赠品命令时间转换错误 Discord.Py

时间:2021-03-03 22:21:01

标签: python discord.py



def convert(time):
  pos = ["s","m","h","d"]

  time_dict = {"s" : 1, "m" : 60, "h" : 3600, "d": 3600*24}

  unit = time[-1]

  if unit not in pos:
    return -1
    val = int(time[:-1])
    return -2

  return val * time_dict[unit]


@commands.has_permissions(manage_messages  = True)
async def giveaway(ctx, time : str, *, prize: str):

    embed = discord.Embed(title=prize,
                          description=f"Hosted by - {ctx.author.mention}\nReact with :tada: to enter!\nTime Remaining: **{time}** seconds",
                          color=ctx.guild.me.top_role.color, )

    msg = await ctx.channel.send(content=":tada: **GIVEAWAY** :tada:", embed=embed)
    await msg.add_reaction("?")
    await asyncio.sleep(3)
    new_msg = await ctx.channel.fetch_message(msg.id)

    user_list = [u for u in await new_msg.reactions[0].users().flatten() if u != client.user] # Check the reactions/don't count the bot reaction

    if len(user_list) == 0:
        await ctx.send("No one reacted.") 
        winner = random.choice(user_list)
        await ctx.send(f"{winner.mention} You have won the {prize}!")         

当我输入 2m 表示 2 分钟时,它显示剩余 2m 秒,现在我知道为什么显示秒了,因为我还没有更新响应,但时间只有 2 秒加上 3 秒的延迟时间。基本上一共6秒左右。

我只是从堆栈溢出中抛出了 2 个命令,这就像放入兰博基尼缸垫和道奇发动机缸体一样,我知道它不应该起作用,即使稍作修改,我也有点明白了现在错了,但我不知道如何解决

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

所以我修改了您的代码并稍微更改了 wrap :: Integral n => n -> a -> [a] -> [a] wrap _ y [] = [y] wrap n y xs = y : (insertAfter n xs) where insertAfter 0 zs = wrap n y zs insertAfter m [] = [] insertAfter m (z:zs) = z : insertAfter (m-1) zs 命令。经过一些修改后,该命令对我来说应该正常工作。这是我重新定义它的方式:


答案 1 :(得分:0)


import re
from discord.ext.commands import BadArgument

time_regex = re.compile(r"(?:(\d{1,5})(h|s|m|d))+?")
time_dict = {"h": 3600, "s": 1, "m": 60, "d": 86400}

def convert(argument):
  args = argument.lower()
  matches = re.findall(time_regex, args)
  time = 0
  for key, value in matches:
      time += time_dict[value] * float(key)
      raise BadArgument
  return round(time)