double[][] sales = new double[ 5 ][ 4 ]
sales[ product - 1 ][ person - 1 ] += amount;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Sales2
public static void main( String[] args )
Scanner input = new Scanner( System.in );
// sales array holds data on number of each product sold
// by each salesperson
double[][] sales = new double[ 5 ][ 4 ]; // 5 salespeople,
//4 products each person
System.out.print( "Enter salesperson number (-1 to end): " );
int person = input.nextInt(); // the salesperson index
while (person != -1)
System.out.print( "Enter product number: " );
int product = input.nextInt(); // the product index
// prompt user to enter product number and save it as an integer
System.out.print( "Enter sales amount: " );
double sales = input.nextInt();
// promp to enter sales amont and save it as double
sales[ product - 1 ][ person - 1 ] += amount;
// Having trouble with the following. I tried to manipulate
// the above array but nothing will work. thanks
// error-check the input number for the array boundary
// that is the person index should be 0 - 3
// and the product index should be 0 - 4
// notice that array index start with 0
// save the input to the sales
//array like sales[ product - 1 ][ person - 1 ] += amount;
// or print message for the out of boundary input
System.out.print( "Enter salesperson number (-1 to end): " );
person = input.nextInt(); // input for next sales person
} // end while
// total for each salesperson
double[] salesPersonTotal = new double[ 4 ];
// display the table
for ( int column = 0; column < 4; column++ )
salesPersonTotal[ column ] = 0; // Initialize the array
System.out.printf( "%8s%14s%14s%14s%14s%10s\n",
"Product", "Salesperson 1", "Salesperson 2",
"Salesperson 3", "Salesperson 4", "Total" );
// To do -
// for each column of each row, print the appropriate
// value representing a person's sales of a product
// and calculate and print out the total for each product
System.out.printf( "%25s","1", "2", "3",
"4", "5" );
// To do -
// print out for each sales person total
// I have been messing with these numbers but
//it doesnt seem to be working.
} // end main
} // end class Sales2
答案 0 :(得分:3)
double[][] sales = new double[ 5 ][ 4 ];
double sales = input.nextInt();
sales[ product - 1 ][ person - 1 ] += amount;
double amount = input.nextInt();
sales[ product - 1 ][ person - 1 ] += amount;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Map<Integer,Map<Integer,Integer>> saleMap= new HashMap<Integer,Map<Integer,Integer>>;
Map<Integer,Integer> productMountMap = new HashMap<Integer,Integer>;
//.. add more proudct mount map as you like. you don't need worry about the violate index
//Get one person's data using "person" as the key.
Map<Integer,Integer> b = saleMap.get(person) // so you get the product mount map.