VB.Net SerialPort读取正在返回碎片数据集

时间:2011-10-17 17:22:11

标签: .net vb.net serial-port system.net virtual-serial-port


我有一个USB设备,可以在Windows上创建虚拟串行端口。我正在使用VB.Net来写入和读取端口。我的设备响应特定大小的字节集,但我发现SerialPort.Read(字节数组,偏移量,数字字节)不返回完整的数字字节,但它也不会超时或生成异常。重复调用返回其他片段(最多需要3次调用)。我不明白为什么这个读取方法的行为方式呢?它认为所请求的字节数只是一个建议吗? :-)。我希望它会等待完成整个请求,除非它超时。

使用pySerial 的Python代码具有相同的问题。



  1. 我向端口写了一个命令,期望得到4个字节的响应。我先获得1个字节,然后在后续调用中获得3个字节。
  2. 我写了一个命令,期望响应21120个字节。我从3个调用中获得1,12671和8448个字节,以便从端口读取。
  3. 以下是我的代码摘录:

    Private Sub SetupVirtualSerialPort()
      Dim portName As String = "COM" + (m_DeviceContext * -1).ToString
      Const baud As Int32 = 9600    '7680000
      Const parity As Parity = parity.None
      Const databits As Int32 = 8
      Const stopbits As StopBits = stopbits.One
      m_SerialPort = New SerialPort(portName, baud, parity, databits, stopbits)
      m_SerialPort.WriteTimeout = VSPtimeout
      m_SerialPort.ReadTimeout = VSPtimeout
      m_SerialPort.ReadBufferSize = 2 * RETURN_BUFFER_SIZE
      m_SerialPort.WriteBufferSize = 2 * COMMAND_BUFFER_SIZE
      ' Register event handlers
      AddHandler m_SerialPort.ErrorReceived, AddressOf m_DriverInterface.Handle_VSP_Error
    End Sub
    Public Function WriteReadVSPort(ByVal commandLength As Int32, ByVal returnLength As Int32)             As Int32
      Const RetryLimit As Int32 = 5
      Dim NumberRetries As Int32 = 0
      Dim Offset As Int32 = 0
      Dim ExceptionOccurred As Boolean = False
      Dim NumberBytes As Int32 = 0
      Try '  Writing
        m_SerialPort.Write(m_CommandBuffer, 0, commandLength)
      Catch exc As InvalidOperationException
        MessageBox.Show("InvalidOperationException", Application.ProductName)
        ExceptionOccurred = True
      Catch exc As TimeoutException
        MessageBox.Show("TimeoutException", Application.ProductName)
        ExceptionOccurred = True
      End Try
      If Not ExceptionOccurred Then
        Try ' Reading
          ' Working around a problem here: reads are returning fewer 
          ' bytes than requested, though not signalling a timeout exception.
          ' Therefore, we retry if we got fewer bytes than expected, up to five times.
          While NumberRetries < RetryLimit And returnLength > Offset
            NumberBytes = m_SerialPort.Read(m_ReturnBytes, Offset, returnLength - Offset)
            Offset += NumberBytes
            NumberRetries += 1
            If returnLength <> NumberBytes Then
              System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Number of bytes read (" & NumberBytes &
                ") not what was requested (" & returnLength & "). Accumulated " & Offset)
            End If
          End While
        Catch exc As InvalidOperationException
          MessageBox.Show("InvalidOperationException", Application.ProductName)
          ExceptionOccurred = True
        Catch exc As TimeoutException
          MessageBox.Show("TimeoutException", Application.ProductName)
          ExceptionOccurred = True
        End Try
      If ExceptionOccurred Then
        Return 1
        Return 0
      End If
    End Function


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


int offset = 0, read, remaining = ...;
while(remaining > 0 &&
    (read = source.Read(buffer, offset, remaining) > 0)
    offset += read;
    remaining -= read;
if(remaining > 0) throw new EndOfStreamException();


答案 1 :(得分:1)

我收集了使用DataReceived事件并使代码事件驱动而不是循环的建议。我发现在一次读操作中,虚拟串行端口仍然不能用于我的21120字节消息。更短的消息长度正确完成。但是,当我将串行端口数据接收阈值设置为21119字节并将串行端口读取缓冲区设置为我的消息大小的10倍时,我发现 1.只有12672个字节可用(不是21119)触发DataReceived事件,并且对完整大小执行Read()时返回相同的数字。 2.如果字节数不等于我的阈值,如果我当时没有读取,则不会触发进一步的DataReceived事件 但是,如果(并且仅当)我读取12672个字节,则另一个DataReceived事件会伴随剩余的8448个字节。




Private m_SerialPort As SerialPort = Nothing
Private Debug As Int16
Private m_CommandBuffer(COMMAND_BUFFER_SIZE) As Byte
Private m_ReturnBytes(RETURN_BUFFER_SIZE) As Byte
Private m_WaitingOnBytes As Int32
Private m_VSP_Offset As Int32 = 0
Private m_waitHandle As New System.Threading.ManualResetEvent(True) ' Initialize to signaled
Private m_waitHandle2 As New System.Threading.ManualResetEvent(False) ' Initialize to UN-signaled


Public Sub Handle_VSP_DataReceived_Dev(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
  Dim NumberBytes As Int32

  If m_SerialPort.BytesToRead > 0 And m_SerialPort.BytesToRead >= m_WaitingOnBytes Then
    ' This handles the case where the event was triggered, there was data and its length matched
    ' or exceeded the requested amount.
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("DR-Dev: Bytes to read: " & m_SerialPort.BytesToRead & ", waiting for: " & m_WaitingOnBytes)
    NumberBytes = m_SerialPort.Read(m_ReturnBytes, m_VSP_Offset, m_WaitingOnBytes)
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("DR-Dev: got " & NumberBytes & " bytes, released wait handle")
    m_WaitingOnBytes = 0
    m_waitHandle.Set() ' Release the wait handle so the thread running WriteReadVSPort can proceed
  ElseIf m_SerialPort.BytesToRead > 0 And m_WaitingOnBytes > 0 Then
    ' Handle the case where the full request is not delivered. Note: 
    ' This should not need to be done, but it seems that the 
    ' Serial Port is sending the event before all the data is 
    ' received and the threshold is crossed and then not 
    ' sending another event until the buffer is read.
    ' So, here we do a partial read, if we are waiting on a
    ' read operation and adjust the offset and remaining bytes
    ' we are waiting for.
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("DR-Dev: Bytes to read: " & m_SerialPort.BytesToRead & ", waiting for: " & m_WaitingOnBytes)
    NumberBytes = m_SerialPort.Read(m_ReturnBytes, m_VSP_Offset, m_WaitingOnBytes)
    If NumberBytes = m_WaitingOnBytes Then
      ' We actually got all the data, though the serial port did not report it had it ready. Fine, 
      ' proceed as above
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("DR-Dev: got " & m_WaitingOnBytes & " bytes, released wait handle")
      m_WaitingOnBytes = 0
      m_waitHandle.Set() ' Release the wait handle so the thread running WriteReadVSPort can proceed
    Else ' Mark this as a partial read
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("DR-Dev: got partial " & NumberBytes & " while waiting for: " &
        m_WaitingOnBytes & " bytes, continue to hold WriteReadVSPort")
      m_WaitingOnBytes -= NumberBytes
      m_VSP_Offset += NumberBytes
    End If
  End If

End Sub


Public Function WriteReadVSPort(ByVal commandLength As Int32, ByVal returnLength As Int32) As Int32

  Dim ExceptionOccurred As Boolean = False
  Dim NumberBytes As Int32 = 0
  Dim RetriesRemaining As Int32 = 4
  Dim Finished As Boolean = False

  ' Important to set up for reading response before the command is written
  ' because another thread will handle the DataReceived event and process
  ' the received data without intervention from the thread executing
  ' this(subroutine.
  m_VSP_Offset = 0
  m_WaitingOnBytes = returnLength
  ' Set the DataReceived event threshold
  m_SerialPort.ReceivedBytesThreshold = m_WaitingOnBytes - 1
  ' Set waitHandle so it will block the thread executing this routine until the data is received

  Try '  Writing
    m_SerialPort.Write(m_CommandBuffer, 0, commandLength)
  Catch exc As InvalidOperationException
    MessageBox.Show("InvalidOperationException when writing to Serial Port COM" & -1 * DeviceContext, Application.ProductName)
    ExceptionOccurred = True
  Catch exc As TimeoutException
    MessageBox.Show("TimeoutException when writing to Serial Port COM" & -1 * DeviceContext, Application.ProductName)
    ExceptionOccurred = True
  End Try

  If Not ExceptionOccurred Then

    Try ' Reading all done by Event Handler

      ' wait for event handler to complete its job, running in another thread
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("WR_VSP: waiting on waitHandle, bytes avail: " &
              m_SerialPort.BytesToRead & ", want bytes: " & m_WaitingOnBytes)

      If m_waitHandle.WaitOne(VSPtimeout) Then
        ' The WaitOne call returned True, meaning that Handle_VSP_DataReceived_Dev was able to receive all the requested data
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("WR_VSP: proceeding")
        ' The WaitOne call timed out. Give it some retries before throwing an exception
        While Not Finished And RetriesRemaining > 0
          If m_SerialPort.BytesToRead > 0 And m_SerialPort.BytesToRead >= m_WaitingOnBytes Then
            NumberBytes = m_SerialPort.Read(m_ReturnBytes, m_VSP_Offset, m_WaitingOnBytes)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("WR_VSP: timeout mode, got " & m_WaitingOnBytes & " bytes")
            Finished = True
            RetriesRemaining -= 1
          End If
        End While
        If Not Finished Then
          Throw New TimeoutException("Device failed to send the requested number of bytes.")
        End If
      End If

    Catch exc As InvalidOperationException
      MessageBox.Show("InvalidOperationException when reading from Serial Port COM" & -1 * DeviceContext, Application.ProductName)
      ExceptionOccurred = True
    Catch exc As TimeoutException
      MessageBox.Show("TimeoutException when reading from Serial Port COM" & -1 * DeviceContext, Application.ProductName)
      ExceptionOccurred = True
    End Try

  End If

  If ExceptionOccurred Then
    Return 1
    Return 0
  End If

End Function