我当前的代码无法在MS Visual Studio中正常运行?

时间:2020-10-15 03:54:53

标签: c++ visual-studio visual-c++ compiler-errors







$ 0-$ 100,000500点

$ 100,001-$ 1,000,000 1,500点

B $ 1,000,001-$ 2,000,000 2,000点

$ 2,000,001-$ 3,000,000 2,500点

C $ 3,000,001-$ 4,000,000 3,000点

$ 4,000,001和5,000点以上



#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
float salesamounts; //sales made 
int username; // Sales rep name
int main()
    cout << “Please enter your sales made for the year: $”
    cin >> salesamounts;
    cout << endl;

    // exception on program
    if (salesamounts <= -1);
        if (salesamounts <= -1);
            cout << “Value cannot be negative. Please input again.”
    // Group A placement
    for (;salesamount <= 100000;)
        if ((salesamounts <= 100000) 
        cout << “Congratulations! You earned 500 Bonus Points!”
    for (; salesamounts > 100001 < 1000000;)
        if ((salesamounts > 100001 < 1000000));
            cout << “Congrats! 10000 Bonus Points have been credited to you!”

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main()
   double salesamounts; //sales made 

   int username; // Sales rep name

   cout << "Please enter your sales made for the year : $" << endl;

   while (cin >> salesamounts) {
          // exception on program
          if (salesamounts < 0.0) {
                 cout << "Value cannot be negative.Please input again." << endl;

          //judge salesamounts
          else if (salesamounts>0.0 && salesamounts <= 100000.0) {
                 cout << "Congratulations!You earned 500 Bonus Points!" << endl;
          else if (salesamounts > 100000.0 && salesamounts <= 1000000.0) {
                 cout << "Congrats!1500 Bonus Points have been credited to you!" << endl;
          else if (salesamounts > 1000000.0 && salesamounts <= 2000000.0) {
                 cout << "Congrats!2,000 Bonus Points have been credited to you!" << endl;
          else if (salesamounts > 2000000.0 && salesamounts <= 3000000.0) {
                 cout << "Congrats!2,500 Bonus Points have been credited to you!" << endl;
          else if (salesamounts > 3000000.0 && salesamounts <= 4000000.0) {
                 cout << "Congrats!3,000 Bonus Points have been credited to you!" << endl;
          else if (salesamounts > 4000000.0 ) {
                 cout << "Congrats!5,000 Bonus Points have been credited to you!" << endl;
          else {

顺便说一句,您也可以使用switch statement进行此操作。

答案 1 :(得分:0)



float salesamounts;
cout<<"Enter the sales amounts for the year:";   //the program will prompt the user initially
cin>>salesamounts;   //user inputs the value here
while(salesamounts<0)   //this line checks if the value is negative, if yes, it'll continue running this block till the value is non-negative
    cout<<"Negative numbers not allowed. Please enter again: ";   //Suppose the value is negative. Then the program will display this line and prompt the user to enter again
    cin>>salesamounts;   //user enters the value again

程序的下一步是检查用户输入,并使程序采取相应的措施。 if-else语句将完美地做到这一点:

if (salesamount<=100000)   //checks the value. If this is true, then then the following line will run. Else, the program will move to the next check.
cout<<"Bonus point is 500";   //displays the output if the above condition is correct
else if (salesamount<=1000000)   //second check
cout<<"Bonus point is 1500";   //displays if the second condition is true
cout<<"Bonus point is 5000";


仅说明一下,仅当您希望特定代码块重复运行时才使用循环,而要检查或比较两个值,则使用 if-else < / strong>声明。

请注意:我没有将第二张支票写成if (salesamounts>=100001 && salesamounts<=1000000),而且我给的最后一张支票也只有else,而不是else if。 / p>