
时间:2011-09-10 03:26:04

标签: c++ hashtable


for(auto key_iterator = hash_multimap.begin_keys();
    key_iterator != hash_multimap.end_keys(); key_iterator++)
    auto key = key_iterator->key;
    // set up state
    for(auto value_iterator = key_iterator->begin_values();
        value_iterator != key_iterator->end_values(); value_iterator++)
        // mutate state
    // use state
    // tear down state


typedef std::hash_multimap<int> hash_t;
typedef hash_t::value_type hash_val;

hash_t hash;
hash.insert(hash_val(0, 1));
hash.insert(hash_val(1, 2));
hash.insert(hash_val(1, 3));
hash.insert(hash_val(2, 4));
hash.insert(hash_val(2, 5));
hash.insert(hash_val(2, 6));
hash.insert(hash_val(3, 7));
hash.insert(hash_val(3, 8));
hash.insert(hash_val(3, 9));

// print out the sum of values for each key here.
// expected output:
// 0: 1
// 1: 5
// 2: 15
// 3: 24




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您可以使用下限和上限来实现此目的。例如,尝试 -

 auto value_iterator = hash->begin();
 while( value_iterator != hash->end() ){
     auto lIter = hash->lower_bound( value_iterator->first );
     auto uIter = hash->upper_bound( value_iterator->first );
     while( lIter != uIter ){
         // sum the values associated with keys
         // Increment lIter
     value_iterator = uIter;

编辑:如果您使用的库没有upper_bound,lower_bound成员函数,则可以使用equal_range作为@Thanatos建议。 Microsoft实现确实有这些。逻辑是相同的,内部循环是 -

pair<hash_multimap<int,int>::iterator,hash_multimap<int,int>::iterator> pairIter;
while( pairIter.first != pairIter.second ){
    // sum the values associated with keys
    // Increment pairIter->first
value_iterator = pairIter.second;

答案 1 :(得分:0)

由于您使用了C ++ 11语法,我也会这样做; - ]

#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    typedef std::unordered_multimap<int, int> map_t;
    typedef std::unordered_map<int, int> sums_t;

    map_t hash;
    hash.insert(map_t::value_type(0, 1));
    hash.insert(map_t::value_type(1, 2));
    hash.insert(map_t::value_type(1, 3));
    hash.insert(map_t::value_type(2, 4));
    hash.insert(map_t::value_type(2, 5));
    hash.insert(map_t::value_type(2, 6));
    hash.insert(map_t::value_type(3, 7));
    hash.insert(map_t::value_type(3, 8));
    hash.insert(map_t::value_type(3, 9));

    sums_t const& sums = std::accumulate(hash.cbegin(), hash.cend(), sums_t(),
        [](sums_t& acc, map_t::const_reference p)
            return acc[p.first] += p.second, acc;

    std::for_each(sums.cbegin(), sums.cend(),
        [](sums_t::const_reference p)
            std::cout << p.first << ": " << p.second << '\n';