
时间:2011-07-02 18:06:01

标签: java algorithm recursion


97 47 56 36 60 31 57 54 12 55 
35 57 41 13 82 80 71 93 31 62 
89 36 98 75 91 46 95 53 37 99 
25 45 26 17 15 82 80 73 96 17 
75 22 63 96 96 36 64 31 99 86 
12 80 42 74 54 14 93 17 14 55 
14 15 20 71 34 50 22 60 32 41 
90 69 44 52 54 73 20 12 55 52 
39 33 25 31 76 45 44 84 90 52 
94 35 55 24 41 63 87 93 79 24


(5,0)   with value 12
(6,0)   with value 14
(6,1)   with value 15
(6,2)   with value 20
(7,2)   with value 44
(7,3)   with value 52
(7,4)   with value 54
(6,3)   with value 71
(5,3)   with value 74
(4,3)   with value 96



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:26)




int original[m][n] = {...};
int longest[m][n] = {0};

int find() {
    int max = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
            int current = findfor(i, j);
            if (current > max) { max = current; }
    return max;

int findfor(int i, int j) {
    if (longest[i][j] == 0) {
        int max = 0;
        for (int k = -1; k <= 1; k++) {
            for (int l = -1; l <= 1; l++) {
                if (!(k == 0 && l == 0) &&
                    i + k >= 0 && i + k < m &&
                    j + l >= 0 && j + l < n &&
                    original[i + k][j + l] > original[i][j]
                    int current = findfor(i + k, j + l);
                    if (current > max) { max = current; }
        longest[i][j] = max + 1;
    return longest[i][j];



2)如果没有周围点更大,则此路径结束; else 选择一个更大的环绕点继续路径,然后转到2)。










for all local minimum
  do a recursive_search

recursive_search (point)
  if point is local maximum
    end, and compare (and substitute if necessary) longest
    for all greater surrounding points
      do a recursive_search

答案 1 :(得分:1)

另一种方法:按矩阵条目中的值对矩阵条目进行排序。从最大到最小的迭代。对于每个条目,计算恒定时间内的最长路径:对于较大的邻居(已经计算过的),最长路径是最长路径的1 +最大值。

总时间:O(mn log(mn))对矩阵条目进行排序,加上O(mn)以查找最长路径。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

java完整解决方案 它将pathes返回到控制台,并返回最长的序列,但您几乎无法修改此代码,并且您也将获得最长的路径

public class HedgehogProblemSolver {

private int rowCount;
private int columnCount;
private int[][] fieldArray;
private int maxApplesCount = 0;

public HedgehogProblemSolver(int inputArray[][]) {
    this.fieldArray = inputArray;
    rowCount = inputArray.length;
    columnCount = inputArray[0].length;

public int solveProblem() {
    findPathRecursive(0, 0, "", 0);
    System.out.println("Max apple count: " + maxApplesCount);
    return maxApplesCount;

private void findPathRecursive(int row, int column, String path, int applesCount) {
    if (row == rowCount - 1) {
        //last row
        for (int i = column; i < columnCount; i++) {
            //just go right until last column
            path += "-[" + fieldArray[row][i]  + "](" + row + ", " + i + ")";
            applesCount += fieldArray[row][i];
        pathResult(path, applesCount);
    if (column == columnCount - 1) {
        //last column
        for (int i = row; i <= rowCount - 1; i++) {
            //just go down until last row
            path += "-[" + fieldArray[i][column] + "](" + i + ", " + column + ")";
            applesCount += fieldArray[i][column];
        pathResult(path, applesCount);

    path = path + "-[" + fieldArray[row][column] + "](" + row + ", " + column + ")";
    applesCount += fieldArray[row][column];

    //go down
    findPathRecursive(row + 1, column, path, applesCount);
    //go right
    findPathRecursive(row, column + 1, path, applesCount);

private void pathResult(String path, int applesCount) {
    System.out.println("Path: " + path + "; apples: " + applesCount);
    if (applesCount > maxApplesCount) {
        maxApplesCount = applesCount;


答案 3 :(得分:0)

我知道这是一个非常古老的问题,但是,我正在阅读Lubomir Stanchev的书“通过游戏学习Java”,而第14章项目就是精确的二维整数数组。分配是找到最长的增加序列,但只能在两个方向,南方和东方,没有对角线或任何东西。我花了几个小时才弄清楚逻辑,也不习惯递归。 我通过创建辅助方法来简化问题,该方法检查下一个索引在该方向上是否有效(即,不超出界限且大于当前值)。然后我将基础案例放在方法的开头,即没有下一个可能的索引时。棘手的部分是String变量的赋值,因此每次方法使用递归时索引都保存在String中。当有多个可能的路径时,我通过使用String.length()方法来比较每个序列的长度。 有了基本的逻辑,为了扩展方法,它需要的是在所需的方向上创建更多的辅助方法,并将这些方向添加到逻辑中。

public static boolean isRightLegal(int[][] array, int row, int column) {
    //if we are at the last column
    if (column >= array[row].length - 1) {
        return false;
    //if we are not at the one before last
    if ((column + 1) < array[row].length) {
        //if the current number is greater than the next
        if (array[row][column] > array[row][column + 1]) {
            return false;
    return true;

public static boolean isDownLegal(int[][] array, int row, int column) {
    //if we are at the last row
    if (row >= array.length - 1) {
        return false;
    //if we are not at the one before last
    if ((row + 1) < array.length) {
        //if the current number is greater than the next
        if (array[row][column] > array[row + 1][column]) {
            return false;
    return true;

public static String recursiveSequence(int[][] array, int row, int column, String path) {
    //base case: when we reach the end of the sequence
    if (! isDownLegal(array, row, column) && ! isRightLegal(array, row, column)) {
        return "(" + row + "," + column + ") ";
    path = "(" + row + "," + column + ") ";
    //if both paths are valid
    if (isDownLegal(array, row, column) && isRightLegal(array, row, column)) {
        //calculate each sequence and pick the longest one
        if (recursiveSequence(array, (row + 1), column, path).length() > recursiveSequence(array, row, (column + 1), path).length()) {
            path += recursiveSequence(array, (row + 1), column, path);
        } else {
            path += recursiveSequence(array, row, (column + 1), path);
        return path;
    //if only the down path is valid
    if (isDownLegal(array, row, column)) {
        path += recursiveSequence(array, (row + 1), column, path);
    //if only the right path is valid
    if (isRightLegal(array, row, column)) {
        path += recursiveSequence(array, row, (column + 1), path);
    return path;
