我正在尝试实现前馈反向传播自动编码器(梯度下降训练),并想验证我是否正确计算了渐变。这个tutorial建议一次计算一个参数的导数:grad_i(theta) = (J(theta_i+epsilon) - J(theta_i-epsilon)) / (2*epsilon)
。我已经在Matlab中编写了一段代码来做这件事,但没有太多运气 - 从衍生物计算的梯度与数值发现的梯度之间的差异往往是较大的(>> 4个有效数字)。
numHidden = 200;
numVisible = 784;
low = -4*sqrt(6./(numHidden + numVisible));
high = 4*sqrt(6./(numHidden + numVisible));
encoder = low + (high-low)*rand(numVisible, numHidden);
decoder = low + (high-low)*rand(numHidden, numVisible);
a = sigmoid(x*encoder);
z = sigmoid(a*decoder); % (reconstruction of x)
我使用的损失函数是标准Σ(0.5 *(z - x)^ 2)):
% first calculate the error by finding the derivative of sum(0.5*(z-x).^2),
% which is (f(h)-x)*f'(h), where z = f(h), h = a*decoder, and
% f = sigmoid(x). However, since the derivative of the sigmoid is
% sigmoid*(1 - sigmoid), we get:
error_0 = (z - x).*z.*(1-z);
% The gradient \Delta w_{ji} = error_j*a_i
gDecoder = error_0'*a;
% not important, but included for completeness
% do back-propagation one layer down
error_1 = (error_0*encoder).*a.*(1-a);
gEncoder = error_1'*x;
epsilon = 10e-5;
check = gDecoder(:); % the values we obtained above
for i = 1:size(decoder(:), 1)
% calculate J+
theta = decoder(:); % unroll
theta(i) = theta(i) + epsilon;
decoderp = reshape(theta, size(decoder)); % re-roll
a = sigmoid(x*encoder);
z = sigmoid(a*decoderp);
Jp = sum(0.5*(z - x).^2);
% calculate J-
theta = decoder(:);
theta(i) = theta(i) - epsilon;
decoderp = reshape(theta, size(decoder));
a = sigmoid(x*encoder);
z = sigmoid(a*decoderp);
Jm = sum(0.5*(z - x).^2);
grad_i = (Jp - Jm) / (2*epsilon);
diff = abs(grad_i - check(i));
fprintf('%d: %f <=> %f: %f\n', i, grad_i, check(i), diff);
2: 0.093885 <=> 0.028398: 0.065487
3: 0.066285 <=> 0.031096: 0.035189
5: 0.053074 <=> 0.019839: 0.033235
6: 0.108249 <=> 0.042407: 0.065843
7: 0.091576 <=> 0.009014: 0.082562
答案 0 :(得分:0)
a = x*encoder;
z = sigmoid(a*decoderp);