Eric Lippert挑战“逗号 - 狡辩”,最佳答案?

时间:2009-04-25 08:37:10

标签: c# programming-languages puzzle



编写一个带有非null IEnumerable的函数,并返回一个具有以下特征的字符串:

  1. 如果序列为空,则生成的字符串为“{}”。
  2. 如果序列是单个项目“ABC”,则结果字符串为“{ABC}”。
  3. 如果序列是两个项目序列“ABC”,“DEF”,则结果字符串为“{ABC and DEF}”。
  4. 如果序列有两个以上的项目,例如“ABC”,“DEF”,“G”,“H”,则结果字符串为“{ABC,DEF,G和H}”。 (注意:没有牛津逗号!)
  5. 正如你甚至可以看到我们自己的Jon Skeet(是的,众所周知,he can be in two places at the same time)已经发布了一个解决方案,但他的(恕我直言)并不是最优雅的,尽管你可能无法击败它的表现。

    你怎么看?那里有很好的选择。我真的很喜欢其中一种涉及选择和聚合方法的解决方案(来自Fernando Nicolet)。 Linq非常强大,并且花了一些时间来应对这样的挑战让你学到很多东西。我把它扭了一下,所以它更高效一点(使用Count并避免反向):

    public static string CommaQuibbling(IEnumerable<string> items)
        int last = items.Count() - 1;
        Func<int, string> getSeparator = (i) => i == 0 ? string.Empty : (i == last ? " and " : ", ");
        string answer = string.Empty;
        return "{" + items.Select((s, i) => new { Index = i, Value = s })
                          .Aggregate(answer, (s, a) => s + getSeparator(a.Index) + a.Value) + "}";

27 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:33)


public static string CommaQuibbling(IEnumerable<string> items)
    List<String> list = new List<String>(items);
    if (list.Count == 0) { return "{}"; }
    if (list.Count == 1) { return "{" + list[0] + "}"; }

    String[] initial = list.GetRange(0, list.Count - 1).ToArray();
    return "{" + String.Join(", ", initial) + " and " + list[list.Count - 1] + "}";


答案 1 :(得分:28)

这种做法怎么样?纯粹累积 - 没有回溯,只迭代一次。对于原始性能,我不确定你会用LINQ等做得更好,无论LINQ的答案是多么“漂亮”。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

static class Program
    public static string CommaQuibbling(IEnumerable<string> items)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder('{');
        using (var iter = items.GetEnumerator())
            if (iter.MoveNext())
            { // first item can be appended directly
                if (iter.MoveNext())
                { // more than one; only add each
                  // term when we know there is another
                    string lastItem = iter.Current;
                    while (iter.MoveNext())
                    { // middle term; use ", "
                        sb.Append(", ").Append(lastItem);
                        lastItem = iter.Current;
                    // add the final term; since we are on at least the
                    // second term, always use " and "
                    sb.Append(" and ").Append(lastItem);
        return sb.Append('}').ToString();
    static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine(CommaQuibbling(new string[] { }));
        Console.WriteLine(CommaQuibbling(new string[] { "ABC" }));
        Console.WriteLine(CommaQuibbling(new string[] { "ABC", "DEF" }));
        Console.WriteLine(CommaQuibbling(new string[] {
             "ABC", "DEF", "G", "H" }));

答案 2 :(得分:5)


public enum StreamPosition
   First = 1, Last = 2

public static IEnumerable<R> MapWithPositions<T, R> (this IEnumerable<T> stream, 
    Func<StreamPosition, T, R> map)
    using (var enumerator = stream.GetEnumerator ())
        if (!enumerator.MoveNext ()) yield break ;

        var cur   = enumerator.Current   ;
        var flags = StreamPosition.First ;
        while (true)
            if (!enumerator.MoveNext ()) flags |= StreamPosition.Last ;
            yield return map (flags, cur) ;
            if ((flags & StreamPosition.Last) != 0) yield break ;
            cur   = enumerator.Current ;
            flags = 0 ;


public static string Quibble (IEnumerable<string> strings)
    return "{" + String.Join ("", strings.MapWithPositions ((pos, item) => (
       (pos &  StreamPosition.First) != 0      ? "" : 
        pos == StreamPosition.Last   ? " and " : ", ") + item)) + "}" ;

答案 3 :(得分:3)


>>> f=lambda s:"{%s}"%", ".join(s)[::-1].replace(',','dna ',1)[::-1]
>>> f([])
>>> f(["ABC"])
>>> f(["ABC","DEF"])
'{ABC and DEF}'
>>> f(["ABC","DEF","G","H"])
'{ABC, DEF, G and H}'


>>> f=lambda s:"{%s}"%" and ".join(s).replace(' and',',',len(s)-2)
>>> f([])
>>> f(["ABC"])
>>> f(["ABC","DEF"])
'{ABC and DEF}'
>>> f(["ABC","DEF","G","H"])
'{ABC, DEF, G and H}'

答案 4 :(得分:2)


天真的枚举器解决方案 (我承认这个foreach变体是优越的,因为它不需要手动搞乱调查员。)

public static string NaiveConcatenate(IEnumerable<string> sequence)
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    IEnumerator<string> enumerator = sequence.GetEnumerator();

    if (enumerator.MoveNext())
        string a = enumerator.Current;
        if (!enumerator.MoveNext())
            string b = enumerator.Current;
            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                sb.Append(", ");
                a = b;
                b = enumerator.Current;
            sb.AppendFormat("{0} and {1}", a, b);

    return sb.ToString();


public static string ConcatenateWithLinq(IEnumerable<string> sequence)
    return (from item in sequence select item)
        new {sb = new StringBuilder("{"), a = (string) null, b = (string) null},
        (s, x) =>
                if (s.a != null)
          ", ");
                return new {, a = s.b, b = x};
        (s) =>
                if (s.b != null)
                    if (s.a != null)
              "{0} and {1}", s.a, s.b);


此解决方案使用生产者 - 消费者队列将输入序列提供给处理器,同时保持队列中至少缓冲两个元素。一旦生产者到达输入序列的末尾,就可以通过特殊处理来处理最后两个元素。

事后看来,没有理由让消费者异步操作,这将消除对并发队列的需求,但正如我之前所说,我只是以此为借口来使用新技术: - )< / p>

public static string ConcatenateWithTpl(IEnumerable<string> sequence)
    var queue = new ConcurrentQueue<string>();
    bool stop = false;

    var consumer = Future.Create(
        () =>
                var sb = new StringBuilder("{");
                while (!stop || queue.Count > 2)
                    string s;
                    if (queue.Count > 2 && queue.TryDequeue(out s))
                        sb.AppendFormat("{0}, ", s);
                return sb;

    // Producer
    foreach (var item in sequence)

    stop = true;
    StringBuilder result = consumer.Value;

    string a;
    string b;

    if (queue.TryDequeue(out a))
        if (queue.TryDequeue(out b))
            result.AppendFormat("{0} and {1}", a, b);

    return result.ToString();


答案 5 :(得分:2)


let CommaQuibble items =
    let sb = System.Text.StringBuilder("{")
    // pp is 2 previous, p is previous
    let pp,p = items |> Seq.fold (fun (pp:string option,p) s -> 
        if pp <> None then
            sb.Append(pp.Value).Append(", ") |> ignore
        (p, Some(s))) (None,None)
    if pp <> None then
        sb.Append(pp.Value).Append(" and ") |> ignore
    if p <> None then
        sb.Append(p.Value) |> ignore



let Test l =
    printfn "%s" (CommaQuibble l)

Test []
Test ["ABC"]        
Test ["ABC";"DEF"]        
Test ["ABC";"DEF";"G"]        
Test ["ABC";"DEF";"G";"H"]        
Test ["ABC";null;"G";"H"]        

答案 6 :(得分:2)


public static string CommaQuibbling(IEnumerable<string> items)
    string[] parts = items.ToArray();
    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder('{');
    for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++)
        if (i > 0)
            result.Append(i == parts.Length - 1 ? " and " : ", ");
    return result.Append('}').ToString();

答案 7 :(得分:2)




答案 8 :(得分:2)

这不是非常易读,但它可以很好地扩展到数千万字符串。我正在使用旧的Pentium 4工作站进行开发,它在大约350毫秒内完成1,000,000条平均长度为8的字符串。

public static string CreateLippertString(IEnumerable<string> strings)
    char[] combinedString;
    char[] commaSeparator = new char[] { ',', ' ' };
    char[] andSeparator = new char[] { ' ', 'A', 'N', 'D', ' ' };

    int totalLength = 2;  //'{' and '}'
    int numEntries = 0;
    int currentEntry = 0;
    int currentPosition = 0;
    int secondToLast;
    int last;
    int commaLength= commaSeparator.Length;
    int andLength = andSeparator.Length;
    int cbComma = commaLength * sizeof(char);
    int cbAnd = andLength * sizeof(char);

    //calculate the sum of the lengths of the strings
    foreach (string s in strings)
        totalLength += s.Length;

    //add to the total length the length of the constant characters
    if (numEntries >= 2)
        totalLength += 5;  // " AND "

    if (numEntries > 2)
        totalLength += (2 * (numEntries - 2)); // ", " between items

    //setup some meta-variables to help later
    secondToLast = numEntries - 2;
    last = numEntries - 1;

    //allocate the memory for the combined string
    combinedString = new char[totalLength];
    //set the first character to {
    combinedString[0] = '{';
    currentPosition = 1;

    if (numEntries > 0)
        //now copy each string into its place
        foreach (string s in strings)
            Buffer.BlockCopy(s.ToCharArray(), 0, combinedString, currentPosition * sizeof(char), s.Length * sizeof(char));
            currentPosition += s.Length;

            if (currentEntry == secondToLast)
                Buffer.BlockCopy(andSeparator, 0, combinedString, currentPosition * sizeof(char), cbAnd);
                currentPosition += andLength;
            else if (currentEntry == last)
                combinedString[currentPosition] = '}'; //set the last character to '}'
                break;  //don't bother making that last call to the enumerator
            else if (currentEntry < secondToLast)
                Buffer.BlockCopy(commaSeparator, 0, combinedString, currentPosition * sizeof(char), cbComma);
                currentPosition += commaLength;

        //set the last character to '}'
        combinedString[1] = '}';

    return new string(combinedString);

答案 9 :(得分:2)

另一种变体 - 为了代码清晰,分离标点符号和迭代逻辑。并且还在考虑穿孔。

按照纯IEnumerable / string /的要求工作,列表中的字符串不能为空。

public static string Concat(IEnumerable<string> strings)
    return "{" + strings.reduce("", (acc, prev, cur, next) => 
               acc.Append(punctuation(prev, cur, next)).Append(cur)) + "}";
private static string punctuation(string prev, string cur, string next)
    if (null == prev || null == cur)
        return "";
    if (null == next)
        return " and ";
    return ", ";

private static string reduce(this IEnumerable<string> strings, 
    string acc, Func<StringBuilder, string, string, string, StringBuilder> func)
    if (null == strings) return "";

    var accumulatorBuilder = new StringBuilder(acc);
    string cur = null;
    string prev = null;
    foreach (var next in strings)
        func(accumulatorBuilder, prev, cur, next);
        prev = cur;
        cur = next;
    func(accumulatorBuilder, prev, cur, null);

    return accumulatorBuilder.ToString();


let rec reduce list =
    match list with
    | []          -> ""
    | head::curr::[]  -> head + " and " + curr
    | head::curr::tail  -> head + ", " + curr :: tail |> reduce
    | head::[] -> head

let concat list = "{" + (list |> reduce )  + "}"

答案 10 :(得分:1)



use 5.14.0;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Test::More qw{no_plan};

sub comma_quibbling1 {
   my (@words) = @_;
   return "" unless @words;
   return $words[0] if @words == 1;
   return join(", ", @words[0 .. $#words - 1]) . " and $words[-1]";

sub comma_quibbling2 {
   return "" unless @_;
   my $last = pop @_;
   return $last unless @_;
   return join(", ", @_) . " and $last";

is comma_quibbling1(qw{}),                   "",                         "1-0";
is comma_quibbling1(qw{one}),                "one",                      "1-1";
is comma_quibbling1(qw{one two}),            "one and two",              "1-2";
is comma_quibbling1(qw{one two three}),      "one, two and three",       "1-3";
is comma_quibbling1(qw{one two three four}), "one, two, three and four", "1-4";

is comma_quibbling2(qw{}),                   "",                         "2-0";
is comma_quibbling2(qw{one}),                "one",                      "2-1";
is comma_quibbling2(qw{one two}),            "one and two",              "2-2";
is comma_quibbling2(qw{one two three}),      "one, two and three",       "2-3";
is comma_quibbling2(qw{one two three four}), "one, two, three and four", "2-4";

答案 11 :(得分:1)


private static string CommaQuibble(IEnumerable<string> input)
    var val = string.Concat(input.Process(
        p => p,
        p => string.Format(" and {0}", p),
        p => string.Format(", {0}", p)));
    return string.Format("{{{0}}}", val);

public static IEnumerable<T> Process<T>(this IEnumerable<T> input, 
    Func<T, T> firstItemFunc, 
    Func<T, T> lastItemFunc, 
    Func<T, T> otherItemFunc)
    //break on empty sequence
    if (!input.Any()) yield break;

    //return first elem
    var first = input.First();
    yield return firstItemFunc(first);

    //break if there was only one elem
    var rest = input.Skip(1);
    if (!rest.Any()) yield break;

    //start looping the rest of the elements
    T prevItem = first;
    bool isFirstIteration = true;
    foreach (var item in rest)
        if (isFirstIteration) isFirstIteration = false;
            yield return otherItemFunc(prevItem);
        prevItem = item;

    //last element
    yield return lastItemFunc(prevItem);

答案 12 :(得分:1)

return String.Concat(
    input.Length > 2 ?
            String.Join(", ", input.Take(input.Length - 1)),
            " and ",
            input.Last()) :
    String.Join(" and ", input),

答案 13 :(得分:1)


private static string CommaQuibbling(IEnumerable<string> list)
    IEnumerable<string> separators = GetSeparators(list.Count());
    var finalList = list.Zip(separators, (w, s) => w + s);
    return string.Concat("{", string.Join(string.Empty, finalList), "}");

private static IEnumerable<string> GetSeparators(int itemCount)
    while (itemCount-- > 2)
        yield return ", ";

    if (itemCount == 1)
        yield return " and ";

    yield return string.Empty;

答案 14 :(得分:1)


(defun quibble-comma (words)
  (format nil "~{~#[~;~a~;~a and ~a~:;~@{~a~#[~; and ~:;, ~]~}~]~}" words))

精明的人会注意到Common Lisp并没有内置IEnumerable<T>,因此FORMAT只会在正确的列表中工作。但是如果你制作了IEnumerable,你当然可以延长FORMAT来解决这个问题。 (Clojure有这个吗?)

此外,任何读过品味(包括Lisp程序员!)的人都可能会被文字"~{~#[~;~a~;~a and ~a~:;~@{~a~#[~; and ~:;, ~]~}~]~}"冒犯。我不会声称FORMAT实现了好的 DSL,但我确实认为将某些强大的DSL用于将字符串组合在一起非常有用。正则表达式是一个功能强大的DSL,用于撕开字符串,而string.Format是一种用于将字符串组合在一起的DSL(类型),但它是愚蠢的弱点。


答案 15 :(得分:1)

这是我的提交。稍微修改了签名以使其更通用。使用.NET 4功能(String.Join()使用IEnumerable<T>),否则使用.NET 3.5。目标是使用LINQ和简化逻辑。

static string CommaQuibbling<T>(IEnumerable<T> items)
    int count = items.Count();
    var quibbled = items.Select((Item, index) => new { Item, Group = (count - index - 2) > 0})
                        .GroupBy(item => item.Group, item => item.Item)
                        .Select(g => g.Key
                            ? String.Join(", ", g)
                            : String.Join(" and ", g));
    return "{" + String.Join(", ", quibbled) + "}";

答案 16 :(得分:1)

public static string CommaQuibbling(IEnumerable<string> items)
  int count = items.Count();
  string answer = string.Empty;
  return "{" + 
      (count==0)  ?  ""  :  
         (  items[0] + 
             (count == 1 ? "" :  
                     Aggregate(answer, (s,a)=> s += ", " + a) +
                     Aggregate(answer, (s,a)=> s += " AND " + a) ))+ "}";


if count == 0 , then return empty,
if count == 1 , then return only element,
if count > 1 , then take two ranges, 
   first 2nd element to 2nd last element
   last element

答案 17 :(得分:1)

public static string CommaQuibbling(IEnumerable<string> items)
   var itemArray = items.ToArray();

   var commaSeparated = String.Join(", ", itemArray, 0, Math.Max(itemArray.Length - 1, 0));
   if (commaSeparated.Length > 0) commaSeparated += " and ";

   return "{" + commaSeparated + itemArray.LastOrDefault() + "}";

答案 18 :(得分:1)


public static string CommaQuibbling(IEnumerable items)
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("{");
    bool empty = true;
    string prev = null;
    foreach (string s in items)
        if (prev!=null)
            if (!empty) sb.Append(", ");
            else empty = false;
        prev = s;
    if (prev!=null)
        if (!empty) sb.Append(" and ");
    return sb.Append('}').ToString();

答案 19 :(得分:1)


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace CommaQuibbling
    internal class Translator
        public string Translate(IEnumerable<string> items)
            return "{" + Join(items) + "}";

        private static string Join(IEnumerable<string> items)
            var leadingItems = LeadingItemsFrom(items);
            var lastItem = LastItemFrom(items);

            return JoinLeading(leadingItems) + lastItem;

        private static IEnumerable<string> LeadingItemsFrom(IEnumerable<string> items)
            return items.Reverse().Skip(1).Reverse();

        private static string LastItemFrom(IEnumerable<string> items)
            return items.LastOrDefault();

        private static string JoinLeading(IEnumerable<string> items)
            if (items.Any() == false) return "";

            return string.Join(", ", items.ToArray()) + " and ";

答案 20 :(得分:1)


public static string CommaQuibbling(IEnumerable<string> list)
    string[] array = list.ToArray();

    if (array.Length == 0) return string.Empty.PutCurlyBraces();
    if (array.Length == 1) return array[0].PutCurlyBraces();

    string allExceptLast = string.Join(", ", array, 0, array.Length - 1);
    string theLast = array[array.Length - 1];

    return string.Format("{0} and {1}", allExceptLast, theLast)

public static string PutCurlyBraces(this string str)
    return "{" + str + "}";



答案 21 :(得分:1)


这很奇怪,因为我只是假设有15个帖子都做了完全相同的事情,但看起来我们是唯一两个这样做的帖子。哦,看看这些答案,Marc Gravell的答案与我们使用的方法非常接近,但是他使用了两个“循环”,而不是坚持价值观。

但是所有那些使用LINQ和正则表达式以及加入数组的答案看起来都像疯了! : - )

答案 22 :(得分:1)


using System;
using NUnit.Framework;
using NUnit.Framework.Extensions;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using NUnit.Framework.SyntaxHelpers;

namespace StringChallengeProject
    public class StringChallenge
        [Row(new String[] { }, "{}")]
        [Row(new[] { "ABC" }, "{ABC}")]
        [Row(new[] { "ABC", "DEF" }, "{ABC and DEF}")]
        [Row(new[] { "ABC", "DEF", "G", "H" }, "{ABC, DEF, G and H}")]
        public void Test(String[] input, String expectedOutput)
            Assert.That(FormatString(input), Is.EqualTo(expectedOutput));

        public static String FormatString(IEnumerable<String> input)
            if (input == null)
                return "{}";

            using (var iterator = input.GetEnumerator())
                // Guard-clause for empty source
                if (!iterator.MoveNext())
                    return "{}";

                // Take care of first value
                var output = new StringBuilder();

                // Grab next
                if (iterator.MoveNext())
                    // Grab the next value, but don't process it
                    // we don't know whether to use comma or "and"
                    // until we've grabbed the next after it as well
                    String nextValue = iterator.Current;
                    while (iterator.MoveNext())
                        output.Append(", ");

                        nextValue = iterator.Current;

                    output.Append(" and ");

                return output.ToString();

答案 23 :(得分:1)


public static string CommaQuibbling(IEnumerable<string> items)    
    var aggregate = items.Aggregate<string, StringBuilder>(
        new StringBuilder(), 
        (b,s) => b.AppendFormat(", {0}", s));
    var trimmed = Regex.Replace(aggregate.ToString(), "^, ", string.Empty);
    return string.Format(
                   ", (?<last>[^,]*)$", @" and ${last}"));


答案 24 :(得分:0)


    public static string CommaQuibbling(IEnumerable<string> items)
        var text = new StringBuilder();
        string sep = null;
        int last_pos = items.Count();
        int next_pos = 1;

        foreach(string item in items)
            sep = ++next_pos < last_pos ? ", " : " and ";

        return $"{{{text}}}";

答案 25 :(得分:0)


public static string CommaQuibbling(IEnumerable<string> inputList)
            String.Join(null, inputList
                .Select((iw, i) =>
                    (i == (inputList.Count() - 1)) ? $"{iw}" :
                        (i == (inputList.Count() - 2) ? $"{iw} and " : $"{iw}, "))
                    .ToArray()), "}");

答案 26 :(得分:0)

.NET Core中,我们可以利用SkipLastTakeLast

public static string CommaQuibblify(IEnumerable<string> items)
    var head = string.Join(", ", items.SkipLast(2).Append(""));
    var tail = string.Join(" and ", items.TakeLast(2));
    return '{' + head + tail + '}';