
时间:2020-11-12 17:27:28

标签: c++


非常感谢您的帮助;我到目前为止所拥有的是下面。现在,我的调用DecisionElapsedTime函数的TimeDiff变量正在返回垃圾。我不确定我是否正确设置了结构。我是C ++的新手,因此深表感谢。谢谢。


#include <iostream>
#include "C1A7E1_MyTime.h"
using namespace std;

MyTime* DetermineElapsedTime(const MyTime* StartTime, const MyTime* StopTime);

int main()
    MyTime StartTime, StopTime;
    MyTime *TimeDiff;

    for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++);
        cout << "Please enter a Start and Stop Time that is space seperated on "
            "the same line in the following colon-delimited format "
            "(HH:MM:SS): ";

        // Declare Colon delimiters
        char Colon1, Colon2, Colon3, Colon4;

        // Get users input
        cin >> StartTime.hours >> Colon1 >> StartTime.minutes >> Colon2
            >> StartTime.seconds >> StopTime.hours >> Colon3
            >> StopTime.minutes >> Colon4 >> StopTime.seconds;

        TimeDiff = DetermineElapsedTime(&StartTime, &StopTime);

        cout << "\nThe time elapsed from " << StartTime.hours << Colon1
            << StartTime.minutes << Colon2 << StartTime.seconds << " to "
            << StopTime.hours << Colon3 << StopTime.minutes
            << Colon4 << StopTime.seconds << " is " << TimeDiff;
    return 0;


#include "C1A7E1_MyTime.h"
#define HR_SECONDS 3600;
#define MIN_SECONDS 60;
using namespace std;

MyTime *DetermineElapsedTime(const MyTime *StartTime, const MyTime *StopTime)
    // Declare static MyTime structure to store elapsed time in
    MyTime static ElapsedTime;

    // Pull out Start Time in seconds
    long int Start_Hr = StartTime->hours * HR_SECONDS;
    int Start_Min = StartTime->minutes * MIN_SECONDS;
    int Start_Sec = StartTime->seconds;

    // Total the number of seconds in start time
    int TotalStart = Start_Hr + Start_Min + Start_Sec;

    // Pull out Stop Time in seconds
    long int Stop_Hr = StopTime->hours * HR_SECONDS;
    int Stop_Min = StopTime->minutes * MIN_SECONDS;
    int Stop_Sec = StopTime->seconds;

    // Total the number of seconds in stop time
    int TotalStop = Stop_Hr + Stop_Min + Stop_Sec;
    // Find the difference in start/stop time
    long int TimeDiff = (TotalStop - TotalStart);
    // If stop time is less than start time (new day) then make it positive
    if (TimeDiff <= 0)
        TimeDiff = -TimeDiff;
    // Find time difference in hours
    int ElapsedHr = TimeDiff / HR_SECONDS;
    ElapsedTime.hours = ElapsedHr;

    // Find time difference in minutes
    int FirstSub = ElapsedHr * HR_SECONDS;
    int remainingSeconds = (TimeDiff) - FirstSub;
    int ElapsedMin = remainingSeconds / MIN_SECONDS;
    ElapsedTime.minutes = ElapsedMin;

    // Find time difference in seconds
    int SecondSub = ElapsedMin * MIN_SECONDS;
    remainingSeconds = remainingSeconds - SecondSub;
    int ElapsedSec = remainingSeconds;
    ElapsedTime.seconds = ElapsedSec;

    //Return address of elapsed time


#ifndef C1A7E1_MYTIME_H // Header Guard
#define C1A7E1_MYTIME_H

//Structure Definition and declaration of structur variables
struct MyTime
    int hours, minutes, seconds;


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