CC 部署在使用 baf 添加到现有超级账本结构网络 (v2.2.0) 中的对等点中失败

时间:2021-02-18 06:39:58

标签: hyperledger-fabric blockchain

我尝试使用 baf 在现有网络 (Fabric v2.2.0) 的现有组织中添加一个新对等点。成功了,新的peer也加入了频道。但是链码部署在新对等点中抛出错误。我能够打包链码并安装链码,但是“approvemyorg”抛出如下错误, 错误:在所有对等点上等待 txid 超时 因此,我从初始网络部署中的对等节点执行了批准迈org 步骤。那里批准成功。


然后我使用“对等生命周期链码 checkcommitreadiness”命令来 检查在新同行中获得批准的组织,它是 显示以下结果,{ "approvals": { "abcMSP": false, "defMSP": 假 } }

但是如果我在旧对等体中尝试相同的命令,它说正确 结果,{“批准”:{“abcMSP”:真,“defMSP”:真}}

Also, the invoke or query in the new peer is throwing,
**Error: endorsement failure during invoke. response: status:500 message:"make sure the chaincode fabcarv3 has been successfully defined on channel intainchannel and try again: chaincode fabcarv3 not found"**
**Error: endorsement failure during query. response: status:500 message:"make sure the chaincode fabcarv3 has been successfully defined on channel intainchannel and try again: chaincode fabcarv3 not found".**


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