
时间:2021-01-20 16:56:35

标签: python pygame

我创建了一个程序来为形状设置动画,我只移动了 x 轴或 y 轴,从来没有同时移动过这两个轴。所以对角移动对我来说是全新的。下面是我的代码:

    Author: Victor Xu

    Date: January 20th, 2021

    Description: Animating Shapes with pygame

    1. Modify the animation of the red_box so that when it hits 
       the left or right side of the window it changes direction. (COMPLETED)

    2. Add a green_rect (40x20) Surface that moves in up and down.
       It should change its y direction when it hits to top or bottom 
       of the window. (COMPLETED)

    3. Add a blue_circle (24x24) Surface that moves in a diagonal path.
       If it hits the top or bottom of the window reverse its 
       y direction, and if it hits the left or right of the window
       reverse its x direction.

import pygame

def main():
    '''This function defines the 'mainline logic' for our game.'''

    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480))
    pygame.display.set_caption("Crazy Shapes Animation")

    background = pygame.Surface(screen.get_size())
    background = background.convert()
    background.fill((255, 255, 255))  # white background

    # Make a red 25 x 25 box
    red_box = pygame.Surface((25, 25))
    red_box = red_box.convert()
    red_box.fill((255, 0, 0))

    # Make a green 40 x 20 rectangle
    green_rect = pygame.Surface((40, 20))
    green_rect = green_rect.convert()
    green_rect.fill((0, 255, 0))

    # Make a blue 24 x 24 circle
    blue_circ = pygame.Surface((24, 24))
    blue_circ = blue_circ.convert()
    blue_circ.fill((0, 0, 255))
    pygame.draw.circle(blue_circ, (0, 0, 255), (25, 25), 24)

    # A - ACTION (broken into ALTER steps)

    # ASSIGN
    clock = pygame.time.Clock()
    keepGoing = True

    red_box_x = 0  # Assign starting (x,y)
    red_box_y = 200  # for our red box
    move_red_x = 5

    green_rect_x = 300  # Assign starting (x,y)
    green_rect_y = 200  # for our green rectangle
    move_rect_y = 5

    blue_circ_x = 640  # Assign starting (x,y)
    blue_circ_y = 0  # for our blue circle
    move_circ_x = 5
    move_circ_y = 5

    # LOOP
    while keepGoing:

        # TIMER

        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                keepGoing = False

        # change x coordinate of red box
        red_box_x += move_red_x
        # check boundaries, to bounce off wall
        if red_box_x >= screen.get_width():
            red_box_x = screen.get_width()
            move_red_x *= -1
        if red_box_x <= 0:
            red_box_x = 0
            move_red_x *= -1

        # change y coordinate of green rectangle
        green_rect_y += move_rect_y
        # check boundaries, to bounce off wall
        if green_rect_y >= screen.get_height():
            green_rect_y = screen.get_height()
            move_rect_y *= -1
        if green_rect_y <= 0:
            green_rect_y = 0
            move_rect_y *= -1

        # REFRESH (update window)
        screen.blit(background, (0, 0))
        screen.blit(green_rect, (green_rect_x, green_rect_y))  # blit rectangle at new (x,y) location
        screen.blit(red_box, (red_box_x, red_box_y))  # blit box at new (x,y) location

    # Close the game window

# Call the main function


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我将提供一个更通用的方法。定义对象在途中应访问的位置列表 (circle_pos_list)。设置起始位置(circle_pos)、速度(circle_speed)和列表中下一个目标位置的索引(next_pos_index)。

circle_pos_list = [(100, 100), (200, 150), (100, 150)]
circle_pos = circle_pos_list[0]
circle_speed = 5
next_pos_index = 1


circle_dir = pygame.math.Vector2(circle_pos_list[next_pos_index]) - circle_pos


if circle_dir.length() < circle_speed:
    circle_pos = circle_pos_list[next_pos_index]
    next_pos_index = (next_pos_index + 1) % len(circle_pos_list)


new_pos = pygame.math.Vector2(circle_pos) + circle_dir
circle_pos = (new_pos.x, new_pos.y)


def main():
    # [...]

    blue_circ = pygame.Surface((24, 24))
    blue_circ.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0))
    pygame.draw.circle(blue_circ, (0, 0, 255), (12, 12), 12)

    # [...]

    circle_pos_list = [(100, 100), (200, 150), (100, 150)]
    circle_pos = circle_pos_list[0]
    circle_speed = 5
    next_pos_index = 1

    # LOOP
    while keepGoing:
        # [...]

        circle_dir = pygame.math.Vector2(circle_pos_list[next_pos_index]) - circle_pos
        if circle_dir.length() < circle_speed:
            circle_pos = circle_pos_list[next_pos_index]
            next_pos_index = (next_pos_index + 1) % len(circle_pos_list)
            new_pos = pygame.math.Vector2(circle_pos) + circle_dir
            circle_pos = (new_pos.x, new_pos.y)

        # [...]

        screen.blit(blue_circ, (round(circle_pos[0]), round(circle_pos[1])))

        # [...]