
时间:2021-02-10 14:15:53

标签: javascript class inheritance


let hobbes = new Employee("Hobbes", 1000000, "Founder", null);
console.log(hobbes.bonus(0.05)); // 50000

let calvin = new Manager("Calvin", 130000, "Director", "Hobbes");
console.log(calvin.bonus(0.05)); // 6500

let susie = new Manager("Susie", 100000, "TA Manager", "Calvin");
console.log(susie.bonus(0.05)); // 14000

let lily = new Employee("Lily", 90000, "TA", "Susie");
console.log(lily.bonus(0.05)); // 4500

let clifford = new Employee("Clifford", 90000, "TA", "Susie");
console.log(clifford.bonus(0.05)); // 4500

但是我对从经理的女员工那里获得薪水感到困惑。从论文类。指示是。 您可以将计算一个经理的所有员工的总工资的逻辑提取到一个 totalSubsalary() 方法中。 为此,您可以遍历经理的每个员工,检查该员工是否是经理的实例,并计算总Subsalary。

class Employee {
  constructor(name, salary, title, bosss) {
    this.name = name;
    this.title = title;
    this.salary = salary;
    this.bosss = bosss;
  bonus(multiplier) {
    return this.salary * multiplier;

class Manager extends Employee {
  constructor(name, salary, title, employees) {
    super(name, salary, title);
    this.employees = employees;
  bonus(multiplier) {
    return this.salary * multiplier;
  totalSubSalary() {
    for (let key in this.employees) {
      const element = this.employees;
      console.log(this.name instanceof Manager);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


class Employee {
  constructor(name, salary, title) {
    this.name = name;
    this.title = title;
    this.salary = salary;
    this.bosss = null; // The manager will assign this
  bonus(multiplier) {
    return this.salary * multiplier;

class Manager extends Employee {
  constructor(name, salary, title, employees) {
    super(name, salary, title);
    // employees should be an array of Employee objects
    this.employees = employees;
    // Assign each employees manager to me
    this.employees.forEach((e) => {
      e.bosss = this;

  // No need to override bonus() function

  totalSubSalary() {
    return this.employees.reduce((a, b) => {return a + b.salary;}, 0);

// Create the employees
let hobbes = new Employee("Hobbes", 1000000, "Founder");
console.log(hobbes.bonus(0.05)); // 50000

let lily = new Employee("Lily", 90000, "TA");
console.log(lily.bonus(0.05)); // 4500

let clifford = new Employee("Clifford", 90000, "TA");
console.log(clifford.bonus(0.05)); // 4500

// Create the managers
let calvin = new Manager("Calvin", 130000, "Director", [hobbes]);
console.log(calvin.bonus(0.05)); // 6500

let susie = new Manager("Susie", 100000, "TA Manager", [lily, clifford]);
console.log(susie.bonus(0.05)); // 5000
