退出 GUI 时出现 NoneType 错误

时间:2021-01-25 15:45:16

标签: python python-3.x pysimplegui

在以下代码中,退出 GUI 时出现 NoneType 错误。 否则界面似乎工作正常,但退出时它告诉我“-Tables-”在第 77 行不可下标,即 'if values['-Tables-'] == True:'

我的猜测是我在破坏代码后以某种方式再次执行了 while 循环,或者其他什么? (我在中间取出了更多的 if 语句,但在添加这些单选按钮功能之前没有错误。)

import os 
import shutil
import sys
import math
import openpyxl
from datetime import datetime
from docx import Document
from docx.shared import Inches
from docx.oxml.table import CT_Tbl
from docx.oxml.text.paragraph import CT_P
from docx.table import Table
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import traceback

# Define the window's contents

tab1_layout =  [
          [sg.Text('Copy/Paste the row of the SC, CA, or CC from Teams')],
          [sg.Text('Customer name should have - rather than spaces')],
          [sg.Text(size=(40,5), key='-OUTPUT-')],
          [sg.Checkbox('Delete Revision History', default=True, key='-Rev-'), sg.Checkbox('My second Checkbox!')],

tab2_layout = [[sg.T('Use this page to:')],   
               [sg.T('    -Create a CC from a CA')], 
               [sg.T('    -Remove header info from a SOW to give to another SOW')], 
               [sg.T('    -Copy tables from one SOW to another')], 
               [sg.Radio('CA to CC', "RADIO", default=True, key='-CAtoCC-', enable_events=True), sg.Radio('Remove Customer Info', "RADIO", key='-RemoveCust-', enable_events=True), sg.Radio('Copy Tables', "RADIO", key='-Tables-', enable_events=True)],
               [sg.Checkbox('Header',disabled = True, key='-Head-'),sg.Checkbox('Hardware',disabled = True, key='-Hard-'),sg.Checkbox('Software', disabled = True, key='-Soft-'),sg.Checkbox('Calibration', disabled = True, key='-Cal-'),sg.Checkbox('Deliverables', disabled = True, key='-Deli-')],


layout = [[sg.TabGroup([[sg.Tab('Tab 1', tab1_layout, key='Tab 1'), sg.Tab('Tab 2', tab2_layout, key='Tab 2')]], key='tab')],   
          [sg.Button('Create'), sg.Button('Clear'), sg.Button('Quit')]

tableNames = ['Header', 'Hardware', 'Software', 'Calibration', 'Deliverables']
tableKeys = ['-Head-', '-Hard-', '-Soft-', '-Cal-', '-Deli-']

# Create the window
window = sg.Window('SOW and CA Creator', layout)
    # Display and interact with the Window using an Event Loop
    while True:
        event, values = window.read()      
        if values['-Tables-'] == True:
            for i in tableKeys  :
               window[i].Update(disabled = False)

        if values['-Tables-'] == False:
            for i in tableKeys  :
                window[i].Update(disabled = True)

        if event == 'Create' and values['-in1-'] != '' and values['-in2-'] != '' and values['tab'] == 'Tab 2' and values['CAtoCC']:

       # See if user wants to quit or window was closed
        if event in (sg.WINDOW_CLOSED, 'Quit' ):

except Exception as e:
    tb = traceback.format_exc()
    sg.Print(f'An error happened.  Here is the info:', e, tb)
    sg.popup_error(f'AN EXCEPTION OCCURRED!', e, tb)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


event, values = window.read()

当点击窗口关闭按钮时,您可能会得到 None, Noneevent, values

那么如果你用 values[key] 表示值是 None,那么你会得到

TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

所以总是在上一条语句之后立即检查 sg.WINDOW_CLOSED 语句,例如

while True:
    event, values = window.read()
    if event == sg.WINDOW_CLOSED:


    print(event, values)
