
时间:2011-07-11 17:43:50

标签: c# networking binary bit-manipulation


Bit Position(s)  Length (In Bits)    Type
0                1                   bool
1-5              5                   int
6-13             8                   int
14-22            9                   uint
23               1                   bool


我的问题是我很难处理这类数据。具体来说,我很难弄清楚如何有效地获取任意长度的位数组,用源缓冲区中的相应位填充它们,填充它们以匹配目标类型,并将填充的位数组转换为目标类型。在一个理想的世界中,我可以使用上面示例中的字节[3]并调用类似GetInt32(byte[] bytes, int startBit, int length)的方法。



我现在正在考虑一个类如下的类,它引用(或创建)源/目标byte []缓冲区以及偏移量,并为某些目标类型提供get和set方法。棘手的部分是获取/设置值可能跨越多个字节。

class BitField
    private readonly byte[] _bytes;
    private readonly int _offset;

    public BitField(byte[] bytes)
        : this(bytes, 0)

    public BitField(byte[] bytes, int offset)
        _bytes = bytes;
        _offset = offset;

    public BitField(int size)
        : this(new byte[size], 0)

    public bool this[int bit]
        get { return IsSet(bit); }
        set { if (value) Set(bit); else Clear(bit); }

    public bool IsSet(int bit)
        return (_bytes[_offset + (bit / 8)] & (1 << (bit % 8))) != 0;

    public void Set(int bit)
        _bytes[_offset + (bit / 8)] |= unchecked((byte)(1 << (bit % 8)));

    public void Clear(int bit)
        _bytes[_offset + (bit / 8)] &= unchecked((byte)~(1 << (bit % 8)));

    //startIndex = the index of the bit at which to start fetching the value
    //length = the number of bits to include - may be less than 32 in which case
    //the most significant bits of the target type should be padded with 0
    public int GetInt32(int startIndex, int length)
        //NEED CODE HERE

    //startIndex = the index of the bit at which to start storing the value
    //length = the number of bits to use, if less than the number of bits required
    //for the source type, precision may be lost
    //value = the value to store
    public void SetValue(int startIndex, int length, int value)
        //NEED CODE HERE

    //Other Get.../Set... methods go here


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



public static void SetValue(Int32 message, int startIndex, int length, int value)
   // we want lengthx1
   int mask = (1 << length) - 1;     
   value = value & mask;  // or check and throw

   int offset = 24 - startIndex - length;   // 24 = 3 * 8
   message = message | (value << offset);

答案 1 :(得分:1)

正如所承诺的,这是我为此目的而创建的课程。它将在任意指定的索引处包装任意字节数组,并允许在位级别进行读/写。它提供了从其他字节数组读取/写入任意位块或使用用户定义的偏移量和长度读取/写入原始值的方法。它对我的情况非常有效,并解决了我上面提到的确切问题。但是,它确实有一些缺点。首先是它显然没有大量记录 -​​ 我只是没有时间。第二是没有界限或其他检查。它目前还需要MiscUtil库来提供endian转换。所有这一切,希望这可以帮助解决或作为具有类似用例的其他人的起点。

internal class BitField
    private readonly byte[] _bytes;
    private readonly int _offset;
    private EndianBitConverter _bitConverter = EndianBitConverter.Big;

    public BitField(byte[] bytes)
        : this(bytes, 0)

    //offset = the offset (in bytes) into the wrapped byte array
    public BitField(byte[] bytes, int offset)
        _bytes = bytes;
        _offset = offset;

    public BitField(int size)
        : this(new byte[size], 0)

    //fill == true = initially set all bits to 1
    public BitField(int size, bool fill)
        : this(new byte[size], 0)
        if (!fill) return;
        for(int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++)
            _bytes[i] = 0xff;

    public byte[] Bytes
        get { return _bytes; }

    public int Offset
        get { return _offset; }

    public EndianBitConverter BitConverter
        get { return _bitConverter; }
        set { _bitConverter = value; }

    public bool this[int bit]
        get { return IsBitSet(bit); }
        set { if (value) SetBit(bit); else ClearBit(bit); }

    public bool IsBitSet(int bit)
        return (_bytes[_offset + (bit / 8)] & (1 << (7 - (bit % 8)))) != 0;

    public void SetBit(int bit)
        _bytes[_offset + (bit / 8)] |= unchecked((byte)(1 << (7 - (bit % 8))));

    public void ClearBit(int bit)
        _bytes[_offset + (bit / 8)] &= unchecked((byte)~(1 << (7 - (bit % 8))));

    //index = the index of the source BitField at which to start getting bits
    //length = the number of bits to get
    //size = the total number of bytes required (0 for arbitrary length return array)
    //fill == true = set all padding bits to 1
    public byte[] GetBytes(int index, int length, int size, bool fill)
        if(size == 0) size = (length + 7) / 8;
        BitField bitField = new BitField(size, fill);
        for(int s = index, d = (size * 8) - length ; s < index + length && d < (size * 8) ; s++, d++)
            bitField[d] = IsBitSet(s);
        return bitField._bytes;

    public byte[] GetBytes(int index, int length, int size)
        return GetBytes(index, length, size, false);

    public byte[] GetBytes(int index, int length)
        return GetBytes(index, length, 0, false);

    //bytesIndex = the index (in bits) into the bytes array at which to start copying
    //index = the index (in bits) in this BitField at which to put the value
    //length = the number of bits to copy from the bytes array
    public void SetBytes(byte[] bytes, int bytesIndex, int index, int length)
        BitField bitField = new BitField(bytes);
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
            this[index + i] = bitField[bytesIndex + i];

    public void SetBytes(byte[] bytes, int index, int length)
        SetBytes(bytes, 0, index, length);

    public void SetBytes(byte[] bytes, int index)
        SetBytes(bytes, 0, index, bytes.Length * 8);


    //index = the index (in bits) at which to start getting the value
    //length = the number of bits to use for the value, if less than required the value is padded with 0
    public ushort GetUInt16(int index, int length)
        return _bitConverter.ToUInt16(GetBytes(index, length, 2), 0);

    public ushort GetUInt16(int index)
        return GetUInt16(index, 16);

    //valueIndex = the index (in bits) of the value at which to start copying
    //index = the index (in bits) in this BitField at which to put the value
    //length = the number of bits to copy from the value
    public void Set(ushort value, int valueIndex, int index, int length)
        SetBytes(_bitConverter.GetBytes(value), valueIndex, index, length);

    public void Set(ushort value, int index)
        Set(value, 0, index, 16);


    public uint GetUInt32(int index, int length)
        return _bitConverter.ToUInt32(GetBytes(index, length, 4), 0);

    public uint GetUInt32(int index)
        return GetUInt32(index, 32);

    public void Set(uint value, int valueIndex, int index, int length)
        SetBytes(_bitConverter.GetBytes(value), valueIndex, index, length);

    public void Set(uint value, int index)
        Set(value, 0, index, 32);


    public ulong GetUInt64(int index, int length)
        return _bitConverter.ToUInt64(GetBytes(index, length, 8), 0);

    public ulong GetUInt64(int index)
        return GetUInt64(index, 64);

    public void Set(ulong value, int valueIndex, int index, int length)
        SetBytes(_bitConverter.GetBytes(value), valueIndex, index, length);

    public void Set(ulong value, int index)
        Set(value, 0, index, 64);


    public short GetInt16(int index, int length)
        return _bitConverter.ToInt16(GetBytes(index, length, 2, IsBitSet(index)), 0);

    public short GetInt16(int index)
        return GetInt16(index, 16);

    public void Set(short value, int valueIndex, int index, int length)
        SetBytes(_bitConverter.GetBytes(value), valueIndex, index, length);

    public void Set(short value, int index)
        Set(value, 0, index, 16);


    public int GetInt32(int index, int length)
        return _bitConverter.ToInt32(GetBytes(index, length, 4, IsBitSet(index)), 0);

    public int GetInt32(int index)
        return GetInt32(index, 32);

    public void Set(int value, int valueIndex, int index, int length)
        SetBytes(_bitConverter.GetBytes(value), valueIndex, index, length);

    public void Set(int value, int index)
        Set(value, 0, index, 32);


    public long GetInt64(int index, int length)
        return _bitConverter.ToInt64(GetBytes(index, length, 8, IsBitSet(index)), 0);

    public long GetInt64(int index)
        return GetInt64(index, 64);

    public void Set(long value, int valueIndex, int index, int length)
        SetBytes(_bitConverter.GetBytes(value), valueIndex, index, length);

    public void Set(long value, int index)
        Set(value, 0, index, 64);


    public char GetChar(int index, int length)
        return _bitConverter.ToChar(GetBytes(index, length, 2), 0);

    public char GetChar(int index)
        return GetChar(index, 16);

    public void Set(char value, int valueIndex, int index, int length)
        SetBytes(_bitConverter.GetBytes(value), valueIndex, index, length);

    public void Set(char value, int index)
        Set(value, 0, index, 16);


    public bool GetBool(int index, int length)
        return _bitConverter.ToBoolean(GetBytes(index, length, 1), 0);

    public bool GetBool(int index)
        return GetBool(index, 8);

    public void Set(bool value, int valueIndex, int index, int length)
        SetBytes(_bitConverter.GetBytes(value), valueIndex, index, length);

    public void Set(bool value, int index)
        Set(value, 0, index, 8);

    //Single and double precision floating point values must always use the correct number of bits
    public float GetSingle(int index)
        return _bitConverter.ToSingle(GetBytes(index, 32, 4), 0);

    public void SetSingle(float value, int index)
        SetBytes(_bitConverter.GetBytes(value), 0, index, 32);

    public double GetDouble(int index)
        return _bitConverter.ToDouble(GetBytes(index, 64, 8), 0);

    public void SetDouble(double value, int index)
        SetBytes(_bitConverter.GetBytes(value), 0, index, 64);

答案 2 :(得分:0)


  1. 从您选择中最远的数字开始(startIndex + length)。
  2. 如果已设置,请添加2 ^(距离数字的距离)。在这种情况下,它将为0(mostDistance - self = 0)。所以加2 ^ 0(1)。
  3. 向左移动一位。
  4. 对所需长度的每个数字重复一次。
  5. 在那种情况下,如果你有一个像这样的位数:



    [Index 3]   [Index 2]   [Index 1]   [Index 0]
    (3 - 3)     (3 - 2)     (3 - 1)     (3 - 0)
    (0 * 2^0) + (0 * 2^1) + (0 * 2^2) + (1 * 2^3) = 8

    由于1000(二进制)== 8,数学计算出来了。

答案 3 :(得分:0)


int data = Convert.ToInt32( "110000000010000000100001", 2 );

bool v1 = ( data & 1 ) == 1; // True
int v2 = ( data >> 1 ) & 0x1F; // 16
int v3 = ( data >> 6 ) & 0xFF; // 128
uint v4 = (uint )( data >> 14 ) & 0x1FF; // 256
bool v5 = ( data >> 23 ) == 1; // True
