
时间:2021-05-11 17:36:36

标签: python

我从 python 开始,我正在尝试编写一个纸牌游戏,用户和计算机可以玩 5 轮。用户和计算机必须从我创建的牌组中随机获得一张卡片,获胜者是卡片最高的那一张。



“8 de bastos”、“9 de bastos”、“10 de bastos”和“11 de bastos”而不是“sota de bastos”、“caballo de bastos”、“rey de bastos”和“as de bastos” ”。



Tu carta es caballo de oros > Your card is King of Gold
La carta del ordenador es sota de espadas > Your card is Jokey of Spades 
Esta ronda la ha ganado el ordenador. > The computer has won this round. 



Tu carta es 5 de espadas > Your card is 5 of spaces
La carta del ordenador es 5 de copas > Computer's card is 5 of coups. 
Has ganado. > You have won. 


import random

print("Who will be the best out of 5 rounds?")

contador_humano = 0
contador_ordenador = 0
rondas = 0

while rondas < 5:
    rondas = rondas + 1
    print("\nRounds", rondas)

    palos = ["bastos", "copas", "espadas", "oros"]
    num = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
    baraja = []
    for n in num:
        for palo in palos:
            carta = "{} de {}".format(n,palo)
            for c in carta:
                if n == 8:
                    n = sota
                elif n == 9:
                    n = "caballo"
                elif n == 10:
                    n = "rey"
                elif n == 11:
                    n = "as"
    input("\nPress enter to shuffle.")

    carta_humano = random.choice(baraja)
    print("\nThis is your card", carta_humano)
    carta_ordenador = random.choice(baraja)
    print("This is the computer card", carta_ordenador)
    if carta_humano > carta_ordenador:
        contador_humano += 1
        contador_ordenador += 0
        print("\nYou have won this round.")
    elif carta_humano == carta_ordenador:
        contador_humano += 0
        contador_ordenador += 0
        print("\nThis is a draw.")
        contador_humano += 0
        contador_ordenador += 1
        print("\nThe computer has won this round.")


print("\nFinal score:", contador_humano, " - ", contador_ordenador)
if contador_humano > contador_ordenador:
    print("You win!")
elif contador_humano == contador_ordenador:
    print("It is a draw.")
elif contador_humano < contador_ordenador:
    print("You lose.")

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


  • for c in carta 将迭代 carta 的每个 字符。这不是你想要的。
  • 更改 n 在您为 carta 赋值后,不会更改 carta
  • 比较 carta_humano > carta_ordenador 时,您是在比较这些字符串,因此例如“rey”将被视为大于“as”。您需要比较卡片的数值。
  • 必须引用“sotas”

我建议为卡片创建一个类,它就像一个具有等级和花色属性的元组,它有一个 __repr__ 方法来负责生成“好”的名字。通过将其定义为元组,顺序基于第一个成员(排名),这正是我们所需要的。

我也不会洗牌随机选择一张牌。如果你已经洗牌了,你可以拿走最后一张牌。这就像随机选择一个一样随机。你把选定的牌放回牌组,但在我看来这太过分了。有足够玩 5 轮的卡片,所以不要费心把它们放回去。但这只是我的观点。对于您的问题,这不是必需的。

最后的 elif 可以只是一个 else,因为只剩下一种可能性。


import random
from collections import namedtuple

class Card(namedtuple('Card', ['rank', 'suit'])):
    def __repr__(self):
        return "{} of {}".format(self.rank if self.rank < 8 else ["sota", "caballo", "rey", "as"][self.rank-8], self.suit)

print("Who will be the best out of 5 rounds?")

contador_humano = 0
contador_ordenador = 0

baraja = [Card(rank, suit) 
                for suit in ["bastos", "copas", "espadas", "oros"]
                for rank in [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]]
for rondas in range(1, 6):
    input("\nPress enter to start round {}".format(rondas))
    carta_humano = baraja.pop()
    print("\nThis is your card: {}".format(carta_humano))
    carta_ordenador = baraja.pop()
    print("This is the computer card: {}".format(carta_ordenador))
    if carta_humano > carta_ordenador:
        contador_humano += 1
        print("\nYou have won this round.")
    elif carta_humano == carta_ordenador:
        print("\nThis is a draw.")
        contador_ordenador += 1
        print("\nThe computer has won this round.")

print("\nFinal score:", contador_humano, " - ", contador_ordenador)
if contador_humano > contador_ordenador:
    print("You win!")
elif contador_humano == contador_ordenador:
    print("It is a draw.")
    print("You lose.")

答案 1 :(得分:0)

人类知道在纸牌游戏中检查 '7 of copa' > '2 of oros' 意味着什么。然而,计算机并不理解卡片,它只知道你告诉它每张卡片都是一个字符串,它会根据字符串的内容评估表达式以确定谁获胜。

要解决比较每张卡片的整个字符串的问题,“{n} de {palo}”,您只需要获取每张卡片的 num 部分(我假设这就是我们'正在检查,如果我错了,请纠正我),您可以通过将字符串拆分为单词(其中单词是由空格分隔的字符串部分)并将字符串中的第一个单词(因为我们知道是数字)转换成一个变量,然后用于表达式以确定谁赢了。

我取出了您现在将 8-11 转换为 sota-as 的代码块。当我让它工作时,我会在这里编辑如何解决这个问题。现在,这是你的代码减去那个块,我添加了两行代码并编辑了另外两行,现在它给出了预期的赢家。

import random

print("Who will be the best out of 5 rounds?")

contador_humano = 0
contador_ordenador = 0
rondas = 0

while rondas < 5:
    rondas = rondas + 1
    print("\nRounds", rondas)

    palos = ["bastos", "copas", "espadas", "oros"]
    num = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
    baraja = []
    for n in num:
        for palo in palos:
            carta = "{} de {}".format(n,palo)
    input("\nPress enter to shuffle.")
    carta_humano = random.choice(baraja)
    print("\nThis is your card", carta_humano)
    carta_ordenador = random.choice(baraja)
    print("This is the computer card", carta_ordenador)

    # get the number portion of carta_humano
    num_carta_humano = int(carta_humano.split()[0])
    # get the number portion of carta_ordenador
    num_carta_ordenador = int(carta_ordenador.split()[0])
    if num_carta_humano > num_carta_ordenador: # compare numeric portion of each card
        contador_humano += 1
        contador_ordenador += 0
        print("\nYou have won this round.")
    elif num_carta_humano == num_carta_ordenador: # compare numeric portion of each card
        contador_humano += 0
        contador_ordenador += 0
        print("\nThis is a draw.")
        contador_humano += 0
        contador_ordenador += 1
        print("\nThe computer has won this round.")


print("\nFinal score:", contador_humano, " - ", contador_ordenador)
if contador_humano > contador_ordenador:
    print("You win!")
elif contador_humano == contador_ordenador:
    print("It is a draw.")
elif contador_humano < contador_ordenador:
    print("You lose.")


您的问题的另一半是您用 sota-as 替换 8-11 的代码无法按预期运行。

我修复了您的代码,使其按您预期的方式运行。由于您需要将 8-11 替换为 sota-as 的唯一原因是打印卡片时,我更改了代码,以便卡片本身不会更改,但打印的是什么。我在导入的顶部添加了一个函数。当您打印一副套牌和卡片时,该功能用于将 8-11 替换为 sota-as,但它不会更改原始的套牌或卡片,只会更改打印的内容。


import random

def replace_num_carta(baraja, carta):
    # return the text representation of a card, replacing 8-11 with sota-as

    if int(carta.split()[0]) == 8: # if the first word in the split string is 8
        return ('sota de ' + carta.split()[-1]) # print 'sota de' concatenated to the last word of the split string
    elif int(carta.split()[0]) == 9: # if the first word in the split string is 9
        return ('caballo de ' + carta.split()[-1]) # print 'caballo de' concatenated to the last word of the split string
    elif int(carta.split()[0]) == 10: # if the first word in the split string is 10
        return ('rey de ' + carta.split()[-1]) # print 'rey de' concatenated to the last word of the split string
    elif int(carta.split()[0]) == 11: # if the first word in the split string is 11
        return ('as de ' + carta.split()[-1]) # print 'as de' concatenated to the last word of the split string

print("Who will be the best out of 5 rounds?")

contador_humano = 0
contador_ordenador = 0
rondas = 0

while rondas < 5:
    rondas = rondas + 1
    print("\nRounds", rondas)

    palos = ["bastos", "copas", "espadas", "oros"]
    num = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
    baraja = []
    for n in num:
        for palo in palos:
            carta = "{} de {}".format(n,palo)
    input("\nPress enter to shuffle.")

    baraja_to_print = []
    for carta in baraja:
        baraja_to_print.append(replace_num_carta(baraja, carta)) # append the current card, after running through the function replace_num_carta


    carta_humano = random.choice(baraja)
    print("\nThis is your card " + replace_num_carta(baraja, carta_humano))
    carta_ordenador = random.choice(baraja)
    print("This is the computer card " + replace_num_carta(baraja, carta_ordenador))

    # get the number portion of carta_humano
    num_carta_humano = int(carta_humano.split()[0])
    # get the number portion of carta_ordenador
    num_carta_ordenador = int(carta_ordenador.split()[0])
    if num_carta_humano > num_carta_ordenador: # compare numeric portion of each card
        contador_humano += 1
        contador_ordenador += 0
        print("\nYou have won this round.")
    elif num_carta_humano == num_carta_ordenador: # compare numeric portion of each card
        contador_humano += 0
        contador_ordenador += 0
        print("\nThis is a draw.")
        contador_humano += 0
        contador_ordenador += 1
        print("\nThe computer has won this round.")


print("\nFinal score:", contador_humano, " - ", contador_ordenador)
if contador_humano > contador_ordenador:
    print("You win!")
elif contador_humano == contador_ordenador:
    print("It is a draw.")
elif contador_humano < contador_ordenador:
    print("You lose.")