
时间:2020-10-07 20:16:02

标签: python python-3.x dictionary


我有2个矩阵,一个用于Xbox信息,另一个具有PS4信息 给定Xbox矩阵,第一个函数创建字典。它查看矩阵内部的每个列表,并从每个列表中获取信息并将其添加到字典中。第二个函数采用def create_dictionary_xbox中已经制作的字典并将其添加到字典中。我正在尝试使其打印出如下内容:

{genre:{game:[info], game:[info]}}


def create_dictionary_xbox(lists_of_data):
    dictionary = {}
    for list_ in lists_of_data:
        game = list_[0]
        genre = list_[2]

        if genre not in dictionary:
            dictionary[genre] = {game : list_[3:]}
        elif genre in dictionary:
            (dictionary[genre])[game] = list_[3:]
    return dictionary
def create_dictionary_PS4(lists_of_data,dictionary):
    for list_ in lists_of_data:
        game = list_[0]
        genre = list_[2]

        for key in dictionary:
            if genre not in dictionary:
                dictionary[genre] = {game : list_[3:]}
            elif genre in dictionary:
                (dictionary[genre])[game] = list_[3:]

    return dictionary

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


['gameX', 'useless_info', 'genreX', 'info', 'info', ...]


complete_list = list_of_data1 + list_of_data2
    # make one list with all the data
dict_games = {genre : {} for genre in set([x[2] for x in complete_list])}
    # make a dict of dict with all genres

for game, _, genre, *info in complete_list:
    if game in dict_games[genre]:
        # check if the game exits on both list of data and sum the info
        info = info + dict_games[genre][game]
    dict_games[genre].update({game: info})
