我看到很多程序都使用带有标志的命令行参数,例如gcc hello.c -o hello
Dim args() As String = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()
Dim oi As Integer = Array.IndexOf("-o", args)
If oi > -1 AndAlso oi < args.Length Then
CompileTo(args(oi + 1)) 'Or whatever
CompileTo("out.exe") 'Or whatever
End If
答案 0 :(得分:3)
请你查看Best way to parse command line arguments in C#?,关于类似主题有一些有趣的答案(C#,但这不重要)。它还显示了您可能想要使用的“即用型”库的链接。
答案 1 :(得分:1)
答案 2 :(得分:-1)
使用。创建表单 - 名为OptString和text的文本框:-in“c:\ my docs \ my files”+ n -sort:a -xyz - 名为wop的文本框(错误选项的缩写) - 名为ParseBt的按钮 - 名为rtb的RichTextBox(RichTextBox的缩写)
Public Class Form1
Dim ListOfPossibleOptions As New Collection
Dim RejectedOptions As String
Private Sub ParseBt_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ParseBt.Click
ListOfPossibleOptions.Add(New OneOption("Input", " "c, True))
ListOfPossibleOptions.Add(New OneOption("Sort", ":"c))
ListOfPossibleOptions.Add(New OneOption("New"))
ParseOptions(ListOfPossibleOptions, RejectedOptions)
Dim s As String = ""
For Each CurrOption As OneOption In ListOfPossibleOptions
s &= CurrOption.OptionText & ": "
If CurrOption.Present Then
s &= "Present option=" & CurrOption.OptionChar
If CurrOption.ValueReq Then
s &= " value=" & CurrOption.TextValue
End If
s &= "not present"
End If
s &= vbCrLf
rtb.Text = s
End Sub
Sub ParseOptions(ListOfPossibleOptions As Collection, RejectedOptions As String)
Dim Fnd As Boolean
Dim OptionString As String = OptString.Text.Trim.ToUpper & " "
Dim OptionFnd As OneOption
RejectedOptions = ""
While OptionString.Length() > 0
Fnd = False
Do While True
For Each CurrOption As OneOption In ListOfPossibleOptions
Dim ot As String = CurrOption.OptionText.ToUpper
For l As Integer = 1 To CurrOption.OptionText.Length
If l < OptionString.Length Then
Debug.WriteLine("|" & ot.Substring(0, l) & "|" & OptionString.Substring(1, l) & "|")
If ot.Substring(0, l) = OptionString.Substring(1, l) Then
If OptionString.Substring(1 + l, 1) = CurrOption.Separator Then
Fnd = True
OptionFnd = CurrOption
OptionFnd.Present = True
OptionFnd.OptionChar = OptionString(0)
OptionString = OptionString.Substring(l + 2)
Exit Do ' found
End If
Exit For ' next possible option
End If
End If
Exit Do ' not found
If Not Fnd Then
Dim i As Integer = OptionString.IndexOf(" ")
RejectedOptions &= OptionString.Substring(0, i) & " "
OptionString = OptionString.Substring(i).TrimStart
If OptionFnd.ValueReq Then
If OptionFnd.Quoted Then
If OptionString(0) = """" Then
OptionString = OptionString.Substring(1)
Dim i As Integer = OptionString.IndexOf("""")
If i > -1 Then
OptionFnd.TextValue = OptionString.Substring(0, i)
OptionString = OptionString.Substring(i + 1).TrimStart
Else ' closing quote missing
i = OptionString.IndexOf(" ")
OptionFnd.TextValue = """" & OptionString.Substring(0, i)
OptionString = OptionString.Substring(i).TrimStart
End If
Else ' not quoted
Dim i As Integer = OptionString.IndexOf(" ")
OptionFnd.TextValue = OptionString.Substring(0, i)
OptionString = OptionString.Substring(i).TrimStart
End If
Else ' never quoted
Dim i As Integer = OptionString.IndexOf(" ")
OptionFnd.TextValue = OptionString.Substring(0, i)
OptionString = OptionString.Substring(i).TrimStart
End If
End If
End If
End While
wop.Text = RejectedOptions
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
End Class
Public Class OneOption
Friend OptionText As String ' required
Friend Separator As Char ' if specified, CurrOption value follows the option, like : in -SORT:A
Friend Quoted As Boolean ' value may be "q u o t e d"
Friend ValueReq As Boolean ' is value required (as seperator was given in NEW)?
Friend Present As Boolean ' option present
Friend OptionChar As Char ' options was preceeded by + - / whatever
Friend TextValue As String ' the value following the option
Sub New(pOptionText As String) ' option without a value, a switch
OptionText = pOptionText
End Sub
Sub New(pOptionText As String, pSeparator As Char) ' option with a value, the separator between option and value has to be specified
OptionText = pOptionText
Separator = pSeparator
ValueReq = True
Quoted = False
End Sub
Sub New(pOptionText As String, pSeparator As Char, pQuoted As Boolean) ' option with a possibly "quoted value", the separator between option and value has to be specified
OptionText = pOptionText
Separator = pSeparator
ValueReq = True
Quoted = pQuoted
End Sub
Sub reset()
Separator = " "c
Quoted = False
Present = False
ValueReq = False
End Sub
End Class