eq -1){
$NewName = ($_.name).substring(0,$IdxExt) + '_20' + $FTPDateStamp + $Ext[$i]
else {
$NewName = $ReplacedFileNames[$j] + '_20' + $FTPDateStamp + $Ext[$i]
Rename-Item ($DestFolder + "\" + $_) -NewName $NewName
Move-Item ($DestFolder + $NewName) $TodaysDestFolder
$Count = $Count + 1
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Delete the downloaded files from the SFTP
# PSFTP will terminate the batch if an error occurs. This can be changed with the -be switch
# See 6.1.1 of the PuTTY release notes
if ($DoDelete) {
if ($Count -gt 0) {
# Write-Output ('Deleting the downloaded files from SFTP account')
& ($ScriptPath + '\psftp.exe') -batch myAccount@BBBB.com -pw $BBBB_pwd -P 22 -b $BBBB_Script_FullFileName
Remove-Item $BBBB_Script_FullFileName
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
# Write-Output ('Script finished to download from BBBB SFTP account')
答案 2 :(得分:0)
-noprofile -nologo -command "&{C:\Script\Powershell\TaskScheduler_Get_SFTP_Files.ps1}"