test = {0:['loc_a','loc_b','loc_c'],1:['new_list','new_list','change_list'],2:['abc','abc','abc'],3:['def','change_list','def'],4:['ghi','def','ghi'],5:['change_list','ghi','jkl'],6:['jkl','jkl','mno'],7:['mno','pqr','pqr']}
test = pd.DataFrame(test)
test2 = {'location':['loc_a','loc_a','loc_a','loc_a','loc_a'],'list_type':['new_list','new_list','new_list','change_list','change_list'],'value':['abc','def','ghi','jkl','mno']}
test2 = pd.DataFrame(test2)
答案 0 :(得分:1)
data = []
for row in test.itertuples():
loc = row[1]
changelist_idx = row.index("change_list") + 1
newlist_idx = row.index("new_list") + 1
except ValueError:
newlist_idx = changelist_idx
newlist_values = row[newlist_idx:changelist_idx - 1]
changelist_values = row[changelist_idx:]
for value in newlist_values:
data.append([loc, "new_list", value])
for value in changelist_values:
data.append([loc, "change_list", value])
out = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["location", "list_type", "value"])
location list_type value
0 loc_a new_list abc
1 loc_a new_list def
2 loc_a new_list ghi
3 loc_a change_list jkl
4 loc_a change_list mno
5 loc_b new_list abc
6 loc_b change_list def
7 loc_b change_list ghi
8 loc_b change_list jkl
9 loc_b change_list pqr
10 loc_c change_list abc
11 loc_c change_list def
12 loc_c change_list ghi
13 loc_c change_list jkl
14 loc_c change_list mno
15 loc_c change_list pqr
答案 1 :(得分:1)
.groupby(0, sort=False)["value"]
.assign(list_type=lambda x: x.loc[x["value"].str.contains("list"), "value"])
location value list_type
1 loc_a abc new_list
2 loc_a def new_list
3 loc_a ghi new_list
5 loc_a jkl change_list
6 loc_a mno change_list
8 loc_b abc new_list
10 loc_b def change_list
11 loc_b ghi change_list
12 loc_b jkl change_list
13 loc_b pqr change_list
15 loc_c abc change_list
16 loc_c def change_list
17 loc_c ghi change_list
18 loc_c jkl change_list
19 loc_c mno change_list
20 loc_c pqr change_list
答案 2 :(得分:1)
# Collect the items you want to stack in a list.
test['lst'] = test[range(1, 8)].values.tolist()
df_all = pd.DataFrame()
# Create the desired DataFrame for each location.
for index, row in test.iterrows():
loc = row[0]
df_by_loc = pd.DataFrame()
for lst in row['lst']:
df = pd.DataFrame({'location': [loc]})
# If lst is 'new_list' or 'change_list', create list_type.
if lst is 'new_list':
list_type = 'new_list'
elif lst is 'change_list':
list_type = 'change_list'
# In cases other than the above, the item of 'list_type' and 'value' is actually created.
df['list_type'] = list_type
df['value'] = lst
# Create a DataFrame for each location by concating.
if lst not in ['new_list', 'change_list']:
df_by_loc = pd.concat([df_by_loc, df], axis=0)
df_all = pd.concat([df_all, df_by_loc], axis=0)
location list_type value
0 loc_a new_list abc
0 loc_a new_list def
0 loc_a new_list ghi
0 loc_a change_list jkl
0 loc_a change_list mno
0 loc_b new_list abc
0 loc_b change_list def
0 loc_b change_list ghi
0 loc_b change_list jkl
0 loc_b change_list pqr
0 loc_c change_list abc
0 loc_c change_list def
0 loc_c change_list ghi
0 loc_c change_list jkl
0 loc_c change_list mno
0 loc_c change_list pqr