
时间:2011-08-11 15:32:09

标签: objective-c ios cocoa-touch

昨天我提出了一个关于内存管理和单身人士的问题(Proper Management Of A Singleton Data Store In IOS With Web Service)。在过去的36个小时里,我一直在试图追踪问题,经过NSLog等的大量测试后,我只能得出结论,块内分配的对象没有被自动释放。我使用块作为处理异步Web服务响应的方法。我还从视图控制器发送一个块,该块需要发出Web服务请求,以便它可以根据Web服务的响应执行任何操作。希望全面了解我的代码将有助于获得解决方案,我将把所有产生问题的代码放在这里:


HollerWebService *api = [[HollerWebService alloc]init];
//NSLog(@"About to get the hollers for userId: %@", [[[CurrentSession defaultStore]currentUser]userId]);
[api getLatestHollers:[[[CurrentSession defaultStore]currentUser]userId] completionBlock:^(BOOL succeeded) {
    //If the user has 0 hollers, display one of the illustrations
    [self.tableView reloadData];
    [self stopLoading];
    if( !succeeded ){
        UIAlertView *av = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Error" message:@"Could not connect to Holler" delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil];
        [av show];
        [av release];
        for( Holler *hN in [[HollerStore defaultStore] allHollers] )
            //Retain count of all the hollers is 
            NSLog(@"Retain count of the holler is %i", [hN retainCount]);

[api release];


- (void)getLatestHollers: (NSString *)userId completionBlock:(void (^)(BOOL succeeded))handler
    [self getRequest:[[NSString alloc]initWithFormat:@"hollers/feed?user_id=%@",userId] completionBlock:^(NSData *receivedData, NSURLResponse *receivedResponse, NSError *error) {
    if( error == nil )
        SBJsonParser *json = [SBJsonParser new];
        NSArray *response = [json objectWithData:receivedData];
        [json release];
        //NSLog(@"Got the latest Hollers. %@", response);
        HollerStore *hStore = [HollerStore defaultStore];
        for( NSDictionary *holler in response )
            //At this point Holler *h is being sent an autoreleased holler
            //from the parseHoller: method.  At this point it's retain count is 1
            Holler *h = [self parseHoller:holler];
            [hStore addHoller:h];
            //Now that I've added it to my singleton the retain count is 2, although I'm 
            //assuming the autorelease pool will eventually come through and reduce this 
            //to 1 but it never happens
        NSLog(@"The API failed :(, %@", [error localizedDescription]);
        //Let the requestor know that this request failed


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

你根本不应该使用retainCount永远 - 真的Apple应该从SDK中删除它,因为它根本没用。查看这个问题是出于技术原因,为什么你不应该使用它点空白:

When to use -retainCount?
