
时间:2017-12-21 18:31:51

标签: powershell scheduled-tasks




# Setting variables and creating directories

$FileDate = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy-hh-mm-ss"
$EmailDateStart = Get-Date -Format "MM/dd-hh:mm:ss"
$Counters = '\Memory\% Committed Bytes In Use','\Processor Information(_Total)\% Processor Time'
$Interval = '5'
$Samples = '60' # There are 720 samples at 5 seconds per sample in an hour, 60 in 5     
$FileDir = "C:\Utilities\CPU_RAM_Stats\Files"
$BLGPath = "$FileDir\$env:COMPUTERNAME-CPU_RAM_Stats_$FileDate.blg"                                                                 
$BLGFiles = dir $FileDir # Checking local server directory for list of .blg files
$LibPath = "\\<IP>\d$\CPU_RAM_Stats\$env:COMPUTERNAME" # Destination path of .blg files on Library server

# Creating destination folder on Library server if it doesn't exist

if (!(Test-Path $LibPath))
    New-Item "\\<IP>\d$\CPU_RAM_Stats\$env:COMPUTERNAME" -type Directory

<# ========================= DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW THIS POINT ========================= #>

# Checking existing log file to see if it's over whatever size was specified above (in KB). If so, deleting file and recreating.

Write-Host "Cleaning up BLG files on Library server to maintain folder size..."

Get-ChildItem $LibPath -Recurse -Include *.blg  | Where{-not $_.PsIsContainer} | Sort CreationTime -desc | Select -Skip 500 | Remove-Item -Force

# Checking for existence of files in the library server and deleting from PRD server to keep directories clean, otherwise uploading

foreach ($BLGFile in $BLGFiles)
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host $(Get-Date) "[ACTION][CHECKING BACKUP] Checking if" $BLGFile.name "has been previously uploaded to the library server" -ForegroundColor Gray
    if (Test-Path "$LibPath\$BLGFile")
        Write-Host $(Get-Date) "[ACTION][BACKED UP]" $BLGFile.name "has been previously uploaded to the library server" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        $Removal = Remove-Item "$FileDir\$BLGFile"
        Write-Host $(Get-Date) "[ACTION][DELETED]" $BLGFile.name "has been deleted from the PRD server" -ForegroundColor Magenta
        Write-Host ""
        Write-Host $(Get-Date) "[ACTION][NOT BACKED UP]" $BLGFile.name "has NOT been previously uploaded to the library server...continuing to upload" -ForegroundColor Green

        # Starting main process of checking for locked files and uploading them

        $FilePath = "$FileDir\$BLGFile"
        Write-Host $(Get-Date) "[ACTION][FILECHECK] Checking if" $BLGFile.name "is locked" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        $FileInfo = New-Object System.IO.FileInfo $FilePath

            $fileStream = $fileInfo.Open( [System.IO.FileMode]::Open, [System.IO.FileAccess]::Read, [System.IO.FileShare]::Read )
            Write-Host $(Get-Date) "[ACTION][FILEAVAILABLE]" $BLGFile.name "is not locked and available for upload" -ForegroundColor Green
            if ($true)
                Write-Host  $(Get-Date) "Uploading:" $BLGFile.name -ForegroundColor Cyan
                Write-Host ""

                Write-Host "Uploading to library server..." -ForegroundColor Cyan
                Write-Host ""
                Copy-Item "$FileDir\$BLGFile" "$LibPath"
                Write-Host $(Get-Date) "[ACTION][COMPLETE] Upload complete!" -ForegroundColor Green
            Write-Host ""
            Write-Host $(Get-Date) "[ACTION][FILELOCKED]" $BLGFile.name " is locked, not uploaded" -ForegroundColor Red

# Running PerfMon to gather CPU/RAM stats

$Results = Get-Counter -Counter $Counters -SampleInterval $Interval -MaxSamples $Samples | Export-Counter -Path $BLGPath -Force -FileFormat "BLG"


看起来像是因为我正在运行计划任务,因为#34; SYSTEM&#34; ...当我将其更改为我的用户帐户时,它运行正常。我怎样才能在#34; SYSTEM&#34;下运行任务?所以我不需要为我的帐户提供密码来完成任务吗?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


答案 1 :(得分:0)


无论如何你可以加密密码: https://www.interworks.com/blog/trhymer/2013/07/08/powershell-how-encrypt-and-store-credentials-securely-use-automation-scripts
