
时间:2011-09-04 00:34:29

标签: haskell bits bytestring


然后,输入块中的所有偶数位(0,2,...)被视为输出块中的前128位。而奇数位被认为是输出块中的128个最后位。更具体地说,输出中 i'th 位的公式为(a i 是输入中的 i'th 位块,而b是输出):


b i = a 2i


b i + 2 d-1 = a 2i + 1


i 从0到2 d-1 -1,d = 8.



1010 1010 1010 1010 - > 1111 1111 0000 0000


我无法为此功能提供干净的实现。特别是我一直在尝试使用ByteString - > ByteString签名,但这种强迫我使用Word8的粒度。但是输出字节串中的每个字节都是所有其他字节中的位的函数,这需要一些非常混乱的操作。


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


import Data.List
import Data.Function

map fst $ sortBy (compare `on` snd) $ zip yourList $ cycle [0,1]

一点解释: 由于sortBy保留原始顺序,我们可以将每个值在偶数位置配对“0”,将每个值在奇数位置配对为“1”,然后我们只需对该对的第二个值进行排序。因此,偶数位置的所有值都将放在奇数位置的值之前,但它们的顺序将被保留。


答案 1 :(得分:4)


import Data.ByteString (pack, unpack, ByteString)
import Data.Bits
import Data.Word

-- the main attraction
packString :: ByteString -> ByteString
packString = pack . packWords . unpack

-- main attraction equivalent, in [Word8]
packWords :: [Word8] -> [Word8]
packWords ws = evenPacked ++ unevenPacked
    where evenBits = map packEven ws
          unevenBits = map packUneven ws
          evenPacked = consumePairs packNibbles evenBits
          unevenPacked = consumePairs packNibbles unevenBits

-- combines 2 low nibbles (first 4 bytes) into a (high nibble, low nibble) word
-- assumes that only the low nibble of both arguments can be non-zero. 
packNibbles :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8
packNibbles w1 w2 = (shiftL w1 4) .|. w2 

packEven w = packBits w [0, 2, 4, 6]

packUneven w = packBits w [1, 3, 5, 7]

-- packBits 254 [0, 2, 4, 6] = 14 
-- packBits 254 [1, 3, 5, 7] = 15
packBits :: Word8 -> [Int] -> Word8
packBits w is = foldr (.|.) 0 $ map (packBit w) is

-- packBit 255 0 = 1
-- packBit 255 1 = 1
-- packBit 255 2 = 2
-- packBit 255 3 = 2
-- packBit 255 4 = 4
-- packBit 255 5 = 4
-- packBit 255 6 = 8
-- packBit 255 7 = 8
packBit :: Word8 -> Int -> Word8
packBit w i = shiftR (w .&. 2^i) ((i `div` 2) + (i `mod` 2))

-- sort of like map, but halves the list in size by consuming two elements. 
-- Is there a clearer way to write this with built-in function?
consumePairs :: (a -> a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
consumePairs f (x : x' : xs) = f x x' : consumePairs f xs
consumePairs _ [] = []
consumePairs _ _ = error "list must contain even number of elements"

答案 2 :(得分:3)


import Data.Bits
import qualified Data.Vector as V

type BitVector = V.Vector Bool

unpack :: (Bits a) => a -> BitVector
unpack w = V.generate (bitSize w) (testBit w)

pack :: (Bits a) => BitVector -> a
pack v = V.ifoldl' set 0 v
    set w i True = w `setBit` i
    set w _ _    = w

mkPermutationVector :: Int -> V.Vector Int
mkPermutationVector d = V.generate (2^d) b
    b i | i < 2^(d-1) = 2*i
        | otherwise   = let i' = i-2^(d-1)
                        in 2*i'+1

permute :: Int -> BitVector -> BitVector
permute d v = V.backpermute v (mkPermutationVector d)



*Main> import Data.Word
*Main Data.Word> let permute16 = pack . permute 4 . unpack :: Word16 -> Word16
*Main Data.Word> permute16 43690


plus :: BitVector -> BitVector -> BitVector
plus as bs = V.tail sums
    (sums, carries) = V.unzip sumsAndCarries
    sumsAndCarries  = V.scanl' fullAdd (False, False) (V.zip as bs)
    fullAdd (_, cin) (a, b) = ((a /= b) /= cin
                              , (a && b) || (cin && (a /= b)))

你可能也会发现Levent Erkok的sbv包很有用,虽然我不确定它为你的特定问题公开了一个像backpermute这样方便的函数。
